NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 5, issue 4, October 15, 1992) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Xanthus Announces Laserman for the NeXT II. "Incomplete Guide to the Internet" is available III. Article from Trading Systems and Technology IV. NeXTSTEP Documentation: Addison-Wesley Publishers V. DBInspector - Sybase browser w/ Japanese interface available VI. NeXT and EDUCOM'92 (Baltimore, Maryland) VII. Open Positions: NeXT Developer (Southwest, Washington, Canada) VIII. Music CD ('91 Nashville MultiMedia Conference) by Paul Lansky IX. Versant Object Technology Announces NeXTSTEP version of ODBMS X. Metrosoft Announces MetroTools XI. GatorFTP+ App Makes Archive Access as Easy as Point and Click XII. Positions: Systems Engineer, NeXT Computer (Dallas, Atlanta) All previous Nugget News Digest issues are archived at the Purdue ftp archive site: under the following Mailbox format files and directories: April - June, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q2_1992.tar.Z July - September, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q3_1992.tar.Z Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups P.S. To be added or deleted from this distribution, please send email to "" ____________________________________________________________________ I. Xanthus Announces Laserman for the NeXT Xanthus International Announces LaserMan - the Laser Disc Player Controller for the NeXT Computer (Stockholm, October 1, 1992) Xanthus International AB today announced that it is shipping LaserMan, its Laser Disc Player control application for the NeXT computer platform. Aimed at both commercial and in-house corporate multimedia developers, LaserMan is an application for controlling Laser Disc Players from the NeXT computer. LaserMan can control Laser Disc Players either directly through a remote control on the computer screen, or through messages from other applications via a Speaker/Listener interface. For example, LaserMan can be used in combination with Xanthus CraftMan - the multimedia programming tool from Xanthus - to produce complete Laser Disc based multimedia applications in a very short time. LaserMan can also be used to control other consumer electronics like tape recorders and VCRs, and can be configured to control any device with a RS-232 interface. Xanthus International, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is a privately owned software development company that specializes in the NeXTSTEP platform. LaserMan is the second in a series of general-purpose productivity tools for NeXTSTEP. In May 1992 Xanthus started to ship its first product CraftMan, the multimedia programming tool for the NeXT computer. Xanthus International was founded in 1990. For more information about LaserMan please contact ____________________________________________________________________ II. "Incomplete Guide to the Internet" is available From: cfarmer@ncsa.uiuc.EDU (Chuck Farmer) Subject: Incomplete Guide to the Internet The "Incomplete Guide ..." is now available for anonymous FTP at: in the /misc directory. This manual basically a how to book for teachers and students. The first half of the text is devoted to the mechanics of telecommunications, how to connect, what to do once you are connected, etc. The second have the manual is devoted to current telecommunications projects, past successful projects, and resources. The resources include FTP sites, open BBS's and networks, Free-Nets, subscription services, and where to get more information on each resource. This resource was complied by the Living Lab program (NSF funded) at NCSA as an attempt to encourage the proliferation of HPCC use in the K-12 classroom. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Chuck Farmer Education Group National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) 152 Computer Applications Building 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL. 61820 Thanx Chuck ____________________________________________________________________ III. Article from Trading Systems and Technology Trading Systems and Technology September 21, 1992 Pages 11 - 12 Workstations and Analytics Trade School? Carnegie Teams With Reuters, NeXT and Others The Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh has launched a so-called simulated global trading program for research and education. Under the scheme, the university will work closely with trading-room system vendors to develop and test new products and to port existing products to new platforms. At the heart of the program- which is called Financial Analysis and Security Trading (FAST) - is the so-called simulated trading room. The room will serve as both a classroom for would-be traders and a lab for testing quantitative trading strategies. For FAST, Carnegie Mellon has corralled a big-name group of industry and technology partners, including Citibank, Fuji Bank, IBM, J.P. Morgan & Co., Leading Market Technologies