August 16, 1982 APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE ROUGH DRAFT S D O S APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 SOFTWARE DYNAMICS 4th Printing NOTICE ------ This manual describes Software Dynamics Operating System (SDOS) Version 1.1. Software Dynamics has carefully checked the information given in this manual, and it is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SD reserves the right to change the specifications without notice. ********************************************************************** ** This manual describes software which is a proprietary product ** ** of Software Dynamics (SD). SD software is licensed for use on a ** ** single copy per computer basis, and is covered by U.S copyright ** ** laws. Unless a written exception is obtained from SD, the soft- ** ** ware must be used only on the single computer whose unique, SD- ** ** assigned serial number matches that for which the software was ** ** purchased. Copying the software for any purpose other than ** ** archival storage, or use of the software on other than the as- ** ** signed serial numbered CPU is strictly prohibited. SD assumes ** ** no liability regarding the use of the software. ** ** Certain software programs and datafiles are delivered for use ** ** in an encrypted format. The content of such programs and data ** ** are considered to be a trade secret of SD. Attempts or suc- ** ** cess at breaking the encryption, publication of the results of ** ** such attempts or successes, or copying, storage or use of such a ** ** file in clear text form will be treated as theft of a trade sec- ** ** ret, and prosecuted as such. ** ** POSSESSION OR USE OF THIS MANUAL OR THE SOFTWARE IT DESCRIBES ** ** CONSTITUTES AGREEMENT BY THE USER TO THESE TERMS. ** ********************************************************************** This manual and the software it describes are the copyrighted property of Software Dynamics. 1.1 SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE INTRODUCTION This manual gives detailed information needed by programmers building programs to operate under SDOS 1.1. The reader should be familiar with SDOS concepts; the SDOS User's Guide provides the appropriate background. This document presumes some familiarity on the part of the reader with assembly language coding for M6800, M6801 and M6809 microprocessors. This knowledge is needed to understand fully the implications of the SDOS System Call (SYSCALL) interface and the rules about error propagation. Practical use of SDOS does not generally require assembly assembly language programming, as most programming is done in SD BASIC, which provides statements for performing SDOS System Calls. This document covers three main areas: SDOS SYSCALL structure and assembly language interface Device Independent I/O - Concepts and device specific descriptions SDOS File System Structure 1.2 SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION I: DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O SDOS allows user programs to view all disk files and I/O devices as being fundamentally the same, i.e., if one can perform an operation on a device of type x (say, LPT:), one can generally perform that same operation on a different device of type y. Since disk files and devices are treated essentially identical, we will use file sometimes to mean device. In this section, a conceptual model of how files/devices should act is presented (later sections describe in detail the system calls used to implement this model). SDOS is designed in such a way that disk files conform to this model very closely; exceptions will be noted later. Real devices such as line printers, CRT's, Digital-to-Analog converters, etc., are made to emulate this model as closely as possible via a device driver routine in the I/O package; the degree of closeness depends entirely on this driver. In many cases, it is not practical or appropriate for a device to match the desired model; this means that there are device-dependent (actually, driver-dependent) limitations on this device independence. SDOS implements files for the purpose of storing and retrieving data. A file is assumed to consist of a sequential set of 8 bit data bytes, with the first byte being numbered zero, the second being number 1, the nth being numbered n-1. Each file has a size, which is equal to the number of bytes of data stored in the file. The data in a file can be read or written sequentially in variable-size blocks. If new data needs to be added to the end of a file, the file can be automatically extended. Commands exist to allow a file to be positioned to a specified byte position in preparation for a later read or write operation, thus providing random access. Data can be read or written in pure binary, or in ASCII (text) format. A device is (usually) a physical piece of hardware capable of retrieving and storing data, converting data to/from printed form, etc. (some devices, such as the CLOCK:, are almost purely software). In many cases a device is treated as a file by SDOS. Some devices can actually store many separate data files (such as a disk device). User programs communicate with files via mechanisms called "I/O channels". A channel remembers which file is being manipulated, and where in the file that the next data transfer should take place. Each user can have several I/O channels; typical SDOS systems allow eight I/O channels per user. I/O channels for a user are given numbers 0 to 255 maximum. Virtually all operations on a file must be performed in conjunction with an I/O channel. An initial connection is established between a user-program specified I/O channel and a particular file by use of a SYSCALL:OPEN (or SYSCALL:CREATE). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 1 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION I: DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O All further operations on that file must specify the operation desired, and the I/O channel number associated with a file. Note that a particular file may be open on several I/O channels, thus causing interactions between what appear to be independent operations. The association between a channel and a file is broken with a SYSCALL:CLOSE operation; a channel on which this operation is the most recently executed valid operation is said to be CLOSED. No operations except OPEN or CREATE are valid on a closed I/O channel. The I/O channel has associated with it several pieces of information: whether that channel is open or closed; the particular device driver which is responsible for that file; information selecting which file on that device is to be used; data selecting a position within that file; and a column count (next print position on a real or simulated printing device). When a file is first opened, the position is reset to zero (beginning of the file). Each read or write operation on an I/O channel advances the position for that channel by the amount of data read/written. An End Of File condition is said to have occurred whenever the file position on a particular channel is equal or larger than the file size (in bytes). Note that two I/O channels open to the same file are not necessarily positioned to the same place within that file. A column count is maintained for the purpose of "tabbing" (a text concept). This column count is zeroed whenever binary data (non-text) is read or written to a file, and adjusted to reflect the position along an imaginary typewriter line whenever textual data is copied to or from a file. Operations prformed on files are done via SDOS System Calls (SYSCALLs). SYSCALLs specify an operation, a Write Buffer (containing data going to a file or to SDOS), a Reply Buffer (where data or status from SDOS is returned), a channel number and/or operation subcode, and a reply length (RPLEN). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 2 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION I: DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O Operations defined on files include, but are not limited to: OPEN, CREATE, CLOSE, DELETE, RENAME, READA, READB, WRITEA, WRITEB, CONTROL, STATUS, POSITION, GETEOF, GETCOLCNT Other operations are device-driver specific. OPEN is intended to associate an I/O channel with a file (device) that already exists, for the purpose of reading (or updating) data in that file. Data-input only devices such as paper tape readers must be OPENed in order to read data. All devices can be OPENed so that the device type is easily read without knowing the kind of device being OPENed. CREATE is intended to associate a file or device with an I/O channel which is to be used whenever an entirely new stream of data is to be written or stored. In particular, when a new disk file is needed, or data sent to an output-only device (such as a line printer) a CREATE should be performed. Some devices, like CRT's, which are both input and output, can be either OPENed or CREATEd. CLOSE is used to break the association between a file and an I/O channel, and to cause the driver for the device on which that file resides to finish any operations on that file. DELETE is used to delete (disk) files from devices that store multiple named files. Devices cannot be deleted. Once a file is deleted, it cannot be OPENed and its contents are permanently lost. RENAME is used to change the name of a disk file, and is illegal when directed specifically at a device. READA and WRITEA are used to read and write ASCII (textual) data. This is used to read data from consoles, print on line printers, etc. If a file has no more room for new data written, then the file is automatically expanded. A channel number must be given to select the desired file. READB and WRITEB are used to read and write binary data to and from devices (data stored in a form convenient for the computer). An I/O channel number is required to select the desired file. Some devices, like Digital to Analog converters, can only perform Write Binary. CONTROL operations are used to cause device-specific operations that do not fit into the above types of operations. Typical control operations are GETTYP (get device type), POSITION, DUMP BUFFERS, etc. STATUS operations are used to read device or file specific data. Typical status data is DEVICE TYPE, FILESIZE, EOF flag and COLCNT. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 3 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION I: DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O POSITION is used to change the place in the file that the next read or write will start transferring data to or from. POSITION affects an I/O channel, not the file itself, so several I/O channels may be positioned to different points in the same file. A file can be positioned anywhere past the last data byte; this is used to expand a file. Although POSITION operations can be performed independently of read or write operations, it is generally more efficient to perform both in the same step; to allow this, an "implied position" operation can be added to read and write operations. GETEOF is used to determine if the position of a particular file is at or past the file size (i.e., there is no more data to read). GETCOLCNT is used to read back the simulated print head position of an ASCII text file (or an actual print head position for a line printer, etc.). This is useful when a tabular display is desired. Like the file position, this value is I/O channel dependent. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 4 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS DEVICE DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS This section describes the actual characteristics of the device drivers, and how operations on these drivers differ from an "ideal" device (as described under DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O). These characteristics are observable directly by the assembly language programmer via "Syscalls". Many features of the device drivers may be masked by a high level language such as BASIC; to use these features, an escape to assembly language may be required. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 5 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS DISK File Driver Disk files under SDOS implement virtually all aspects of general file handling as described under Device-Independent I/O. This section details exactly the operations implemented by the SDOS Disk File Driver. An SDOS disk file can physically contain as few as zero data bytes, and as many as the remaining free space after an SDOSDISKINIT. SDOS keeps track of disk file sizes accurate to the byte. Apparent file size may be much larger than the actually allocated disk space; such a file is said to be "sparse". Disk files may be allocated "dense"ly or "sparse"ly. A dense file is one in which data clusters are allocated for each data byte whose position is less than the file size. A sparse file may have a position (with a smaller value than the file size) for which no data cluster is allocated (data read from this area of the file appears as zeroes). An OPEN is used to open a disk file (that must already exist) for reading and/or update. If the file does not exist, an error will occur. A CREATE will CREATE a new disk file which will supersede the old version of the file when the new file is closed. The new file will contain zero data bytes after creation. A new file cannot be created if the old file is write protected, or a new file by that name is being created. Any OPEN or CREATE that specifies a filename that does not contain an explicit device identifier will be automatically assumed to be a disk file on the default disk (DISK:). Also, any filename that is prefixed by a disk device name, and does not consist solely of the device name is assumed to be the name of a disk file on the specified disk. For the form of disk file names, see the section on DEVICE and DISK FILE NAMES. Disk file names may include a parenthesized integer; this integer is used by CREATE to allocate enough disk space at file creation time to contain the number of data bytes specified by the integer. This has two advantages: first, it decreases the amount of time needed to allocate the space to the file (it is cheaper to allocate all at once than to allocate several little pieces when SDOS discovers it needs them) and it increases the probability the allocation of the file on the disk is contiguous, which decreases random access time to the file. No error is given if there is not enough disk space to satisfy the request. OPEN will parse but ignore the size. If CREATE is used to make a new disk file, and there is an old file by the same name, the old file must not be delete or write protected or an error will occur and the new file will not be created (nor will the channel be opened). Also, no file by that name may be CREATEd simultaneously (i.e., in psuedo-BASIC, COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 6 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CREATE #1,"X" CREATE #2,"X" will result in an error). Otherwise, the new file is created, and the channel is opened. As long as the newly created file is still open on the channel on which it was created, that new file is in the state of "being CREATEd". If an old file with the same name does exist, an OPEN SYSCALL executed after the CREATE, looking for the same file, will open the old file. If the system crashes before the new file is closed, the old file will be unaffected in any way. Even after the new file is closed, channels still open to the old file will not notice any difference. When the last channel OPEN to the old file is closed, the space for the old file is returned to free disk space. Example: TIME OPERATION ACTION 1 OPEN #1, "ABC" Opens old ABC 2 CREATE #2, "ABC" CREATEs a replacement 3 OPEN #3, "ABC" Opens old ABC 4 CLOSE #2, "ABC" Marks old verson of ABC as deleted 5 OPEN #4, "ABC" Opens file generated at time 2 6 CLOSE #1,#3 Deletes old ABC CLOSEing a disk file causes changes to the file size, protection, and other characteristics to be updated on the disk. IF THE SYSTEM CRASHES WHILE THE FILE IS OPEN, THESE CHANGES ARE LOST (NOT RECORDED IN THE DIRECTORY). If the disk file is newly created, and is not replacing another by the same name, closing will make its name appear in the directory. If the file is newly created, and it is a replacement for a file that already exists (i.e., one by the same name), then the new file will replace the old in the directory, and the disk space allocated to the old file will be returned to free space as soon as no other I/O channels remain open to the old version of the file. Disk space allocated to a file beyond the file size will be returned to the free disk space pool when a file is closed. RENAME is used to change the name of a disk file. RENAMEing a disk file to its own name is legal, and can speed up later OPENs of that file since a rename causes the file name to be re-hashed into the directory. Refer to hash-lookup description of files. A disk file cannot be renamed if it is write protected, or a file by that name already exists, or a new file by that name is being created. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 7 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS DELETE is used to free the space being used by a disk file and remove the filename from the directory. A file cannot be deleted if it is delete or write protected, or if a new version of the file is being created. READA performs exactly as specified by SYSCALL:READA. READAing through a large, sparse portion of a file may take an excessive amount of time due to the automatic suppression of all the zero bytes found in the sparse area. WRITEA, WRITEB, and READB match the SYSCALLs exactly. If an error occurs during a read or write, the file position may not be advanced properly. CONTROL operations available on disk files are the following: CC:POSITION Used to set file position before a read or write operation. See also SYSCALL:WRITEx and SYSCALL:READx. CC:DUMPBUFFERS Forces all data related to the file back to the disk media, so it is recorded permanently in case of a later crash. CC:SETFILEDATE Sets the creation/update date of the file. The date supplied must be in the same format as returned by a SYSCALL:READB to the CLOCK: device. Note that the file date is automatically updated whenever a WRITE or CC:SETFILESIZE operation is applied to a file. CC:SETFILEPROT Sets the file protection byte to the byte supplied. See DIRECTORY.SYS for structure of file protection byte. If the BACKUP protection bit is set, it will be cleared if any RENAME, CC:SETFILESIZE, or WRITE operation occurs. If the DELETE protection bit is set, the operations RENAME, DELETE, WRITE and CC:SETFILESIZE will not be allowed. CC:SETFILESIZE Sets the file size to the current file position. This operation can be used to extend a file (the extension will be sparse until written) or to truncate a file (data written beyond the file position given by the file size will become inaccessible, and data clusters that were allocated beyond that point will be returned to the pool of free clusters when the file is closed). CC:POSITIONTOEND Sets the file position equal to the file size; has the same effect as as a CC:POSITION applied to the result of an SC:GETFILESIZE. Generally used when extending a file is desired. