Subject: NEXTSTEP Resources on the Internet Date: 15 May 1995 04:15:10 GMT Approved: Topics include: Stepwise NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information WWW site eduSTEP WWW site NeXT Computer, Inc. WWW site newsgroups related newsgroups newsgroups mailing list ftp sites NeXTanswers Stepwise NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Information WWW site =============================================== This online community resource includes - 200+ ISV company pages - 400+ ISV product descriptions - NEXTSTEP Developer Directory - NEXTSTEP Community WhitePages - NEXTSTEP User Group Directory - archives - User Group information - Mailing List archives and information You can connect via the world wide web at: Additionally there is a Mail Server available. You can get information on using the mail server at Suggestions or comments can be directed to me at If you would like to get your company and product information on Stepwise, please contact me at eduSTEP WWW site ================ eduStep aims to provide up-to-date information on: - NextStep tools and projects for scientists. - Third-party products interesting for the educational and scientific community (with educational discounts noted, where they exist). - A listing of resellers and shops interested in working with customers in the educational community. - Conferences, meetings, workshops - Major projects, such as SciTools, EMBL's project to develop a NextStep scientific work environment - Status reports on GNUStep, a freely-available implementation of OpenStep now being developed NeXT Computer, Inc. WWW site ============================* newsgroups ========================== This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) This is a moderated newsgroup, meaning that you can't post to it directly. Submissions should be e-mailed to where the moderator (Scott Anguish) will screen them for suitability. Archives are available by ftp at Messages posted to announce should NOT be posted or crossposted to any other groups. A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. This newsgroup has a very poor signal/noise ratio--all too often bozos post stuff here that really belongs someplace else. It rarely makes sense to crosspost between this and other c.s.n.* newsgroups, but individual reports may be germane to certain non-NeXT- specific groups as well. Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. Material posted here must not be crossposted to any other c.s.n.* newsgroup, but may be crossposted to or appropriate regional newsgroups. For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Anything you post here by definition doesn't belong anywhere else in c.s.n.*--i.e. no crossposting!!! Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. Related Newsgroups ================== news:comp.soft-sys.nextstep Like and combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. news:comp.lang.objective-c Technical talk about the Objective-C language. Implemetations discussed include NeXT, Gnu, Stepstone, etc. news:comp.object Technical talk about OOP in general. Lots of C++ discussion, but NeXT and Objective-C get quite a bit of attention. At times gets almost philosophical about objects, but then again OOP allows one to be a programmer/philosopher. (The original no longer exists--do not attempt to post to it.) Exception to the crossposting restrictions: announcements of usenet RFDs or CFVs, when made by the news.announce.newgroups moderator, may be simultaneously crossposted to all c.s.n.* newsgroups. Getting the Newsgroups without getting News =========================================== Thanks to Michael Ross at, the main NEXTSTEP groups are now available as a mailing list digest as well. next-nextstep-d next-advocacy-d next-announce-d next-bugs-d next-hardware-d next-marketplace-d next-misc-d next-programmer-d next-software-d next-sysadmin-d (For a full description, send mail saying LISTS to ). The subscription syntax is essentially the same as LISTSERV's. To subscribe, send a message to saying: SUB Listname YourName Example: SUB next-hardware-d John Doe The ftp sites ============= main site for North American submissions of older stuff Germany. (Dutch NEXTSTEP User Group) and (Italian NEXTSTEP User Group) below and ===================================== [from the document] Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system! This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, read them on the world-wide web, transfer them by anonymous ftp, or download them from the BBS. NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being. NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests. USING NEXTANSWERS BY E-MAIL To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be sent as ASCII text files instead. To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the body of the message. You can request several files in a single message. You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message. These commands affect the way that files you request are sent: ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME Message/Partial specification REPLY-TO address sets the e-mail address NeXTanswers uses These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system: HELP returns this help file INDEX returns the list of all available files INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list (ignoring capitalization) For example, a message with the following Subject line requests three files: Subject: 2101 2234 1109 A message with this body requests the same three files be sent as ASCII text files: 2101 2234 1109 ascii This message requests two lists of files, one for each search: Subject: SEARCH Dell SCSI SEARCH NetInfo domain NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command REPLY-TO If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY FAX To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the files will be faxed to you. If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada. USING NEXTANSWERS VIA THE WORLD-WIDE WEB To use NeXTanswers via the Internet World-Wide Web connect to NeXT's web server at URL USING NEXTANSWERS BY ANONYMOUS FTP To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using this, please send mail to USING NEXTANSWERS BY MODEM To use NeXTanswers via modem call the NeXTanswers BBS at (415) 780-2965. Log in as the user "guest", and enter the Files section. From there you can download NeXTanswers documents. FOR MORE HELP... If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-955-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis. Thanks for using NeXTanswers! Written by: Eric P. Scott (mailto:eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU) and Scott Anguish ( Additions from: Greg Anderson ( Michael Pizolato ( Dan Grillo (