-------------------------------- Moving the Recycler off the dock From: luomat@alleg.EDU (Timothy J. Luoma) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc Subject: About moving the Recycler off the dock (no, not how is it done, a different question) Date: 13 Mar 1994 16:45:46 -0600 Awhile back there was a lot of talk about moving the recycler off your dock (by command-dragging it) and the fact that it would be placed at the bottom left hand side of your screen on your next login. Did anyone ever discover a way (dwrite, I'd imagine) to force the recycler to stay somewhere else (other than the bottom left) ? I have my dock on the left side of my screen (dwrite Workspace DockOriginX 0) and I'd like my recycler off my dock and not on the bottom left. Just curious as usual, Thanks Tim