Newsgroups: comp.sys.newton.misc, From: (Wes Spears) Subject: The NEXTSTEP/UNIX and Newton mail list. Reply-To: Date: Sat, 7 Jan 1995 03:28:37 GMT The NEXTSTEP/UNIX and Newton mail list. Goals ========================= The intended purpose is to be a clearinghouse for integrating NEXTSTEP/UNIX and Newton computing environments. Background ========================= This list was created on December 31, 1994 in an effort to unite NEXTSTEP/UNIX users who had need and interest in integrating Newton and NEXTSTEP/UNIX environments.Further, the population is relatively small. Thus, we encourage each new member to send a message to the group briefly describing their background or situation. Administrative Items ========================= To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message with subscribe or unsubscribe in the body of the message to: To send a message to the list, send the message to: This list is maintained by Wes Spears in Houston, Texas. For human intervention, send a message to: -- -- Wes Spears | NeXTMail Welcome | MIME MAil Welcome The Weston Group | 8524 Highway 6 North, 162 | Voice (713) 827-2650