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 8 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS STATUSes obtainable from a disk file are: SC:GETPOS Read position of file. SC:GETCOL Get file column number. This value is zeroed by a CC:POSITION or READB/WRITEB and adjusted as data bytes are read or written in ASCII mode. The disk file driver advances the column count by one for any visible character read/written; decrements by one if ASCII:BS is encountered; zeros the column count if ASCII:CR is encountered; advances the column count to the next multiple of 8 if ASCII:HT is found; and leaves the column count alone for all other codes. The value of the column count at a particular point in a file thus depends on the last operation of a file; it is intended only for use with sequential ASCII reads and writes. SC:GETEOF Returns EOF hit flag. EOF is set if positioned at or past file size. EOF also set when last byte of file is read or overwritten, or file is extended. EOF is reset when file is positioned with a positioning value less than the file size. SC:GETTYPE Returns device type of DVTYP.FILE. See SDOSUSERDEFS.ASM. All devices (drivers) are able to return a device type. SC:GETFILESIZE Returns the position of the last data byte written to the file, plus 1. If file has no data written in it, returns zero. SC:GETPARAMS Returns data about the file, such as sector size in bytes, and the cluster size. SC:GETFILEDATE Returns the creation/update date of the file in the standard system date format (same format as a SYSCALL:READB would return from the CLOCK:). device. SC:GETFILEPROT Returns the protection byte currently associated with the file. See DIRECTORY.SYS description for format of protection byte. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 9 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS No other status is obtainable from a disk file. SDOS will allocate data clusters to a file automatically whenever a write request to a non-allocated part of a file occurs (it does not allocate from the current end of file up to the point of the write; it simply leaves that part of the file sparse). A cluster allocated in a formerly sparse part of a file is automatically zeroed to preserve the "zero" property of the part not modified. SDOS attempts to allocate data clusters contiguously (with respect to Logical Cluster Numbers) to minimize scattering of the file over a disk and to minimize sequential processing time. If absolutely contiguous allocation is not possible, SDOS allocates the closest free LCN that starts a contiguous block of BOOT:MIDALLOC free clusters. The SDOS disk file driver keeps track of OPENed (CREATEd) files via File Control Blocks. FCBs are in one-to-one correspondence with open files (not channels), and contain what amounts to a DIRECTORY.SYS entry. In particular, the FCB holds the amount of disk space allocated to a file and its apparent size. If a file is extended on one channel, the extension will be apparent immediately on a different channel on which that file is also open because of the shared FCB. Disk sectors are kept in a pool of sectors to minimize disk reads of frequently accessed data. Data written into a file will be immediately available through another I/O channel on which that file is open because the (modified) disk sector in the pool is shared. Modified sectors in the pool are written back to the disk as space is required to bring in another disk sector according to a Least Recently Used discipline. The oldest sector on the queue will be written back if its disk is free. These side effects of the FCBs and the disk sector buffer pool are subtle but desirable because it is appropriate that different programs be able to share a file and its contents exactly as it is in any instant in time. Many disk operating systems do not provide this exact sharing capability, and consequently make it hard to build a set of programs that interact through a common data base. SDOS optimizes sequential I/O to disk files via "read-ahead". Whenever data from a particular sector of a disk file is fetched, SDOS pre-reads the next sector of that disk file into the sector pool. The read-ahead happens in parallel with processing of data from the first sector. This scheme decreases sequential file processing time, and lowers the cost of reading records that span sector boundaries to an acceptable level. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 10 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS DISK Device Driver The SDOS disk device driver allows access to the entire contents of a disk as though it were a single, large file. This facility is generally only used by utility programs to initialize, check out, and repair the file structure on a disk, but it may also be used to squeeze out the last ounce of available disk space, to cut down access time to a large file, or to read/write disks compatible with the drive but intended for other disk operating systems. Disk device drivers may also be used to perform operations on the device itself, such as to dismount a disk. A disk device driver is OPENed when SDOS is asked to OPEN a file whose name consists only of a disk name. (Writes to the device are illegal until a CC:UNLOCKDISK call is made to enable this; this protects the file structure against damage from casual programs since they typically don't issue this call.) A disk device which has been DISMOUNTed recently will have a Map Algorithm of :0001. If the disk device is already mounted (i.e., has been used for disk file operations), then the map algorithm will be that given by the BOOT.SYS file on the disk. The disk device driver treats CREATE calls exactly like an OPEN. CLOSEing a disk device simply disassociates the I/O channel number, and otherwise does nothing. RENAME and DELETE operations directed to a disk device will cause an error. READA and READB act as described under SYSCALLs; the contents of the disk are treated as a single, large stream of bytes. WRITEA and WRITEB act as described (once enabled by CC:UNLOCKDISK), however, a disk device cannot be "extended" when more space is needed, so writing off the "end" of the disk device will cause an End of File error, and the written data will be lost. Access to sectors may be obtained by positioning a disk device to a byte position which is a multiple of the sector size for that disk. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 11 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS Disk device drivers support the following CONTROL operations: CC:POSITION To position for later reads/writes. CC:DUMPBUFFERS This control operation will cause all modified sectors belonging to the disk to be written back to it. It will also cause information changed in FCBs of files open on that disk to be written back. Information in FCBs for newly created but not yet closed files is NOT written back to the disk. This is not a substitute for a DISMOUNT control operation. No parameters are needed. CC:UNLOCKDISK This enables WRITEA and WRITEB to work properly on a disk device. If CC:UNLOCKDISK is not issued after OPENing a disk, and prior to a write, a "disk is software write protected" error will occur. Requiring this control operation to write on the disk device prevents accidental writing to a disk device. CLOSEing the disk device re-enables the write protection. No parameters are needed. CC:DISMOUNTDISK This operation is used to make SDOS let go of a disk entirely so it may be removed from the drive. An implied DUMPBUFFERS occurs. If there are any (new or old) disk files OPEN on that disk, an error will occur and the dismount operation will not take place (one should repeatedly issue dismounts until no errors are detected; a disk I/O fault on a dismount will probably require SDOSDISKVALIDATE to repair the disk). The disk I/O driver will be called so that it may physically eject the disk or perform other needed cleanup. A successful dismount also turns off the FORMAT mode switch in the disk sector I/O driver. The map algorithm is set to :0001 if the dismount succeeds. CC:SETMAPALGORITHM This allows the 16 bit Map Algorithm for the disk to be changed. An implied CC:DUMPBUFFERS occurs first; if there are any disk files OPEN on that disk, an error will occur. If any error occurs, the map algorithm will not be changed. The map algorithm is passed in the WRBUF of the SYSCALL block. CC:FORMAT CC:FORMAT is used to switch into "blind write" mode, intended for disk formatting purposes. See Disk I/O drivers. This operation may not be available on all disk devices. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 12 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS Any other CONTROL code is simply passed by the SDOS Disk Device Driver to the Disk Sector I/O driver for its use. STATUS information obtainable from a disk device is the following: SC:GETPOS As described under SYSCALLs SC:GETCOL As described under SYSCALLs SC:GETEOF As described under SYSCALLs SC:GETPARAMS Returns NBPS (number of bytes per sector), NSPT (number of sectors per track), NTPC (number of tracks per cylinder), and NCYL (number of cylinders) each as 2 byte values. See SDOSUSERDEFS.ASM for details on format of result. SC:GETFILESIZE Returns the size of the disk in bytes; equal to NBPS*NSPT*NTPC*NCYL (the product of the sector size in bytes, and the number of sectors on the disk). SC:GETTYPE Returns DVTYP.DISK SC:GETLASTBADLSN Returns the Logical Sector Number of the disk sector which last caused a Seek, Read or Write error. The LSN is returned as 3 bytes; an LSN of :FFFFFF means "no bad LSN". Executing SC:GETLASTBADLSN, CC:DISMOUNT, or CC:SETMAPALGORITHM causes the value to be reset "to no bad LSN". This STATUS is intended primarily for use by SDOSDISKVALIDATE. SC:GETERRORSTATS Returns error statistics collected by the disk driver selected. Such error statistics record counts and disk controller status after each failed attempt by the driver to perform a seek, read or write operation, and the the LSN of the sector involved when the failed attempt last occurred. Since the disk drivers retry failed attempts, nonzero error statistics can occur and yet the system will still function without error; such errors are known as "soft" errors and are only an indication that some difficulty may be present. Executing SC:GETERRORSTATS, CC:DISMOUNT or CC:SETMAPALGORITHM causes the value to be reset "to no bad LSN". This STATUS is intended primarily meant for display by the DISMOUNT command. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 13 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS VIRTUAL TERMINAL DRIVER (CONSOLE:, LPT: and Other ASCII-Oriented Serial Devices) This section describes SDVT11C, known as the "Virtual Terminal Driver". The Virtual Terminal driver is intended to allow an applications program to operate with the majority of display-oriented display units (terminals), without knowing physical terminal characteristics. Inasmuch as printer devices and terminals have a great deal in common, with respect to output, the secondary intent of the VT driver is to give the application the same uniform view of printer devices. This is accomplished by defining a set of display-oriented operations for an imaginary (virtual) terminal. The application controls the terminal with this set of operations, giving no regard to the type of physical terminal which may be ultimately used. At time of program execution, the operations commanded by the application are mapped into equivalent operations which the physical terminal can perform. In the event that an applications programmer desires to explicitly reference a feature peculiar to a particular terminal, he may use installation-dependent CONTROL or STATUS calls, or the binary operations READB and WRITEB to bypass the general nature of the VT driver. In so doing, however, that program becomes tied to a particular terminal and is no longer portable to all terminals serviced by the VT driver. The VT driver provides keyboard entry, line input editing, and text display functions. For CRTs, the VT driver also provides a standard method of dealing with cursor positioning, data entry via fields, and various screen attributes (denoted as "Coloring" in this document) thus making display-oriented applications portable over a wide variety of terminals. For each virtual terminal device, the VT driver presents an indefinitely long input or output byte stream to the application. The path of input, from typist to application, travels through several territories, before reaching its destination. Keystrokes are first collected in a type-ahead buffer. When a request for data is made (via a READA or READB, for instance), characters are removed from the type-ahead buffer, in the order received, and assembled in the input line buffer. Characters are moved from the type-ahead buffer to the input line buffer, up to and including the character which terminates the buffer filling process. All subsequent data requests are satisfied from this line buffer, until it has been exhausted; then, the type-ahead buffer is again referenced. If the type-ahead buffer is empty, then input is taken from the keyboard, a keystroke at a time. The type of the last data request (READA, READB, etc.) determines how the type-ahead buffer is filled. If the binary mode has been selected (the last request was a READB), then all keystrokes are faithfully stored in the type-ahead buffer. On the other hand, if the ASCII mode has been selected (the last request was a READA COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 14 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call), the parity bit is stripped from all characters; certain control characters are assigned special meaning (see Control Characters in this section) and are not stored in the type-ahead buffer. Editing of the input line is performed at the time of character transfer from the type-ahead buffer to the input line buffer: if a READA or a CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call initiated the transfer, then the input line buffer is filled in ASCII mode and line editing is performed; otherwise, the data is transparently copied through the input line buffer to the RDBUF specified by the request. When ASCII mode keystrokes are being stored in the type-ahead buffer, switch requests, such as ^A, ^C, ^S, and ^P (to name a few), are serviced immediately, and are not retained in the type-ahead buffer. Associated with each virtual terminal device is a "Device Profile Block". The DPB customizes the terminal to operate with specific manufacturers' devices so that standard SDOS operations are converted to equivalent device-specific operations. This allows application programs to position cursors, "color" the screen or screen regions, or update and erase the screen without knowing the specific device type. A system command, SDOSSET, can be used to change which device profile is in use; some profiles are "malleable"; i.e., changeable, so even devices with properties not handled by standard DPBs in a system can be accommodated. There are also special control calls to allow an application to select or modify particular profiles. A terminal may be OPENed or CREATEd, using the device name "CONSOLE:", "PORT1:", "PORT2:", etc.; a printer to "LPT:", "LINEPRINTER:", etc. Doing an OPEN or CREATE sets the ASCII activation set to only, sets the tabs to 8, 16, 24 .... up to 132, performs CC:ECHO and CC:KILLENABLE control calls, and sets the background color to "black" (see CC:BACKGROUND). CREATEs to non-ready devices are aborted with a "Device Not Ready" or "Printer Not Ready", depending on whether the device was a console or printer, respectively; this prevents applications from outputting data to un-ready devices in a way which is convenient to test. A terminal/printer may be open on several channels provided that all channels belong to the same task; output display by the terminal is exactly what would be seen if the I/O requests had been all directed to one channel in the same order. CLOSE disassociates the I/O channel from the driver. For printers, if part of a line has been printed, the VT driver will complete the line by effectively WRITEAing ASCII:CR; if a partial page has been printed, it will finish the page by effectively WRITEAing ASCII:FF, thus assuring that each use of a printer leaves the paper aligned at top of form for the next use. CLOSE finally does an implied CC:DUMPBUFFERS, and gives an error if the device times out. RENAME and DELETE operations are illegal. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 15 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS READA and WRITEA are the normal I/O modes used with the terminal, and match the SYSCALL specification. A READA causes the characters to be taken from an input line buffer maintained by the driver. When the input line is exhausted, and a READA is issued, the driver processes characters from the type-ahead buffer, placing regular keystrokes in the input line buffer, performing editing as directed by control keys, and performing echoing for the typist's benefit. A ^Z read from the type-ahead buffer will cause an End of File condition to occur. Parity is stripped, leaving only 7-bit ASCII codes. Characters are not taken from the input line buffer until activation has been signaled. READA terminates when an activation character is encountered, or RDBUF has no room for the next character. In the latter case, an "Activation Not in Buffer" error is returned, along with as much data as RDBUF can hold. READA must be done in line mode: a non-line mode request for more than zero bytes will result in an "Illegal Device Operation" error; READA non-line mode for zero bytes is accepted for backwards compatibility reasons to allow change of mode from Binary reads to Ascii reads. As a general rule, SDOS uses a single character to represent as a pair. Line feeds are not an acceptable alternative. When a READB is issued, keystrokes are accumulated in the input line buffer (and the type-ahead buffer, as necessary), with neither echoing nor pre-processing of any kind. The exact key codes generated by the terminal hardware are passed directly to the application, including the parity bit. READB is terminated when the reply buffer is filled. WARNING: an unsatisfied READB to a VT device cannot be aborted; we do not recommend using this. If the last operation upon the terminal was READA, then most control keys, including ASCII:ESC and ASCII:RUBOUT cause various actions to be taken by the VT driver; these keystrokes are not passed to the application. If READB was last issued, no special interpretation of any keystroke is made; all keystrokes are placed in the type-ahead buffer for processing by the application. READA and READB permit a 0-byte read request for the purpose of changing input modes. See section on Control Characters for a complete list of the control characters, and their actions, upon both input and output. