NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 5, issue 2, October 1, 1992) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Sybase Bulletin Board System II. Bacchus Announces Image Agent III. Altsys Announces Virtuoso for NeXTSTEP IV. Adobe Announces Display PostScript Software Development Kit(SDK) for NeXTSTEP, Version 1.1 V. Appsoft Perspective Beta Program VI. Announcing NXFax Fax Driver & Monitor for NeXT VII. IRCAM Research Positions Available VIII. Games update: PacMan 1.9 All previous Nugget News Digest issues are archived at the Purdue ftp archive site: under the following Mailbox format files and directories: April - June, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q2_1992.tar.Z July - September, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q3_1992.tar.Z Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups P.S. To be added or taken off this distribution, please send email to "" ____________________________________________________________________ I. Sybase Bulletin Board System There was a recent question to the dbkit user group regarding a Sybase user group. Here is info on the the Sybase BBS (Bulletin Board System): From: David Hawkins Sybase is now providing a dial-in service = 1-510-601-4991 The system is called INSIGHT and presently has the following features: o conferencing for discussions about a wide range of topics, o the FAQ application, Frequently Asked Questions that have been collected in Tech Support, o the Troubleshooting Guide, a full explanation of common error messages and what to do about them, o Bug information, descriptions of fixed bugs or bugs that could not be duplicated, o Education information, lists of classes and when and where they are offered, o Press releases, o information about users groups, and o the release bulletins that are shipped with each release. There's more on there and more to be added. For example, we presently have the complete list of Technical Publications available from Sybase in a file that's about 60K long - a bit much to scroll through. We're writing a front-end that will allow you to search for the publications that are appropriate for your system and product. INSIGHT is for Sybase customers who have a valid support contract with Sybase. There are also Sybase employees who are using the system. Creating an Account: Dial into INSIGHT at 1-510-601-4991. The modems are Telebit T2500's and they should work from 300 to 9600 baud. At the login prompt, type new and the system will prompt you for a userid, name, customer number, contact id, company name, address, day phone number, fax number, userid, and password. The userid needs to be between 3 and 8 characters long, all lower case, and can't start with a number. The password needs to be 6 to 8 characters long. Mixed case is fine, and even recommended. If you have problems logging in, send email to If you're using a PC or PC-clone, it's 7E1 - word length of 7, even parity, stop bit 1. Copyright, 1992. Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SYBASE is a trademark of Sybase, Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Registration applications in additional countries may be pending. INSIGHT and The On-Line Information Center are service marks of Sybase, Inc. David Hawkins ____________________________________________________________________ II. Bacchus Announces Image Agent For immediate release For more information contact: Eric Bloom 2210 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 330 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Phone: 310-820-9145 Email: Bacchus Announces Image Agent Drag and Drop Image File Conversion for NeXTSTEP 3.0. Santa Monica, California: September 8, 1992 - Bacchus, Inc. today announced Image Agent, a powerful, integrated image conversion tool for NeXTSTEP Release 3.0, to be shown at the Seybold Conference being held in San Francisco, September 22-24. With Image Agent users can simply drag and drop non-native image files directly into graphic applications, such as PasteUp, Diagram, Concurrence, and have the images instantly appear. Image Agent transparently performs the image conversion as if it were part of the actual application in use. Additionally, image files from PCs, Macintoshes and Sun Workstations can now be easily imported over a network into NeXTSTEP applications. Supported image formats include; TIFF, GIF, Targa, PICT, MacPaint, PCX, DCX, Windows BMP, MTV, IFF/ILBM, Sun Raster, JPEG, XWD, XBM and others. "Image Agent allows NeXT users to share, access, and import a wide variety of images from many different computer platforms," said Catherine Mikkelsen, Publishing Developer Advocate at NeXT Computer, Inc. "Images from other platforms can be effortlessly integrated into page layout, drawing and imaging applications under NeXTSTEP 3.0." For those requiring more image conversion options, Bacchus offers Pixel Magician, its advanced image conversion application. Pixel Magician provides mass conversion, precise scaling, variable aspect ratios and image resolutions, alpha channel support, dithering, color quantization and flexible output options. Image Agent will be available in October 1992. The product is included free with Pixel Magician ($XXX), or can be purchased separately for $XX. It is available directly from Bacchus and through authorized NeXT distributors, VAR's and dealers. Free demo disks are available. Bacchus, Inc., founded in 1985 and based in Santa Monica, CA, specializes in the development of graphics and communications software tools for DOS and UNIX Workstations. *** Image Agent and Pixel Magician are trademarks of Bacchus, Inc. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. ____________________________________________________________________ III. Altsys Announces Virtuoso for NeXTSTEP FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Meaghan Hogan, Altsys Phone: (214) 680-2060 FAX: (214) 680-0537 e-mail: Altsys Corporation Announces Advanced Text Capabilities in Altsys Virtuoso for NeXTSTEP Drawing, Organization, Text, and Production Capabilities Now Available in One Program SAN FRANCISCO, CA - September 22, 1992 - Altsys Corporation announced today a new feature set for soon-to-be-released Altsys Virtuoso, the advanced design and production program for NeXTSTEP. This new feature set includes a variety of outstanding text-handling and formatting capabilities not currently found in traditional drawing programs. These text features include: text wrapping around objects, multiple columns and rows, copyfitting, automatic hyphenation, linked text blocks, tabs, and professional typographical control. Demonstrations of this revolutionary new NeXTSTEP application will take place in several booths at Seybold San Francisco including the NeXT Computer, Inc. booth (#2414) and the Altsys booth (#1544). Altsys, the developers of outstanding graphics programs such as Fontographer and Aldus FreeHand on the Macintosh and Windows, first announced the NeXTSTEP version of Virtuoso at Seybold in San Jose in the fall of 1991. Since that time, Virtuoso has been praised for its outstanding performance, drawing capabilities, and user interface. Now, with the inclusion of these new text features, Virtuoso will prove to be the definitive single-page layout solution for NeXTSTEP users when it ships in October of this year. "While creating Virtuoso, we took what we've learned developing our other graphics products to design a feature set and an interface that meets the needs of today's designers," said Rusty Williams, Altsys' product manager of drawing programs. "We have listened to our customers and have implemented their suggestions to redefine the traditional drawing program. This is exemplified by the addition of Virtuoso's extensive text handling and formatting capabilities. With Virtuoso, artists can now access all of the tools they need for single-page designs in one easy-to-master program." In addition to the new text features, Virtuoso has the advanced yet easy-to-use capabilities that people expect in a comprehensive drawing program. Virtuoso has all of the basic drawing and transformation tools today's artists need including the multigon tool, which simplifies the creation of polygons and stars, and the freehand tool, which can also be used as a variable-weight or calligraphic pen. Users can also take advantage of state-of-the-art features such as unlimited design layers, drag and drop color, unparalleled PostScript support, and extensive fill and line control. "Designers and typographers lucky enough to own a NeXT now have a powerful weapon called Virtuoso," said Tony Ammerman, creative contact, Temerlin McClain, a division of Bozell advertising agency. "Virtuoso offers an approach to design and typography that rivals any program on any platform. Virtuoso could be the new `best of class' in page layout. Those who don't own a NeXT should hurry out and get one - Virtuoso single-handedly makes it worth the investment." Virtuoso also offers numerous editing capabilities. With features such as edit in Preview (full color) mode, 100 levels of Undo and Redo, and Zoom (up to 1600%), artists using Virtuoso have the tools they need for flexibility and precision when creating a design. When the document is completed, the user can produce everything from color comps to full-color separations within the program with Virtuoso's built-in production capabilities. To simplify the task of working in multi-platform, multi-program environments, Virtuoso has the ability to import TIFFs (Tagged Image File Format), as well as import and export EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files for use with other programs. In addition, Virtuoso enables artists to import and export their documents for use with Aldus FreeHand 3 for the Macintosh and PCs running Windows, as well as Adobe Illustrator 88 and Adobe Illustrator 3 for the Macintosh, PCs running Windows, and the NeXT. Graphic artists can also exchange documents between Virtuoso for NeXTSTEP and Virtuoso for Solaris. Virtuoso requires NeXTSTEP version 2.x. A version of Virtuoso which takes advantage of NeXTSTEP 3.0 will be available later in the fourth quarter of 1992, and Virtuoso for NeXTSTEP 486 will be available in the first quarter of 1993. Virtuoso has a suggested retail price of $XXX and will be available directly from Altsys Corporation, as well as through NeXT-authorized resellers. Founded in 1984, Altsys Corporation, headquartered in Richardson, Texas, is a world leader in font editing and graphics software. Altsys offers a sophisticated selection of font editing programs that allow easy design of custom fonts and logos. Altsys' Macintosh products include Fontographer, Metamorphosis Professional, and Fontastic Plus, as well as the Altsys XTRAS line of graphics enhancements which includes EPS Exchange. Altsys also develops Fontographer for PCs running Windows 3.1. Virtuoso for Solaris will be available in the first quarter of 1993. In addition, Altsys continues to develop Aldus FreeHand. - ### - Virtuoso, XTRAS, and Fontastic are trademarks; the Altsys logo, Fontographer, EPS Exchange, and Metamorphosis are registered trademarks of Altsys Corporation. All rights reserved. NeXT and NeXTSTEP are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. Aldus FreeHand is a registered trademark of Aldus Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All other brands or trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective owners. ____________________________________________________________________ IV. Adobe Announces Display PostScript Software Development Kit(SDK) for NeXTSTEP, Version 1.1 For more information Please contact: Micael Wong Adobe Systems Incorporated Phone: (415) 962-2197 Adobe Offers Free Upgrade to Display PostScript Software Development Kit for NeXTSTEP Mountain View, Calif. (September 18, 1992) (NASDAQ:ADBE) - Adobe Systems Incorporated announced today Display PostScript Software Development Kit (SDK) for NeXTSTEP, Version 1.1. The kit contains a comprehensive set of tools and reference materials designed to help application software developers reduce development time and create more powerful applications for the NeXTSTEP environment. Registered owners of Version 1.0 will receive the kit free of charge directly from Adobe. The new kit includes Displaytalk software version 2.0, a powerful programming tool for the Display PostScript system that provides interactive development and source-level debugging of PostScript language programs. Displaytalk is an important tool that allows applications to take advantage of the graphic and typographic wealth of the PostScript language and Display PostScript system. Displaytalk is available as part of the SDK only and not sold as a stand-alone product, as it is a part of this comprehensive development toolkit. Displaytalk version 2.0 includes an online reference manual that includes PostScript Level 1 & Level 2, Display PostScript and NeXT-specific PostScript language operators. This manual is also exported as a "service" to other NeXTSTEP applications. (Within another application, you can highlight a text string and choose "Define in Displaytalk" from the Services menu.) Also included is Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP, a book covering dozens of topics critical to developing applications that take full advantage of the features of the NeXTSTEP environment. "The Display PostScript SDK for NeXTSTEP continues to be a significant help to developers creating applications for this dynamic environment," said Steve MacDonald, senior vice president and general manager of Adobe's Systems Products Division. "With Display PostScript as its imaging model, NeXTSTEP brings all the powerful text and graphics capabilities of the PostScript language to the screen and is fully compatible with the imaging model found in PostScript printers." The Display PostScript Software Development Kit for NeXTSTEP Version 1.1 is available through the Adobe Developers Association. Members who are first-time buyers of the kit receive a substantial discount. Members also receive Adobe software application product discounts, hardware discounts from participating OEMs, monthly mailings, technical phone support, conference invitations and additional benefits. Contents of the NeXTSTEP kit Version 1.1 include: - Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP; - Displaytalk 2.0 software, a powerful programming environment for the Display PostScript system that provides interactive development and source-level debugging of PostScript language programs; - Code samples for the examples used in the book, Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP; - Two font packages, the Utopia Font Package and the Utopia Expert Font package are provided with a full complement of weights, characters, kerning pairs, which allow developers to test font downloading features and ensure their application can handle diverse fonts; and - Strategies for optimizing performance and guidance on importing and exporting EPS and TIFF format graphic files. To order the Display PostScript System SDK for NeXTSTEP Version 1.1 through the Developers Association and for more information about Adobe support, please call 1-800-833-6687. Adobe Systems Incorporated, founded in 1982, is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Adobe develops, markets and supports computer software products and technologies that enable users to create, display, print and communicate electronic documents. The company licenses its technology to major computer and publishing suppliers, and markets a line of type and application software products. Revenue for 1991 exceeded $229 million. PostScript, Display PostScript, Displaytalk and Utopia are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. NeXTSTEP is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. ____________________________________________________________________ V. Appsoft Perspective Beta Program Join the Appsoft Perspective Beta Program and use our new 3D modeling program, Appsoft Perspective for Free. Perspective is a complete renderman modeler featuring: - Drag and Drop Access to RIB via Gallery - 9 tools including: Selection, Cube, Lights, Polygon (swept and extruded), Sphere, Cone, Text (extruded), Torus, Cylinder - Supports all Renderman Shaders - Direct Manipulation of Lighting - Display in Orthographic or Perspective Views - Display in Point Cloud, Wire Frame and Constant Shading - Supports Hierarchical Modeling - Animation Support. We have had such an overwhelming demand for Appsoft Perspective Beta copies that we have just uploaded the Beta Registration Program ( to the ftp archive sites: and and you should find it under... /pub/next/submissions/ Simply download the program, uncompress, unarchive and run it and fill in the blanks. The program will send the appropriate registration information to Appsoft and we will email you your beta copy of Appsoft Perspective within 24 hours. If you are unable to download the registration program, just send us mail at and we will email the registration program to you (60Kbytes uncompressed), If you have already sent mail to the address, we will be sending you the registration program right away so please don't bother to download it. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call us at 1-800-428-2777. Thanks, Randy Adams ____________________________________________________________________ VI. Announcing NXFax Fax Driver & Monitor for NeXT CONTACT: B&W Software South Hill Road Moretown, VT 05660 Phone: 802-496-5113 FAX: 802-496-5112 Email: ANNOUNCING NXFax Fax Driver & Monitor NXFax is a reliable fax driver for the NeXT Computer which offers the following features: - sends and receives faxes under NeXT System 2 and 3 - shares the serial port with other applications - compatible with tip, uucp, SLIP, MPII and other comm programs - adaptive answering directs incoming fax and data calls - accessible via networked machines - communicates with the NXFax Monitor to provide user-level feedback - demo mode allows unlimited single page sending of faxes The NXFax Monitor application offers: - transmission status display - current modem state - remote connection identifier - connect speed - fax resolution - pixels per scan line - inter scan line delay - halt button terminates transmissions - monitoring of networked fax drivers - animated icon - user preferences control automatic launch Release 1.00 of NXFax for the NeXT Computer has been submitted to the Purdue archive ( The release is contained in the file NXFax_1.00.tar.Z.The file NXFax_README.rtf contains additional information. Both should be available in the submissions directory. Release 1.00 of NXFax officially supports the ZyXEL line of high speed modems, although you may find others that work with NXFax. In the coming months, there will be other modems added to the list of supported devices. If you try NXFax with another fax modem please feel free to relate your experiences. If you are using NXFax in demonstration mode you will be able to send as many single page faxes as you like. Multiple page fax calls will terminate after the first page and incoming fax calls are disabled. NXFax can be fully enabled with a password available directly from B&W Software. B&W is selling NXFax separately or in combination with ZyXEL U1496e and U1496s modems. Contact B&W for more information. CONTACT: B&W Software South Hill Road Moretown, VT 05660 Phone: 802-496-5113 FAX: 802-496-5112 Email: ____________________________________________________________________ VII. IRCAM Research Positions Available IRCAM is a leading non-profit organization of musical creation, R&D and education in acoustics and music, located in the center of Paris (France), next to the Pompidou Center. It hosts composers, researchers and students from many countries cooperating in contemporary music production, signal processing, acoustics and psychoacoustics and their interrelations. Two positions are immediately available to staff the support activities of the R&D department. The candidates will perform debugging and QA, optimization and fine tuning, customization (including major rewriting) and packaging of prototypical in-house software and documentation for releases in house and to external clients; porting of such software to different graphical platforms (e.g., from/to NeXTStep, X11/Motif, Mac); upgrades, releases and distribution management; continued support of those packages in close contact with the developers. This involves gaining an in-depth understanding of the software, its users and their needs. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS - 3-5 years expertise in C programming on Unix platforms of medium to large programs of quality. - 3 years experience in developpement in computer graphics and GUIs (at least one, preferably two, of X11/Motif, NeXTStep and Macintosh). - High productivity, excellent programming style, stable and mature individual. - Proven ability to produce accurate, usable technical documentation. - Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a heterogeneous environment (musicians, researchers, programmers). ADDITIONAL HELPFUL EXPERIENCE o Experience in digital signal processing. o Experience in computer music, MIDI. o Additional programming experience with Macintosh, Mac Applications o Internet, TCP/IP, NFS site experience o Kernel and/or device driver programming o Solid experience in porting software to different systems and platforms, customization and packaging. SALARY AND BENEFITS The salary range is FFrs160,000-190,000/year approx.($32,000-38,000). Benefits include 6 weeks paid vacation and employer's participation in medical insurance, meal plan and daily travel expenses; free entrance to most French national museums, many discounts on concerts and other shows. AVAILABILITY Positions are available immediately. ECC nationals/working EEC papers an asset. Please send resume and detailed work experience to any of the following addresses: FAX: +33 1 42 77 29 47 (attn: Michael Fingerhut) Mail: IRCAM, 31 rue Saint Merri, 75004 Paris, France (attn: Michael Fingerhut) _____________________________________________________________________ VIII. Games update: PacMan 1.9 Reply-To: Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 21:59:57 GMT PacMan 1.9 has just been placed in the /pub/next/submissions directory on as "PacMan1.9.tar.Z". It should eventually migrate to /pub/next/2.0-release/source. _____________________________________________________________________ All previous Nugget News Digest issues are archived at the Purdue ftp archive site: under the following Mailbox format files and directories: April-June, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q2_1992.tar.Z July-September, 1992: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q3_1992.tar.Z and the older archives under /pub/next/Newletters/Nugget end