Item 8240807 94/05/03 05:14 From: ALEXANDER_SPOHR@DART.DE@INET00# Internet Gateway To: ERICTREMBLAY Eric Tremblay Subject: Re: Hidden Feature (Got It) Eric, here you go: a) select the NeXTUSA keyboard (I use the German one, that's why it did not work) b) start c) get the InfoPanel d) hold down Ctrl+Alt (left side) e) click on the icon.......... Sproing! Inside the appwrapper you find a tiff called Information.tiff - look into it (after you saw the anim). You can try to change the Information.sxxxx file to get a nicer anim. .. :-) (Ha ha ha!!!) I hadn't the time yet. But if you do it, please send me a copy! Have fun now! Atze =END=