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 16 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS WRITEA causes text to be output to the terminal. All characters are first stripped of the "parity" bit (bit 7), and then inspected to determine their interpretation. Printing characters are sent to the device. Tab characters are expanded according to the tab table assigned to each terminal. ASCII:CR characters cause an ASCII:LF and a variable number of idle characters to be output after them. ASCII:FF (form) characters cause CRT screens to be cleared, and cause printers to move to top-of-next-page. Other control characters are generally printed as ^c, where c is the keystroke used with the control key. See Table of Control Characters for a complete list of the control characters, and their actions, upon both input and output. WRITEB causes the bytes to be sent to the terminal exactly as specified in the write buffer, including the "parity" bit. No linefeeds or idles are inserted. The logical column count is zeroed, and the VT driver assumes it no longer knows the location of the cursor (the application must issue a CC:POSITION or perform an implied positioning call before the VT will know where the cursor is again). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 17 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS The VT driver supports the following control operations: CC:POSITION The positioning information is treated as a cursor position of the form R*256+C, where R is the desired row (0 is the top row), and C is the desired column (0 is the leftmost column). Any value which would cause the cursor to position off the display, will result in an Illegal Device Operation error, and the cursor will not be moved. Positioning the cursor of a hardcopy terminal (display depth is zero) or a printer is not permitted, and will result in an Illegal Device Operation error. Note that SYSCALL:READA, SYSCALL:READB, SYSCALL:WRITEA and SYSCALL:WRITEB all allow implied positions in SCBLK:EXTENSION, so that a single call can both position the cursor and do I/O. CC:DUMPBUFFERS This is generally a no-op, since the driver dumps characters to the device as fast as it can; it does check for a device timeout. No parameters are needed. CC:ECHO This enables echo on READA. No parameters are needed. CC:NOECHO This shuts off echo on READA. No parameters are needed. CC:WRAP This enables line wrapping when a line exceeds the display width. CC:NOWRAP This disables line wrapping when a line exceeds the display width: the line is truncated, and the cursor is left on the same line, following the last character displayed. CC:IDLES This sets the number of idles to be transmitted after a or . The first byte in WRBUF is the idle count (0 is legal), the second byte in WRBUF is the character after which the idles are to follow. If the second byte is not present, idle trigger defaults to . A character other than or will cause an "Illegal Device Operation" error. This information is not changed by OPENs, CREATEs, or CLOSEs. Note that the current profile must be either malleable or hardcopy (an option which must be SYSGENed into the I/O package); otherwise, a Profile Not Malleable error will be returned. Caveat: Some terminals will behave differently for than for . COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 18 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:TABS This sets tab stops for tab simulation. The WRBUF must hold a string of bytes, each byte specifying the next tab stop. Each successive byte must contain a column number larger than the previous one. When the terminal is first opened, tab columns are set at every eighth column, up to 132 columns (0 is the first column). Up to 16 tab stops may be set; if too many are supplied, an "Illegal Device Operation" error will result. If the order of the tab stops is incorrect (not monotonically increasing), an "Illegal Device Operation" error will be returned, and the old tab settings will be undisturbed. Since CONSOLE: devices tend to stay open for long periods of time, CONSOLE: tab settings have a tendency to remain in effect long after needed. CC:SETACTBLOCK This specifies a non-standard set of activation characters. The non-standard set is specified with a vector of 128 bits (arranged in WRBUF as 16 bytes), corresponding to the ASCII character set. The least significant bit in the first byte corresponds to character code 00, and the most significant bit of the 16th byte corresponds to character code :7F. When a bit is set, the corresponding character is interpreted as a non-standard activation character; when the bit is reset, the standard interpretation applies (see the chart of Control Characters, below). The activation set is restored to the standard interpretation (all bits reset) by OPEN and CREATE. When marked as activation characters, control characters and ASCII:RUBOUT are never echoed, while printing characters echo only if echo is enabled. Note that is always an activation character -- marking it as a non-standard activation character only changes its echoing characteristics (as a standard activation character, it echoes if echo is enabled; as not-standard, it does not echo). CC:CLRINPUT This clears the input line and type-ahead buffers. This is useful when input, following an abnormal condition, is required. CC:CLROUTPUT This clears the output buffer. It is generally useful only when the output buffer for a device is very big, or the device is very slow; otherwise, the buffer will empty quickly anyway. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 19 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:SETREADTIMEOUT This sets a timeout on a subsequent READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call. The timed period begins when the subsequent input operation is issued. When the timed period has expired, the input operation is terminated with a "Timed Input Expired" error, and the data input thus far is returned in the RDBUF supplied by the input operation. The length of the period is expressed in 60ths of a second, as a 16-bit value. Note that the period allowed is only approximately what is specified, but is guaranteed to be longer than the value given. The value is found in WRBUF, and WRLEN must be 2. CC:SETPROFILE This selects a new device profile, which includes a function mapping VT operations to physical terminal operations. Selection of a profile sets default device width, depth and output timeouts; it specifies how the device will position the cursor, clear the screen, erase to end of line, and go to new lines; it controls how "coloring" is to be displayed, etc. Such a profile generally represents a particular model of CRT/printer. The new profile replaces the old profile, and is retained until changed or the system is re-booted. Some profiles are malleable and may be somewhat altered to accomodate devices for which there is no specific profile (see below). As the malleable profile is a template, any alterations are retained with the device, rather than with the profile. Selection of a new profile will cause previous alterations to be lost. WRBUF contains one number, which is the profile "name". Specification of a profile not sysgenned into the I/O package will result in a "No such Profile" error. WRLEN must be 1. This call is normally only used by the SDOSSET program. For a list of profile names, see the documentation for SDOSSET or the file IOVTDPBS.ASM. Note that adding a new profile requires changes to the I/O package. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 20 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:ALTERPROFILE This alters the currently selected profile (see above), if it is malleable; if it is not, a "Profile Not Malleable" error is returned. The alterations are confined to defining a cursor-positioning sequence, an erase to end of line (EEOL) sequence, and a home and clear screen (CLEAR) sequence. An "Illegal Device Operation" will be given if the parameter supplied are unreasonable. Note that the cursor positioning sequence contains, in place of the row and column numbers, the offsets to be added to the row and column numbers supplied by the application; thus, the cursor positioning sequence could be used, by itself, to position to location (0,0). More extensive alteration must be accomplished by defining a new profile and incorporating it into a newly-generated system. WRBUF must contain the following data: ALTERPROFILE:CPLEN significant length of cursor positioning sequence following; 1 byte in range 3 to 4. If this length is < 3, then the VT driver will output '@@' instead of a cursor position. ALTERPROFILE:CPSEQ cursor position sequence, which includes the row and column offsets; 4 bytes ALTERPROFILE:CPIDLES number of idles to follow cursor positioning sequence; 1 byte ALTERPROFILE:ROWDISP displacement into cursor positioning sequence of row number; 1 byte ALTERPROFILE:COLDISP displacement into cursor positioning sequence of column number; 1 byte ALTERPROFILE:CLLEN significant length of CLEAR sequence following; 1 byte in range 0 to 4. If 0, a CLEAR sequence will be simulated by generating enough ASCII:LFs to move to the top of a page if a printer device (page depth can be changed by CC:SETPARAMS). This is a useful device if a system has different size paper forms, and no forms control tape. ALTERPROFILE:CLSEQ CLEAR sequence; 4 bytes COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 