Inc., Lotus Development Corp., Mellon Bank, Merrill Lynch & Co., Morgan Stanley & Co., NeXT Computer Inc., Northern Telecom, Reuters and Sequent Computer Systems Inc. The users of the simulated trading room will be business-school students and faculty, as well as vendor representatives and professionals from partner firms. While they'll display and manipulate actual real-time market data, they won't trade with real money. A number of tests are already scheduled. Developers from Reuters -- which will be FAST's primary data distribution system provider-are currently installing the Triarch 2000 and Effix Systemes S.A. workstation software on NeXT workstations, something that hasn't been pulled off to date. While Triarch 2000's APls have been run on a NeXT platform before -at First Boston Corp. in Tokyo (TST, Feb. 24) - the Effix software hasn't. At the same time, Lotus Development Corp. installing its 1-2-3 Realtime spreadsheet on Hewlett-Packard Co. UNIX RISC-based processors. Meanwhile, Carnegie Mellon has ordered two parallel processors and a data storage and retrieval processor from Sequent. Come January, the vendor will install on this hardware a prototype system that will allow real-time parallel processing of market data as well as, simultaneously, distribution of that market data to traders. Trader Teachers According to, Sanjay Srivastava, a Carnegie Mellon professor and co-creator of he program (along with Professor John O'Brien), Reuters staff came prepared two weeks ago to install three versions of the Triarch/Effix system-accessible via workstations from Sun Microsystems Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co. and NeXT. Srivastava says that only the NeXT version is not operable to date. (Sun and H-P do not have partnership relationships with the program, despite their presence in its trading room.) Reuters has not attempted to install the system on IBM RS/6000s yet-though FAST intends to use that platform as well. The program has only one RS/6000 in-house at the moment. Srivastava says that Reuters is pleased that FAST plans to maintain a variety of platforms. He says the vendor has expressed an interest in using the Carnegie-Mellon site as an opportunity to refine its systems' ability to run on multiple platforms. He adds, however, that because NeXT was especially cooperative with the university, a deal has been struck for the program to take delivery of 30 NeXTstations by December. Srivastava says that Carnegie Mellon owns a percentage of NeXT. The NeXTs will coexist on an Ethernet local area network with smaller numbers of IBM RS/6000s, Suns and HPs. All will be supported by Triarch/Effix applications running on three Sun servers. The data is delivered via Reuters Selectfeed digital data feed service.The trading room now accommodates 14 positions. By the end of the year, however, Srivastava says that number will more than double: Not only will the program have taken delivery on the NeXTs, but there is currently also an agreement in place with IBM for six RS/6000s. FAST Friends Srivastava says that while all the vendors involved have provided equipment at or below cost, the degree of discount is inversely proportional to the vendor's penetration of the trading-room systems market. The bigger their market share the more we have to pay," Srivastava says. Relationships between the university and the various trading firms on FAST's list vary, Srivastava says. Four firms have sent individual research staffers and traders to develop and test quantitative trading strategies on-site at Carnegie Mellon. In exchange for putting in the time and making themselves available to students in the program, these individuals can use the resources of the university to work on projects of interest to their employers. The four individuals are George Pastrana, a researcher and developer of analytics with Morgan Stanley's derivatives trading group; Rich Tlmbrel, a researcher with J.P. Morgan & Co.'s derivatives group; Evan Picoult, who has developed risk management systems for Citibank; and Rich Rua, Mellon's head trader. The four firms retain the rights to use the application developed by their representatives on the program-though Srivastava says the school may continue to use parts of the analytics for educational purposes. Srivastava says that Fuji and Merrill will collaborate with the program on special projects. Meanwhile, a number of other firms, including Goldman Sachs & Co. and Chemical Bank have made staffers available to serve as advisors and job placement counselors to students in the program. These staffers are typically Carnegie Mellon alumni. Later, Carnegie Mellon will set up a system whereby firms and banks may become "affiliates" of the program. This will require a donation on the part of the firm. Global Classroom According to Srivastava, a later phase of the program calls for global expansion. Northern Telecom is providing wide area networking facilities that make