Subject: Subscription to You have been added to the next-managers mailing list. Last Updated: 6-April-1993 EVERYONE WHO RECEIVES THIS MESSAGE: READ IT THOROUGHLY. This message is a summary of the next-managers charter and rules. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in severe chastisement by the list maintainer and other list participants or your being removed from the next-managers mailing list. 1: Requests to be added to or removed from the list should NOT be sent to the entire list. Instead, they should be mailed to: 2: This list is NOT moderated! Every message that is sent to the list will be passed on to every member of the list 3: This list is intended to be a quick-turnaround trouble shooting aid for those who administer and manage NeXT systems. Its primary purpose is to provide the NeXT manager with a quick source of information for system management problems that are of a TIME-CRITICAL nature. Its secondary purpose is to disseminate time-critical or security- related information. To help maintain the sanity of the next-managers administrator (me!) the next-managers list processing software performs some simple tests in an attempt to prevent subscription and unsubscription requests and other inappropriate messages from finding their way to list members. Please do not send flames to the entire next-managers mailing list, no matter how inappropriate a posting; rather, follow up with the original sender directly. 4: Answers to questions are to be mailed back to the questioner and are NOT to be sent to the entire list. The person who originally asked the question has the responsibility of summarizing the answers and sending the entire summary back to the list. If everyone follows this, one problem will only generate two or possibly three messages on the list. The summary message should contain the keyword "SUMMARY" in the subject line. 5: Corrections to compiled answers should be addressed only to the person who first asked the question; this person (the writer of the original question) is then responsible for distributing the corrected information to the list. 6: Discussions on ANY topic are very strongly discouraged. 7: If it is not specifically related to NeXT system management, then it does NOT belong on this list. This includes advertising. Advertising is not appropriate for this list. 8: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...Think before you send a message! Ask yourself is this really appropriate? have you checked in the reference manuals? have you checked NextAnswers? have you checked the Digital Librarian? have you checked in the online man pages? have you checked the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list? have you checked the next-managers archive? have you checked Nemeth-Snyder-Seebass "Unix System Administration Handbook"? If your message is not time-critical or not quite appropriate for the next-managers mailing list, try one of the USENET newsgroups: There are enough other newsgroups, mailing lists and other resources around to cover the marginal topics. 9: Do not send message from "root" or from "me"; send them from your own personal account. 10: Do not send messages with NeXT attachments; please use straight-text only. 11: Do not send messages with NeXT "Read-Receipt Requested" set; if set, "Read-Receipt" generates unwanted traffic. This issue is especially important due to the international nature of (and associated costs to) next-managers subscribers. NeXT-Managers Archive next-managers is currently archived on "" in pub/next-managers Bounced Mail Messages If you receive a message saying you have been removed from the next-managers mailing list, or if you find you are no longer receiving messages from next-managers, I may have found that mail to your electronic mail address has been bouncing. If a given email address bounces for more than a couple of days, I will usually just remove it from the list. Getting the problem fixed, resubscribing to the list, and retrieving the archive to catch up on what you missed are up to you. Sorry for the hard-nosed policy, but my mailbox has been filled with an incredible amount of bounced next-managers mail mail lately, and I need to do something about it. -- Craig D. Rice UNIX Systems Specialist/Network Analyst Academic Computing Center, St. Olaf College +1 507 646-3631 1520 St. Olaf Avenue +1 507 646-3549 FAX Northfield, MN 55057-1098 USA =END=