NeXT Archive Maintance Script

This was origionally a really nasty, site-specific csh script, but it has evolved into a reasonably nice perl script for building indexes and doing other nice things to the site. It still needs some work, but it isn't too bad now. Here is the built in documentation (It's not entirly correct)
build 1.1ALPHA2                                          Jan 21, 1996

        A perl program designed to assist in the maintence of the
        next archive at It has several features:
                Recursive index building and maintance.
                Submission directory monitoring.
                Automatic change of permissions. *broken*

        There are currently 6 possible arguments that build takes.

        archive - This preforms a total reconstruction of the archive
                including indexing, linking, and creation of
                informational files.

        index - This recursivly builds up a index of the entire
                archive from the .index files that are also created
                or updated on the fly. The result is a .index file
                in every subdirectory with the contents of the
                subdirectory, and a index file with the contents
                of that subdirectory and the contents of all
                subdirectories underneath it.

        .index - This creates or updates a single .index file in
                the current directory. This file can have descriptions
                of the files added to it by leaving a space after
                the filename and adding text. The additional text
                is preserved through the indexing process providing
                that it is on the same line as a valid file, and 
                there is a space between the filename and the text. 

        modes - This changes the directories to be mode 775 and
                regular files to be 664. It is a recursive calling
                function that does not modify the current directory
                that it is in, only the subdirectories of itself.

        misc -  This just takes care of a couple little things.
                        Compresses and gzips copies of the
                        top level index file.

        recents - This creates a called Recent_Arrivals that finds
                all files that have a last modified date of 7 or
                less days.

        sindex - This creates a index file for the submissions
                directory that is diffrent from the standard
                index file in that it seperates out the files by
                arrival times. It also mails the file to the
                administrative alias.

        help - Creates this text and outputs it to standard output.

        Say you have just moved a lot of files around and you want
        to add descriptions to the .index files and update the
        archive because you had to reorganize some major areas.
        to get a new .index file in the directory you are in:
                build .index
        Now you can edit the .index file to add the descriptons
        Then maybe you want to update the entire index structure.
                build index
        Now that the index is cleared up you realize that you
        need to move a few more files around so you do that, and
        just to update everything you rebuild the entire archive
                build archive
        now everything is updated and everyone should be happy.

        Plenty, it isn't very robust yet and does *very* little
        error checking. I wouldn't reccomend moving it off of unless you know perl pretty well.

        build was created by Mike Miller September 1994. It
        contains a lot of stuff that is coded specifically to
        the archive. be careful if you try
        to use it elsewhere.

        Second Coding October 1995 by Mike Miller

        1.0ALPHA  - This version is the current prototype.
                it might not even run to syntatcal errors
        1.1ALPHA  - Massive changes, it does different things
                and in diffrent ways...
        1.1ALPHA2 - Modifications to fix bugs and add html
        1.1ALPHA3 - Moved the script to this
		 move required many little changes and caused
                 the creation of several global variables that
                 were specific to the site instead of hardcoding
                 imbedded in the code

        Just me so far. If you use this, write me mail and let
        me know what you think. This is version 1.1ALPHA3 so don't
        expect too much.

        [email protected]

Author: Mike Miller <[email protected]>
Last modified: Jan 1, 1996