use of the vendor's Apple Computer Inc. Macintosh-based Visit system. Visit is a video interface that makes use of Mac processors: It allows users to see each other, as well as to interact using the same computer files. In this way, Srivastava says, student traders at Tokyo's Aoyama Gakuin university will be able to collaborate next spring with Carnegie Mellon students. Similar arrangements are in the works for Mexico's Monterey Institute of Technology. Northern Telecom provided a fiber-optic leased phone link between Pittsburgh and Tokyo. Srivastava says the program already had a Mac cluster installed, although not directly for the simulated trading room. ____________________________________________________________________ IV. NeXTSTEP Documentation: Addison-Wesley Publishers To order the latest NeXTSTEP Technical Documentation, contact Addison Wesley or your local bookstore. As many of you have already discovered, there has been an incorrect 800 number being given out to order NeXT Technical Documentation from Addison-Wesley directly. The correct numbers are: Addison-Wesley: 1-800-447-2226 617-942-2829 (for Europe and Asia) ____________________________________________________________________ V. DBInspector - Sybase browser w/ Japanese interface available From: Timothy Reed Subject: DBInspector - Sybase browser w/ Japanese interface on the archives... I finally got around to posting a demo version our DBInspector application to the archives. DBInspector is a fast and easy to use Sybase database browser, query builder, and Improv gateway for NeXTSTEP that includes something that very few applications (let alone Sybase database interfaces) feature: a Japanese interface. The application is fully localized for English and Japanese, including documentation. The demo version quits after 25 Sybase transactions; of course, the real version does not. Look on and for pub/next/submissions/DBInspectorDemo-2.0.tar.Z. For more information, send e-mail to Thanks! Tim --- Tim Reed, Black Market Technologies, Inc. 501 Hicks Street, #307 Brooklyn, NY 11231 USA Voice: +1 718 522-5090 E-mail: "Written documentation is an admission of failure." ____________________________________________________________________ V. Announcing: Two CDROM Disks Available for NeXT users as Resources Attached is an announcement on a product created by two of the most valuable members of NJUG (NeXT Jersey Users Group). As most NeXT users know, there is a wealth of information and programs stored on the university archives. However, unless you have access to internet, you cannot reach this priceless data. In response to several requests from people that do not have access to the archives, monoChrome Inc. has produced two comprehensive CDs which not only provide the information and programs but also categorizes them for easy perusal and access. I think these CDs are priceless and strongly recommend that you take advantage of it. Enjoy! Siamak Farah Announcement: NEW CD ROM DISC FOR NEXT 3.0 COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS. *** Will be shipping on 10/15/92 *** If you wish to reserve your copy in advance...We have started a waiting list and will not cash your check or money order until your CD has shipped. Company: monoChrome Inc. Company Address: 173 Westgate Drive Edison, NJ 08820-1163 Email: Product Name: monoLib (monolithic Library) Product Description: 2 CD ROMs full of shareware/freeware/demoware, info, source code (shareware, freeware, demoware, examples, GNU, modules, scripts, classes etc), graphics (tiff, gif, eps, ps, etc), literature (recipes, bible, works of over 50 different authors, lyrics), references (FAQ's, NeXTanswers etc), and other files typically found on FTP (next and non next) archive sites. Pricing: $90.00 (US) Volume, User Group, & Higher Education discount rates are available. Our Propaganda: We (John Kheit & Arv Soni) are members of the NeXT New Jersey Users Group and were putting together a public domain shareware/demoware/etc.ware collection for our NeXT user group. John was in charge of maintaining the software library for the group and found it was killing him. The users suggested that we put the over 1 gigabyte worth of software on a CD. So we did! This task was much more difficult than we had expected, but was extremely pleasureful because of all the great (and we really do mean this) people we got to know by making this product. We always thought that the next community and its developers were wonderful people but doing this project has proven this to be fact. John & Arv Other Info: - Over 1 gig of Information on 2 CD ROMs. - Information is uncompressed and usable right off the CD ROM - Information, references, literature are all indexed with Digital Librarian - A great wealth of programming examples and source code You can pay for your CD's with a personal check, money order or COD. (personal checks take 2 weeks to clear). Please eMail all the following information back to us if ordering COD: Please make the subject: COD Order. -------------------------------------------------------ORDER FORM: Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State: _________________________________________________ Zip Code: _________________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________________ Item # Quantity: _________X $90.00 = $__________.