Le Club Macintosh de MontrƯal Publication: InterFace Issue: September, 1992 Author: John Markle Series: NeXTanswers Title: None ------------------------------------ NeXTanswers Where can I get public domain software for the NeXT computer? The following Internet sites archive NeXT-specific files: sonata.cc.purdue.edu nova.cc.purdue.edu cs.orst.edu umd5.umd.edu eesun1.arl.utexas.edu uvaarpa.acc.virginia.edu sutro.sfsu.edu cica.cica.indiana.edu For each site, you can ftp to the site by typing "ftp sitename" to the shell prompt. Then log in as "anonymous", with anything as a password (or follow the instructions regarding what password to type). There is usually a file called "README", or something similar, describing the contents of the directory and the site's guidelines for submissions. See the man page for "ftp" for help with ftp commands. In particular, you'll use "ls" and "cd" to traverse the remote filesystem, and "get filename" to transfer a file to the current directory on your local machine. You should type "binary" first to receive binary files. Some files will probably be compressed (identifiable by a ".Z" extension) and/or tar'ed (a ".tar" extension). For example, after you've gotten a file named "foo.tar.Z", you'll need to type to the shell prompt: uncompress foo.tar.Z tar xvf foo.tar This generally creates a directory called "foo". If the file on the archive server was just called "foo.Z", type "uncompress foo.Z", and this will create a single file called "foo". For further information, see the man pages for uncompress and tar. Purdue also provides email access to the archive server, for those without ftp access. Send a message with no text - just a subject line saying "help" - to archive-server @cc.purdue.edu. There is also a list of NeXT archive servers at Purdue in pub/next/ARCHIVES. Note that not all the software on these sites are public domain. Some software will indicate that it is FreeWare or ShareWare. Please respect these restrictions. If the software is ShareWare, and you use it, please pay the author for the ShareWare fee. Remember that the authors of such software are performing a valuable service for the NeXT community. Question misc.227 NextAnswers Digital Librarian Directory [Interface, September 1992]