Item 7774369 93/09/08 08:10 From: PCLIP@IS1.BFU.VUB.AC.BE@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: Summary: Need a NeXT mouse Hi, I asked a few days ago about how to cope with defective mice. Thanks to all who replied, here is a summary of the most pertinent, informative, etc comments. John Karabaic (John_Karabaic@NeXT.COM) wrote: Mice are becoming a scarce commodity. It's possible to hook up any serial mouse to our keyboards and have 'em work, since they all work on the same principal. In fact, our mouse is identical to the Microsoft Mouse. Sometimes you may need to do some rewiring. The wire layout is in the User's Reference Manual. Jessica L Mosher ( sent this bit of info: If your NeXT is one of the ones that was made right before NeXT stopped making hardware, you may be able to use an Apple mouse with it. It was my understanding that the last series of computers NeXT made will work with Apple peripherals such as the ergonomic keyboard. You're probably already aware that NeXT has sold out all its hardware support to Bell Atlantic. I know that Bell Atlantic got all of NeXTs spare parts as part of the deal, so you may be able to purchase a mouse from them. Recently I was able to purchase screws for the back of my cube from them. A number of people sent in Izumi Ohzawa's instructions for using a Logitech mouse with the NeXT (thereby proving that Izumi's words of wisdom are now part of net-lore 8-) >> We have a dead mouse on a (slightly older than one year >> old) Turbo Color Nextstation - it double clicks when >> pressed once. How does one get a new one/get this one >> repaired? Can Bell Atlantic help with this? Any other >> ideas? > >However, there is a Logitech to NeXT wiring for hooking up Logitech >bus mice to a NeXT keyboard. I don't have it right now. Anyone? I have replaced 3 NeXT mice with Logitech MouseMan Bus mouses. I chopped off the cable and soldered an 8-pin Mini DIN connector to the cable. It works fine. I had to reverse Xa Xb in the wiring diagram posted RTF by Sean Luke some time ago. For Logitech MouseMan, Bus, my wiring is: 8pin Mini DINColor of Logitech mouse cable (pin# inside the mouse body) 1Black (4) 2Brown (7) 3Red (8) 4Orange(9) 5Yellow(10) 6Gray (3) 7Green(1) + Purple(2) 8White (6) Left and Middle buttons are wired together to become Left button for NeXT. One drawback is that Logitech MouseMan-Bus is a bit more sensitive than the NeXT Mouse so the pointer moves too fast, and none of the Preferences' 5 speed settings work right for the Logitech. To slow down the pointer to my taste, I have the following in a shell script. dwrite NeXT1 MouseScaling "4 1 1 8 2 9 4 10 7" Disclaimer: Use this info at your own risk. If you blow the mouse port or the mouse itself, you alone are responsible. I had to throw away the PC plug-in card that came with the bus mouse. I wonder if you can just buy the mouse by itself without the adapter card. -- Izumi Ohzawa [ $@Bg_78^=;(J ] USMail: University of California, 360 Minor Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 Telephone: (510) 642-6440 Fax: (510) 642-3323 Internet: (NeXTMail OK) Finally this from Paul Lowe ( We've had problems with mice in our NeXT labs and have found that the wires internal to the mouse get ripped from their solder. You might try taking your mouse apart and resoldering joints before spending any money! There it is, thanks again for all your help and I hope this will come in handy one day... Regards, Paul Clip. (No NeXTmail please) =END=