____ Shipping & Handling US 2nd Day COD $15.00+ $__________.____ S&H US 2nd Day not COD $07.50+ $__________.____ Shipping & Handling Foreign (COD) Depends on location Shipping & Handling Foreign (not COD) Depends on location 6% New Jersey Sales Tax (if you are in NJ) + $__________.____ _____________________________________________________________________ Total = $__________.____ (NOTE, these prices are all in US CURRENCY) (please include only ONE Shipping/Handling charge. If it is a Foreign order, we will get back to you regarding the shipping costs; but as an example, shipping to Berlin, Germany will cost approximatly $50.00) If you are paying by check or money order please US mail this form (filled out) back to us with payment at: monoChrome Inc. 173 Westgate Drive Edison, NJ 08820-1163 USA ____________________________________________________________________ VI. NeXT and EDUCOM'92 (Baltimore, Maryland) NeXT will be at this year's EDUCOM. Drop by and see us! EDUCOM'92 October 28 - 30, Baltimore, MD Where: NeXT Exhibit Booth #702 Baltimore Convention Center One West Pratt Street Baltimore, MD NeXT Hospitality Suite Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel Severn II & III P 2nd Floor 300 South Charles Street Baltimore, MD When: NeXT Exhibit Booth Oct. 28 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Oct. 29 1:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Oct. 30 12:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Also: Contact Lee Watkins ( regarding a NeXT User Group gathering at EDUCOM. ____________________________________________________________________ VII. Open Positions: NeXT Developer (Southwest, Washington, Canada) Job Title: NeXTSTEP Developer Number of Openings: 1-3 Likely Duration: Various Job Description: NeXTSTEP applications developer at various locations in the Southwest, Washington, and Canada. Candidate Qualifications: - Registered NeRD with developers camp certification. - Prefer over 2 years solid work experience in development in a NeXT environment. Taos Mountain Software, a Mountain View, CA based Unix Contract- ing and Training company, has several Unix contract openings. Taos Mountain offers its W2 contractors Health Insurance, Educa- tional Reimbursement, business cards, Internet access, and we work hard to keep our contractors busy from one contract to another. Contact us for details. When replying, please indicate req number and job title. Please send only flat ascii resumes. USMail: Jerry Bowes Taos Mountain Software 415 Clyde Ave., Suite 105 Mountain View, CA 94043 voice: (415) 961-2100 fax: (415) 961-6668 email: ____________________________________________________________________ VIII. Music CD ('91 Nashville MultiMedia Conference) by Paul Lansky To all my USENIX friends: I'm pleased to announce that a CD containing some of the pieces I played at the '91 Nashville MultiMedia conference has been commercially released. It contains Table's Clear (the kitchen-gamelan piece), Night Traffic, Quakerbridge (the shopping mall piece) and two other pieces which I didn't play. It is called Homebrew, and is published by Bridge Records, BDC 9035. Tower Records should carry it but you can also get it directly from Bridge for $15, which includes shipping and handling within the U.S. Bridge Records GPO Box 1864 New York, NY 10116 phone: 516-487-1662 Sorry it took so long. I'd love some feedback from you all. Paul Lansky ___________________________________________________________________ IX. Versant Object Technology Announces NeXTSTEP version of ODBMS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Matt Miller Director, Corporate Marketing Versant Object Technology (415) 329-7538 Email: (Until 12/31/92, we are offering the database and an Objective C interface at a special price (over 80% off) and have an ad in the fall issue of NeXTWORLD Mag for this promotion.) VERSANT ANNOUNCES SUPPORT FOR NeXT NeXT users to gain access to distributed data stored in VERSANT ODBMS Menlo Park, CA, July 21,1992 -- Versant Object Technology Corporation today announced plans to port its object database management system (ODBMS) to the NeXT line of computers. Versant will develop the new version as part of an agreement with one of its large customers, WilTel Inc. of Houston, Texas, "Versant is committed to supporting the NeXT product line," said P. Michael Seashols, president and CEO of Versant. "NeXT is an applications development technology leader and is an important platform for leading edge users of object technology." The VERSANT ODBMS is the leading client/server ODBMS available, providing