NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol 4, issue 1, July 24, 1992) Hello, For those that are new recipients of the NeXT Nugget News Digest for user groups, included below is the full index to the previous 20 issues. If you would like to have an electronic copy of all the previous issues, they are available on the Purdue ftp archive server: (Look in /Local/Library/NeXTUserGroups/Nugget_News_Digest if you work at NeXT.) Please look in the /pub/next/Newletters/Nugget directory on for the 1991 and early 1992 issues of the NeXT Nugget News Digest. The latest issue is a compressed tar file: /pub/next/submissions/Nugget_News_Digest_Q2_1992.tar.Z Contact your local NeXT User Group if you do not have access to the Purdue ftp archive site. Local NeXT user group contact names are available upon request by calling 1-800-848-6398 (in North America) or sending email to Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups __________________________________________________________________ Nugget Monthly Survey Question: If you like receiving the NeXT Nugget News Digest, please complete the following brief survey question: How often would you like to see the NeXT Nugget News Digest delivered to you? (PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES TO - thank you.) __ once a week __ twice a month __ once a month __ other frequency........ __________________________________________________________________ NeXT Nugget News Digest INDEX (October 1991 - June 1992) (vol. 1, issue i, October 10, 1991) I. Next Developer's Library II. NeXT Developer Support Engineer Position III. Trirex Sysyems, Inc., NeXTstep Developer Wanted IV. INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation, NeXTstep Developer Wanted V. Seybold NeXT announcement Summary (DataPhile, Create, ScanTastic, PasteUp, Illustrator, Pixel Magician, GammaScan!, Graphics Composer, uShare 2.05, PANTONE Color Simulations, FrameMaker 3.0, WriteNow, Concurrence, TopDraw Version 2.0, Virtuoso) (vol. 1, issue 2, November 14, 1991) I. NeXT Developer Classes and NeXTWORLD Expo in January II. Beta copies, Create & DataPhile, available on archive servers III. Multimedia NeXTstep programmer wanted at Imagine IV. Chicago, NeXT computer programming opportunities V. NeXT Programming Position Available for Medical Application VI. NeXT Development, Administration - Entry-Level Programmers VII. Beta testers for NeXT Phone Interface & Answering Machine VIII. New York City - NeXT Programmer wanted IX. Houston, Texas NeXTstep programmers wanted (vol. 1, issue 3, November 27, 1991) i. NeXTWORLD Expo update I. NAL PICKS INFOSTATION (NeXT) FOR MULTIMEDIA PROJECT II. Appsoft to Publish TopDraw 2.0 for the NeXT III. Call For Papers and Participation - Micro-Kernels IV. Winter 1991 release of NeXTanswers available V. NeXT SIG (special interest group) Fall update VI. Announcing the First Release of WAIStation for the NeXT VII. Project Gutenberg in the Wall Street Journal and on the net VIII. NeXT items for your user group members IX. Positions available in London - NeXTstep programmers wanted (vol. 1, issue 4, December 6, 1991) NeXTWORLD Expo update I. Wingz Now Shipping for NeXTstep 2.0 II. DADiSP has been ported to the NeXT platform III. OPTO-TECH releases ScanExt for the NeXT IV. FloppyWorks and OnDuty for the NeXT V. NeXT machine passes Minnesota Winter Test VI. Tool for NeXT Managers and System Adminstrators VII. NeXT and Computers in Physics Magazine VIII. NeXT Programmer wanted in Environmental Health Laboratory IX. Update on Project Gutenberg X. Position Open at Banzai Research Institute XI. Announcing three new products from RightBrain Software XII. A question from one of our NeXT user groups in Switzerland XIII. Linotype Library for NeXT now shipping XIV. Resources: NeXT Public domain applications (How to access) XV. Resources: New Purdue Archive server contributions this month (vol. 1, issue 5, December 18, 1991) I. Executor-MSW ships Dec.23 (Read&Write Macintosh disks, Run Microsoft Word) II. Project: "In Your Face" from Pages III. New NeXT Science Special Interest Group IV. Message from CompuServe NeXT Forum Sysop V. Update on the Purdue Archiver server VI. New Beta version of DataPhile (flat-file database) available VII. NeXT User Group Newsletters available VIII. UIGuide available on Purdue Archive Server IX. Winter Seasonal Music on Minnesota Archives (and Purdue Archive site) X. RAGNAROK: Twilight of the Gods XI. Four NeXTstep Programmer and Support Positions (vol. 2, issue 1, February 17, 1992) i. NeXTWORLD Expo Update (including the NeXTWORLD Expo Index) ii. A Seybold Special NeXT User Group Announcement-February 19 I. NeXT Technical Documentation II. Imagine Multimedia software position open III. NeXTConnection numbers, for your Rolodex file IV. Companion Products From RightBrain Software V. Adobe Technical Support VI. Announcing New Executor Mailing list VII. ABSOFT ports IMSL Fortran Libraries to NeXT VIII. Visus Introduces SpeechKit for the NeXT IX. RDR announces Development Tools for NeXT X. Update on Interface Builder Tutorials XI. To Friends of MediaView: MediaView is available XII. Pages Software Development positions XIII. NeXT System Administration Education Specialist XIV. Project Manager for Persistence Software XV. First National Bank of Chicago and NeXTstep developers XVI. Software Design Engineer Position XVII. NorthStar position available XVIII. Stolen NeXT machines alert! (vol. 2, issue 2, March 11, 1992) i. 1992 Winter AppWrapper magazine I. 3rd party developers committed to NeXTstep 486 II. At the Beep Software for your Telephone III. Jiro's Review of Engage IV. NeXT position in NYC (vol. 2, issue 3, March 11, 1992) i. Purdue archive site cleanup I. Hayes Announces Hayes ISDN Extender II. Announcing Engage! from Atherton Software Works III. PUBLISH mailing list IV. How to Order NeXT items for your user group members V. Announcing Hippoplotamus Release 1.0 VI. Printer application: Announcing DOTS for the NeXT VII. Chicago area NeXT Developers VIII. Trident Data Systems in Los Angeles (vol. 2, issue 4, March 11, 1992) *** Special Release 3.0 issue *** (including NeXTstep 3.0 FEATURES) (vol. 2, issue 5, March 30, 1992) i. "The Machine that Changed the World" on PBS I. NeXT Names President & COO II. Concurrence Presentation Software ships from Lighthouse Design III. Pencom Systems: NY, Wall Street and London consultants IV. Pencom Systems: Wall Street Sysadmin positions V. PixelMagician on NeXT VI. PC Week Magazine and NeXT VII. Thanks to Adamation for Special offer to NeXT User Groups! VIII. NeXT and the Olympics IX. Position: NeXTSTEP486 Developer Support Engineer *** Quote of the Month *** (vol. 2, issue 6, April, 1992) I. Largest Known Prime Number and NeXT II. Attention NeXTSTEP developers - from the Developer Association: ANDI III. rmNUG newsletter is now available IV. OpenCAD on the NeXT is shipping V. NeXT Computer is seeking a great CIM Engineer VI. MIDIapolis Systems ships SoundBursts Digital Sound Collections VII. NOW SHIPPING, SpeedDeX: a Multimedia Information Manager VIII. Federal Office Systems and Equipment Show (FOSE) IX. Massachusetts NeXT Network Admin for 130 systems X. Spring 92 NeXTanswers available XI. Magazine contacts XII. NeXTwatch publication information (vol. 3, issue 1, May 14, 1992) The Grady Report... Shipping Products for NeXT - May, 1992 I. BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY II. CONNECTIVITY, COMMUNICATIONS, AND EMULATION III. DATABASE AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IV. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS, AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING V. PUBLISHING AND GRAPHICS VI. SOUND AND MUSIC VII. TOOLS AND LANGUAGES VIII. UTILITIES IX. ENTERTAINMENT X. PERIPHERALS A. Data Acquisition and Sound B. Fax and Data Modems C. Image Capture, Display, and Printing D. Storage E. Other Peripherals (vol. 3, issue 2, May 18, 1992) I. Computerworld Magazine to Sponsor First Annual "Object Applications Awards" at Object World 92 II. Object Catalog: Call for Submissions (vol. 3, issue 3, June 5, 1992) I. Extension for submissions: NeXTSTEP Object Catalog II. NeXT wins Byte Magazine's 1992 Readers' Choice Award III. Database Developer - NeXTSTEP, Naperville/Chicago, IL IV. TRIDENT DATA SYSTEMS position V. Marine Terminals Corporation position (vol. 3, issue 4, June 10, 1992) I. Final Call for submissions: NeXTSTEP Object Catalog II. Where to find past issues of the NeXT Nugget News Digest III. Mesa Spreadsheet beta test offer IV. Fortune 500 Consulting Firm Makes NeXT Move V. Announcing Craftsman, Multimedia Programming NeXT tool VI. Electronics Magazine charts Industry Growth Rate for 1991 VII. NeXT Communications, TCP/IP Position Open in San Francisco (vol. 3, issue 5, June 17, 1992) I. The NeXTSTEP Advantage Booklet Available on Purdue Archive server II. NeXT Licenses NetInfo Source Code III. Announcing EquationBuilder for the NeXTSTEP environment IV. Font Hotline V. NeXTwatch Software Update VII. Announcing a new NeXTSTEP discussion list! VIII. Announcing MIDI Sequencing Software: Presto IX. Programming the Display PostScript System with NeXTSTEP X. Announcing Version 3.01 of Cub'X-Windows from Cub'X Systemes XI. Co-Xist (X-windows) 2.1.2 is Shipping XII. Insight Software Announces ElectroFile for NeXTSTEP XIII. Announcing SBook for NeXTSTEP XIV. Congratulations to Gotham Users of NeXT (vol. 3, issue 6, June 17, 1992) Shipping Products for NeXT - June 16, 1992 (vol. 3, issue 7, June 17, 1992) continued... Shipping Products for NeXT - June 16, 1992 (vol. 3, issue 8, June 30, 1992) I. NeXT Appoints Bernhard Woebker VP Europe II. NeXT Announces Final Private Financing Round; $65 Million Credit Line III. NeXT Announces POSIX/GOSIP Compliance for NeXTSTEP 3.0 IV. Pencom Launches NeXT Training Services, NeXT Consulting V. NeXTSTEP Release 3.0 Fact Sheet (vol. 3, issue 9, June 30, 1992) I. ANNOUNCING THE NeXT PUBLIC DOMAIN CD-ROM FOR EDUCATION II. NeXTSTEP Application Developer/Project Leader, Switzerland III. Trident Data Systems hiring Systems Analyst IV. Cub'x X-Windows (correction) V. Black Diamond Technologies to market Lotus Realtime for NeXTSTEP ________________ end