Jessycad.txt 6/02/1996 Jessycad is a 2dCAD software running on Nextstep Features: Import DXF files. Drawing "assistant" for easy intersection, perpandicular, extremity , ... Concept of "constrain", (ex:draw an horizontal line = line function + horizontal constrain) Each combinaisons betwen the "assistant" and the "constrain" is possible, try it ... Dimensions, symbols and bitmaps (or renderman...) pictures on the document. Direct link betwen the symbols on the layer and the symbol file on the hard disk. Inspector for the dimensions of entities, informations about layers, pen, ... Multy layer (each layer is an independent file, usable in different projects). Jessycad is compiled for the HP, SUN, Intel and Motorola platforms. This version is only in french. An on line rtfd documentation and an English version are optionnaly avalaibles. For any information send to :