high-performance processing coupled with an advanced workgroup architecture. VERSANT delivers transparent, multi-user access to objects distributed anywhere in the network. Network Management Application "WilTel is employing VERSANT as the underlying ODBMS in a state-of the-art network management system," said Vince Jordan director of software development at WillTel. "We looked at all the ODBMSs out there and found that VERSANT was the only one that really fit with what we're doing on the NeXT platform. Versant has the best product architecture of any ODBMS and also showed that it was the company we wanted to work with." The VERSANT ODBMS for NeXT is priced at $XXXX for a development license. About Versant Versant Object Technology is the preeminent supplier of high-performance object-oriented database management systems. Versant features the most advanced ODBMS architecture available, making it the ideal foundation for object-based applications. The Versant product family also includes an integrated set of graphical development tools, language interfaces and gateways to non-Versant databases such as ORACLE. ____________________________________________________________________ X. Metrosoft Announces MetroTools FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Donnelly 619-488-9411 SAN DIEGO, Calif., September 8, 1992 -- Metrosoft today announced major enhancements and a price reduction for MetroTools, its suite of six utilities designed for the NeXT Computer. Metrosoft will demonstrate version 1.1.2 of the product at the Seybold Conference and Exposition, being held in San Fransisco September 22-24. MetroTools consists of a Font Installer, Application Launcher, NiteLite, Archiver, File Locator, and Sound Importer. MetroTools 1.1.2 now ships with the most powerful dock extender on the market and an enhanced Font Installer which now recognizes and converts more Macintosh fonts than ever before. Please contact us for new pricing at . "MetroTools has always been an excellent value, but with release 1.1.2 its price/performance ratio makes it a must-have for every NeXT computer." said Gordon Van Huizen, Metrosoft's President. Font Installer - Takes the mystery out of installing fonts, and opens the NeXT to megabytes of available Macintosh typefaces. The user drags and drops font icons into the MetroTools panel for one-step installation. Application Launcher - Provides the user with an unparalleled degree of customization for their dock extension with up to 32 highly configurable docks. Each dock can stand alone or be a subgroup of the main Application Launcher dock, and can be configured to appear in several forms including: Standard icon dock, Miniature icon dock, Icon dock with names, Miniature icon dock with names, Name dock (with no icons, two different sizes). Each dock may be reduced down to a single tile and then displayed at full size with a single mouse-click, and may be oriented in any of four directions. Each group can also be color-coded by setting its text to be a unique color. NiteLite - A full featured screen saver that protects the screen from phosphor burn-in. Comes with several modules and is also compatable with Back Space Modules. Users can select a module as a workspace backdrop. This utility includes a screen lock feature to secure the user's work, requiring a password to "unlock" the screen. Archiver - In one step, users can drag and drop files into the Archiver to compress multiple files into one f ile. Users can later decompress for installation, backup and distribution. File Locator - Searches for files using powerful filters such as: name, kind, date, size and owner. Users can set parameters for the search quickly and easily. Sound Importer - Imports Macintosh sounds for use in any NeXT application. MetroTools is available directly from Metrosoft and authorized resellers including NeXTConnection. For pricing on retail and educational sales please contact us at . Developer, quantity and site license discounts are available. 740 13th Street, Suite 503, San Diego, California 92101 Voice 619-488-9411 Fax 619-488-3045 NeXTmail: MetroTools is a trademark of Metrosoft, Inc. NeXT is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Co. ____________________________________________________________________ XI. GatorFTP+ App Makes Archive Access as Easy as Point and Click Greetings from Chuck Fleming at Allegheny College and Mike Mezzino from the University of Houston, Clear Lake: The latest version of GatorFTP+ is now available by anonymous ftp from You can find the executable in /pub/Misc and the source in /pub/Source/Misc. Significant improvements were made to the original program, GatorFTP, by Mike Mezzino, of the Department of Mathematics, University of Houston - Clear Lake. Here is a list of improvements Dr. Mezzino has made. 1) Help has been rewritten. 2) Each user has his/her own sites/login info in "~/.gatorftprc". 3) You may interrupt an ftp command. 4) If you have an account on the remote system, you may select the root directory. 5) You may just display a remote file (README, index, etc.) - the file is placed in "/tmp" if you want to save it. 6) You may get entire folders. Folders and multiple file selections are displayed in dark gray in the TextField. 7) You may get a ".Z" , ".tar" or ".tar.Z" file and automatically unravel it into your directory - the ".Z", ".tar" or ".tar.Z" file is placed in "/tmp". 8) The browser now supports multiple file selections, labeled "File Deck...", to ease the fetching of several files at once. 9) You may send folders or multiple files as is or you may tar and compress them before sending. 10) You may rename and delete remote files. These features are in the menu, since they did not seem to be as important as the others. 11) Changing your local directory is now accomplished by just editing the TextField labeled "Local Directory". 12) GatorFTP will now automatically sense that the remote system is not a unix system and attempt to recognize it as a Vax running VMS (something we have all around here). If successful, VMS files and directories are recognized and displayed in the usual manner. 13) There are unusual unix sites which are now usable. E.g., & 14) A file filter option has been added to simplify the browser display. For unix systems, you may suppress the ".files" and for VMS systems, you may suppress the ".MAI, .LOG, .OBJ, .DMP" files together with anything which doesn't include a revision extension. An unfiltered directory will, of course, display everything. 15) I have included the SplitView object which I used in the interface. This allows the user to remove the ftp chatter and enlarge the browser. I hope everyone enjoys the new and improved version! Thanks, Chuck Fleming ( Mike Mezzino ( ____________________________________________________________________ XII. Positions: Systems Engineer, NeXT Computer (Dallas, Atlanta) Reply to: Locations: Dallas, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia THIS IS A PRE-SALES SYSTEMS ENGINEERING POSITION REQUIRING EXCELLENT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, NETWORK AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, AND VERBAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS. NeXT Systems Engineers provide the technical expertise necessary to close sales, and generally evangelize the NeXT product family. SE's must possess superb technical skills and a sense of innovation, combined with a personality which promotes cooperation, trust, and the sharing of ideas. The successful candidate will have a mix of software engineering skills, and enjoy working with people and new technology. Duties and Responsibilities: - Rapid prototyping of software for feasibility analysis - Technical presentations to all levels of customers - Integration of NeXT computers with existing systems - Technical account management - Provide strategic input and guidance to sales, marketing, and engineering, regarding market conditions, product requirements, and overall program successes or failures A typical NeXT Systems Engineer will spend one-third of their time writing NeXTSTEP applications for customer-based prototyping or proof-of-concept efforts, one-third consulting one-on-one with potential and existing customers on software development and network engineering, and one-third performing presentations and demonstrations of NeXTSTEP. Necessary Skills: - Solid software engineering background - Ability to articulate technically complex issues to a wide variety of audiences - Demonstrated aptitude at working independently - Ability to work with limited supervision in an autonomous, results-oriented environment - Ability to work within a team environment - Strong problem solving skills - Ability to juggle multiple tasks - B.S.C.S or equivalent with 4 years experience required; M.S.C.S preferred Relevant Experience: - NeXTSTEP, Objective-C, Mach - UNIX systems programming/systems administration - Object-oriented programming - Advanced application programming in C, LISP, and FORTRAN (or equivalent) - Windowing application development (Macintosh, X11, MSWindows, etc.) - Database application development (Sybase, Oracle, etc.) - TCP/IP, NFS, YP/NIS - PostScript - Pre-sales support experience For more information please send a cover letter, resume, and salary history via email to ... or fax to 512.343.1221. Responses without cover letters will not be considered. Please include at least one paragraph which reflects on how your skills and experience will enable your success as a Systems Engineer for NeXT. _____________________________________________________________ October 1992 Byte Magazine has articles about NeXTSTEP, NT, OS/2, and System 7.0. The following is from the NeXTSTEP article: "The beauty of the NeXT is far more than skin deep. Its standard operating enviornment, NextSTEP, is probably the most respected piece of software on the planet." end