21 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS ALTERPROFILE:CLIDLES number of idles to follow CLEAR sequence; 1 byte ALTERPROFILE:EEOLLEN significant length of EEOL sequence following; 1 byte in range 0 to 4. If 0, the sequence will be simulated. ALTERPROFILE:EEOLSEQ EEOL sequence; 4 bytes ALTERPROFILE:EEOLIDLES number of idles to follow EEOL sequence; 1 byte. CC:WRITEEDITLINE This appends the contents of WRBUF to the end of the input line buffer as if the typist had entered that data. A subsequent READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call will cause the data to be displayed, in the usual fashion, and the typist may edit the data until an activation character is entered. Note that using the CC:NOECHO control call, prior to invoking CC:WRITEEDITLINE, will inhibit that data from being displayed at the time of the READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call. An activation character may be present in WRBUF, but will prevent the typist from editing characters prior to the activation character: activation will occur immediately. If WRLEN is greater than the space available in the input line buffer, or data follows an activation character in WRBUF, an Illegal Device Operation error is returned and no data is transferred to the input line buffer. If present, the syscall block extension contains a cursor position at which the cursor should be left, after the data has been echoed by the input operation; otherwise, the cursor will be left at the end of the data supplied in WRBUF. When a field has been explicitly defined (see the CC:SETFIELDSIZE control call, below), the 1-byte syscall extension is the column number at which the cursor is to be placed, at the time of the READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call; if that column is in the middle of a tab expansion, the cursor will be positioned following the expanded tab. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 22 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:SETFIELDSIZE This defines an input field for a subsequent READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call. WRBUF contains the field width. The field width must be at least 1 and no greater than the width of the display. If the field width is 0, or exceeds the limits of the display, a "Bad Field Width" error will be returned, and the field definition will not be made. Unless any of the cursor control keys for moving left, right, up, and down have been designated activation characters, they may be used to position within the defined field. When an attempt is made to position the cursor beyond the boundary of the field, that character is treated as an activation character and the operation is terminated; the terminating cursor control character is appended as the activation character, and the cursor is not moved. An SC:GETACTCOL status call may be issued to determine the exact column of exit. If any of the cursor control characters is designated an activation character, then that character cannot cause a field exit condition, and will activate immediately upon use. The field definition terminates upon field exit, or entry of an activation character. If the field, at the time of the input operation, is not contained completely within the display width, that input operation will terminate with an "Bad Field Width" error and the field input mode will be cancelled. ^C^C will cancel any outstanding field definition. CC:SETPARAMS Sets the width (1 byte) and the depth (1 byte) of the display; this overrides the default from the device profile chosen. Zero depth means that the terminal is not a paging device and will print ^L when given a form feed character. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 23 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:ACTIVATIONCK This is used to enable keyboard input without causing the program to suspend operation. CC:ACTIVATIONCK returns an "Activation Received" error if an activation character is in either the input line buffer or the type-ahead buffer. If no activation character is present in either buffer, the input line buffer is filled from the type-ahead buffer, unless this has already been done by a previous call of CC:ACTIVATIONCK. A READA issued following an "Activation Received" error will always return immediately with the data requested and/or an error appropriate to a READA (If ^C^C has been seen while the SDOS/MT and KILLPROOF flags are set, a "Program Killed" error will be returned; otherwise, ^C^C will result in the program being killed.) *Once the CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call has been issued, subsequent I/O requests (with the exception of CC:ACTIVATIONCK, status requests, and SYSCALL:READA) will result in an "I/O In Progress" error. This state is exited by issuing a READA upon receipt of an "Activation Received" error. A CC:SETREADTIMEOUT control call issued prior to the initial CC:ACTIVATIONCK can be used to limit the time spent in this state. When the timed period expires, the next CC:ACTIVATIONCK will return an "Activation Received" error, and the subsequent READA will return the expected "Timed Input Expired" error, along with any data received prior to the expiration. * See the section on SDOS/MT support for a caveat that applies to this note. CC:SETBAUDRATE This call is used to change the baud rate of a device. WRBUF contains a 16 bit unsigned integer representing the exact baud rate desired (rounded to an integer). An "Illegal Device Operation" is returned if the baud rate cannot be changed, or cannot be changed to the specified value. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 24 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:COLORING For the purposes of this control call, a "color" is that which changes the appearance of text without changing its meaning or size. This call supports the myriad available features dealing with display appearance: these include, but are not limited to: color, intensity, underscoring, and blinking. It explicitly does NOT handle characters whose size is non-standard (i.e., double-width or double-height) for the device. 16 bits of data, found in WRBUF, specify the desired display mode for subsequent output: all display characteristics must be specified by the same control call at one time. The mode change is made immediately, and the mode is saved for later use by the position control call. All characters output via WRITEA are "colored" according to the last color selected by this call. When a position control call is made, the "zero" coloring is selected (see CC:BACKGROUND, below), the positioning is performed, and the coloring selected by CC:COLORING is re-instated. CC:COLORING does not cause the cursor to move (some terminals violate this, due to their design deficiencies). Two bytes in WRBUF are used to specify the display modes. The first byte is divided as follows: 2 bits for intensity, 1 bit for blink, 1 bit for underscore, 1 bit for reverse video, 3 bits for (inverted) color (1 bit each for "not red", "not green", and "not blue"). The second byte contains 3 bits for selecting alternate Roman character sets; the remaining bits are undefined and must be zero. The default color of "zero" (both bytes zero) selects the standard Roman character set, standard intensity, no reverse video, no underscore, no blink, and the color white (i.e., the display mode obtained for virtually all "dumb" CRTs). The "zero" color is automatically selected by OPEN. Although this control call is recognized by all systems, its actual implementation will vary according to the particular terminals being supported; in the simplest of cases, it will be implemented as a NOP. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 25 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CC:BACKGROUND A "background" color is the color displayed in all screen locations which do not contain a character. CC:BACKGROUND selects the default coloring to be used when the display is cleared, or when cursor positioning is to be done (see CC:COLORING, above). The required byte of data is found in WRBUF and is of the same format as for the first byte of CC:COLORING, above. A black background (hex :07) is automatically selected by OPEN. Although this control call is recognized by all systems, its actual implementation will vary according to the particular terminals being supported; in the simplest of cases, it will be implemented as a NOP. CC:KILLPROOF This is used to KILLPROOF a specific VT input device. What that means is that ^C^C and ^D will be rejected with a beep when they are entered. ^C while killproof clears the type-ahead buffer. CC:KILLENABLE This is used to cancel the effect of a CC:KILLPROOF control call directed at the same VT input device. Note that SYSCALL:KILLPROOF is not overridden by this control call. CC:SETEXCEPTION This call is used to specify exceptions to VT driver processing. At this time, the only exception defined is for SEDIT; and specifies that fields also activate on ASCII:RUBOUT at left end of field, and on ^U or ^L at right end of field. CC:SETOUTPUTTIMEOUT This call is used to specify a new value for output timeout interval, and overrides the default selected by the Device Profile Block last chosen. It is especially useful with the VT:MALLPT profile when the printer has a large buffer of its own, and goes "BUSY" for long periods while it prints. The interval is specified as a two byte number in WRBUF in 60ths of a second. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 26 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS STATUS OBTAINABLE FROM THE VT DRIVER Many of the statuses available from the VT driver are simply images of data specified by Control calls to the driver. This is for convenience of the SDOSSET program, and allows it to show the operator the "current" settings of things before modification. SC:GETPOS Reads the cursor position in the same form as CC:POSITION. SC:GETCOL If the input line buffer is empty, this returns the output column number; otherwise, this returns the column number corresponding to the first byte to satisfy the next read. The column number is the same as used in CC:POSITION. A READB zeroes the column number. Returning the column number corresponding to the next input character when there is a partially-read input line makes it possible to distinguish between "TERSE" command lines and "VERBOSE" command lines; if the column count is zero when a program gets control, there must be nothing in the line buffer and so VERBOSE mode is desired; otherwise, something is in the line buffer and so TERSE mode is desired (see COMMAND INTERPRETER). SC:GETEOF This returns a non-zero byte if ^Z was seen while in READA mode, and the input line buffer is empty; otherwise, this returns a zero byte. End of File status is never set while in READB mode to a VT device. Note that the only way to reset this status is to CLOSE and reOPEN the channel. SC:GETTYPE Returns DVTYP.CONSOLE or DVTYP.PRINTER, as appropriate. SC:GETPARAMS Returns the width (1 byte) and the depth (1 byte) of the display. Zero depth means that the terminal is a hardcopy device with continuous paper. Printers return paper width and depth. SC:GETPROFILE Returns the current profile "name" (a one byte number); suitable for use by the CC:SETPROFILE control call. SC:GETPROFILENAME Returns a one to 16 character ASCII text string corresponding to the numeric profile "name" (1 byte) specified in WRBUF. This call does NOT change the profile currently selected on the device. Return a "No Such Profile" error if the profile name specified in WRBUF is not sysgenned into the I/O package. This call is used to all SDOSSET produce a human-readable list of DPBs configured into a system. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 27 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS SC:GETPROFILEALTERATION Returns the current profile alterations in exactly the format given to CC:ALTERPROFILE. Gives a "Profile Not Malleable" error if the profile currently selected is not malleable (and therefore has no alterations). SC:GETFREECOUNT Returns a 16 bit integer specifying how much room is currently available in the output buffer for a device (memory-mapped video displays always return "1"). SC:GETDATACOUNT Returns a 16 bit integer specifying how much data is currently available in the input ring buffer for this device. Can be used to prevent hanging the system when doing READB. SC:GETOUTPUTTIMEOUT Returns the current value of the Output Timeout for this device, in a form suitable for use with CC:SETOUTPUTTIMEOUT. SC:GETBAUDRATE Returns the current baud rate for this device, in exactly the form required for CC:SETBAUDRATE. Devices which cannot change baud rates usually return "0". SC:GETTABS Returns the current tab settings for this device, in exactly the form required for CC:TABS. SC:GETIDLES Returns the count of idles to follow a Newline sequence, and the Idle trigger character, in exactly the form required for CC:IDLES. SC:GETWRAP Returns a non-zero byte if Wrapping (see SC:WRAP) is enabled, else return a zero byte (wrapping is disabled). SC:GETCOLORING Returns 2 bytes of Coloring information in exactly the form required by CC:COLORING. SC:GETBACKGROUND Returns 1 byte of Background Coloring information in exactly the form required by CC:COLORING. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 28 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS SC:GETACTCOL Returns both the column position and the line buffer displacement at which the last activation character was entered (the activation character, itself, is placed at the end of the input line and is obtained via READA or READB). Note that if echoing is disabled, the returned column position value will be meaningless. SC:ATTENTIONCK This checks for "Operator Requested Attention" status. If found, the status is cleared and an "Operator Requested Attention" error is returned. SC:STATUSCK This returns a "Status Has Changed" error if the VT device has had an interesting change of status, which include receipt of an activation character, receipt of ^C^C, a "Timed Input Expired" error, a "Device Timed Out" error, etc. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 29 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS CONTROL CHARACTERS This table describes how control characters are treated if they are NOT marked as activation characters (see CC:SETACTIVATION). :00 NUL input: ignored output: discarded :01 ^A input: toggles the CAPS LOCK switch, echoes immediately at the end of the line output: prints ^A :02 ^B input: requests BASIC breakpoint, does not echo output: prints ^B :03 ^C input: clears the input and output buffers, resets the FREEZE OUTPUT and DISCARD OUTPUT switches (see ^S, ^O), resets the PAGE MODE switch (see ^P), echoes immediately at the end of the line, aborts the program if two ^C's are received in succession; ^C^C will be rejected with a beep if KILLPROOF is set. output: prints ^C :04 ^D input: invokes the debugger immediately, does not echo; a beep is echoed if no debugger is available (CNFG:VTDEBUG=0). Illegal under SDOS/MT. output: prints ^D :05 ^E input: causes all input at, and to the right of, the cursor to be erased from the display and deleted from the input buffer. output: erases the remainder of the display line (erase to EOL) :06 ^F input: positions cursor at left side (front) of current input field. Illegal for hardcopy terminals. output: prints ^F COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 30 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS :07 ^G input: causes BASIC to resume execution from the current breakpoint, does not echo output: beeps :08 ^H input: implements the backspace function, does not echo output: implements the backspace function. Backspace across edge of screen is not allowed. :09 ^I input: positions the cursor at the next tab column, when read output: positions the cursor at the next tab column :0A ^J input: rejected with beep; see CC:SETFIELDSIZE output: discarded :0B ^K input: rejected with beep; see CC:SETFIELDSIZE output: prints ^K :0C ^L input: implements the forespace function, does not echo output: causes a PAGE BREAK if the PAGE MODE switch is set (see ^P), homes the cursor, selects the background color, and clears the display if depth is not zero, prints ^L if the the depth is zero; for a printer device, moves paper to the top of form, such that the next character will be printed in the first position of the line. :0D ^M input: echoes , causes program activation output: prints :0E ^N input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^N :0F ^O input: toggles the DISCARD OUTPUT switch (see ^Q, ^C), echoes immediately; not functional while a READA or CC:ACTIVATIONCK control call is being satisfied output: prints ^O COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 31 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS :10 ^P input: toggles the PAGE MODE switch (see ^Q, ^C), echoes immediately at the end of the line output: prints ^P :11 ^Q input: resumes output suspended due to a PAGE BREAK (see ^P), resets the DISCARD OUTPUT switch (see ^Q), resets the FREEZE OUTPUT switch (see ^S), does not echo output: prints ^Q :12 ^R input: if CRT, positions cursor to Right end of current input field; for hardcopy devices echoes ^R followed by all data entered since the last activation output: prints ^R :13 ^S input: sets the FREEZE OUTPUT switch (see ^Q, ^C), echoes immediately output: prints ^S :14 ^T input: toggles the BASIC line trace switch, does not echo output: prints ^T :15 ^U input: deletes the character at the current cursor location, deletes the corresponding character from the input buffer, does not echo output: prints ^U :16 ^V input: toggles the BASIC single step switch, does not echo output: prints ^V :17 ^W input: for CRTs, causes the last input line to be retrieved as though the typist had entered it explicitly, if no other keys have been typed since the last input. Illegal for hardcopy devices. output: prints ^W COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 32 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS :18 ^X input: clears the input buffer; for hardcopy, echoes ^X and positions to the column at which input began; for a terminal, erases, from the display, the data entered since the last activation character, and positions the cursor at the location where input began; for a terminal with fields defined, erases the displayed field contents, and positions the cursor at the first location of the field output: prints ^X :19 ^Y input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^Y :1A ^Z input: causes END OF FILE status to be set, causes program activation with an END OF FILE error, echoes immediately at the end of the line output: prints ^Z :1B ESC input: causes cursor to be placed at right end of current input field, OPERATOR REQUESTED ATTENTION status to be set, and returns "Operator Requested Attention" error. output: prints ^[ :1C ^\ input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^\ :1D ^] input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^] :1E ^^ input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^^ COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 33 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS :1F ^_ input: passed to the application, echoed when read output: prints ^_ :7F RUB input: deletes the character preceeding the current cursor location, deletes the corresponding character from the input buffer, does not echo output: discarded NOTE: No control character is passed to the application unless explicitly noted. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 34 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS SOFTWARE SWITCHES AFFECTED BY CONTROL CHARACTERS CAPS LOCK When set, READA will interpret the lowercase letters a-z as uppercase letters. ^A toggles the switch. If a terminal is stuck in upper case, and the alpha lock key isn't the problem, someone probably typed ^A by accident. FREEZE OUTPUT When set, further output will be suspended until the switch is reset. On CRTs, ^S will be displayed to remind the typist that the switch has been set. ^S sets the switch, ^Q and ^C reset the switch. DISCARD OUTPUT When set, all output will be discarded until either the switch is reset or a READA/READB is issued. ^O will be displayed to remind the typist that the switch has been set. A READA will reset the switch and overwrite the "^O" with "? ". A READB will simply reset the switch. ^O toggles the switch, ^Q and ^C reset the switch. PAGE MODE & PAGE BREAK When set, subsequent WRITEA lines will be counted, and when lines have been output, a Clear screen request is output, or cursor positioning is attempted, then a PAGE BREAK will occur, and no more output will occur until the typist has acknowledged the page break. This gives the typist a chance to read what is displayed before more output occurs. On a CRT, a page break will be signalled by ^P being displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the screen; on hardcopy devices, output will simply cease. The acknowledgement can be ^P (which prevents further page breaks), ^Q (which allows output until the next page break), or ^C (which prevents further page breaks). On CRTs, a Clear screen requests causes a page break BEFORE the screen is cleared, so the text may be read before it disappears; on hardcopy terminals, the page break occurs AFTER the FORM character moves the paper to top-of-page, so individual sheets of paper may be conveniently printed. All lines output while in page mode will be truncated to fit within the current display width, thus ensuring that line wrapping does not occur so that all lines between page breaks will be captured on the display. NOTE: All reminders are displayed in the lower, right corner of the display. Reminders will overwrite any characters already in those locations. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 35 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS SDOS/MT SUPPORT The following control and status functions are included for complete documentation only. They are subject to change without notice. Caveat Emptor!! MULTIUSER CONTROL FUNCTIONS CC:SETTIMESHARE Sets the SDOS/MT flag, which results in different handling of the line flags and ^C^C abort. If the flag has already been set, an "SDOS/MT Already Running" error is returned. RDBUF is filled with system-dependent linkage information for use by SDOS/MT. CC:STOPTIMESHARE Turns off the SDOS/MT flag. SHOULD NOT BE EXECUTED BY USER PROGRAMS, OR A SYSTEM CRASH WILL RESULT. CC:WRITEANOWAIT This defines, for the VT driver, WRBUF as the source of data for an asynchronous WRITEA of WRLEN bytes. RDBUF contains 3 bytes, the first of which the VT driver will set to zero when the request is accepted, and set to non-zero when WRLEN bytes have been written; the remaining two bytes will contain either an error code, or zero if the operation had no errors. Note that WRBUF must not be modified until the request is complete (the first byte of RDBUF becomes non-zero). CC:WRITEBNOWAIT This defines, for the VT driver, WRBUF as the source of data for an asynchronous WRITEB of WRLEN bytes. RDBUF contains 3 bytes, the first of which the VT driver will set to zero when the request is accepted, and set to non-zero when WRLEN bytes have been written; the remaining two bytes will contain either an error code, or zero if the operation had no errors. Note that WRBUF must not be modified until the request is complete (the first byte of RDBUF becomes non-zero). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 36 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS MULTIUSER STATUS FUNCTIONS SC:GETLINEFLAGSHINT Returns zero if no line flags have been collected since the last call to SC:GETLINEFLAGS, otherwise returns non-zero value. The value returned is only intended as a hint; the program must call SC:GETLINEFLAGS to get the true line flags and acknowledge their receipt. Don't ask why. SC:GETLINEFLAGS Exchanges a zero with the line flags, and returns that byte. If ^C^C has been seen while the SDOS/MT and KILLPROOF flags are set, a "Program Killed" error will be returned; otherwise, ^C^C will result in the program being killed. SC:GETTIMESHARE This checks to see if SDOS/MT is running. If it is, an "SDOS/MT Already Running" error will be returned; otherwise, a normal return will be made. SC:ALLSTATUS This checks to see if an SC:STATUSCK status call issued to any VT device would return a "Status Has Changed" error as a response; if so, a "Status Has Changed" error is returned. Note that this status call supplies only a hint. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 37 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS The CLOCK: Device Driver The CLOCK: device is used to set and read the current time and date. Since its function is limited, so is its conformance to the SDOS file concept. The CLOCK: device can only be OPENed. CREATE, RENAME, DELETE, WRITEA, and CONTROL operations are illegal. CLOSE does nothing except to disassociate the I/O channel from the driver. A READA directed to the CLOCK: device returns a string of 17 bytes in the following form: HH:MM:SS MO/DD/YY where HH is hours on a 24 hour clock, MM is minutes, SS is seconds, MO is the month, DD is the day number, and YY is the year modulo 100. An ASCII:CR is appended if the READA has line mode enabled and buffer space permits. A READB returns 6 bytes exactly in the following form: T T T M D Y where T T T is a 24 bit binary value equal to the number of 1/60 second clock ticks since midnight; D is the day, M is the month, and Y is the year modulo 100, all in BCD. A WRITEB must write exactly 6 bytes in the format read by READB, and is used to set the time of day. The only status syscall accepted is SC:GETTYP, which returns DVTYP.CLOCK. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 38 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION III: SYSCALLS SYSCALLS - CONCEPTS Programs running under SDOS communicate with it via system calls (SYSCALLs). A SYSCALL is a subroutine call (from the user program to SDOS) with a parameter block describing the function to be performed. This section describes the general philosophy behind the SYSCALLs and their general format. It assumes some knowledge of assembly language. The most general form of a SYSCALL contains a function code, some fixed parameters needed by the function, a (pointer to) Write buffer and a (pointer to) Reply buffer. Essentially, the SYSCALL causes the specified function to be performed according to the parameters, using data from the write buffer, and storing a result in the reply buffer. Many readers will recognize this as an implementation of RDBUF:= F(PARAMS, WRBUF) The purpose of constraining all SYSCALLs to this form is to simplify the process of transmitting a request from one computer to another, to facilitate networking of multiple computers. Conceptually, SYSCALL execution proceeds as follows: 1) The user program issues a SYSCALL. 2) SDOS transmits the function code, the parameters, and the contents of the WRITE Buffer from the user's computer to some target computer. 3) The target computer processes the SYSCALL and produces a reply. 4) The reply, along with any error information, is sent back to the SDOS which sent out the request. 5) SDOS places the reply in the user program's reply buffer. In a stand-alone system, the target computer and the user's computer are one and the same. The primary advantage of this scheme is that by forcing all SYSCALLS to have a fixed form for transmitting, performing, and receiving replys to function requests, the software logic processing the request can forward it to another computer without having a lot of function-specific knowledge. In particular, it means that the forwarding logic need not be changed even when new functions are added to the list of legal SYSCALLs. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 39 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION III: SYSCALLS Typical SYSCALL functions are: OPEN file, READ byte stream, LOAD a program, etc. Not all functions require write data (i.e., a STATUS Syscall needs only the function, some parameter bytes and a reply buffer); nor do all functions return a result (WASCII writes a string of ASCII bytes to a file and returns no result). Some functions have neither write nor reply buffers (i.e., EXIT to system). Furthermore, many functions have side effects (like CLOSE I/O channel). SYSCALL Format: The following definitions give the formats of a SYSCALL block (SCBLK). * * SYSCALL BLOCK DISPLACEMENTS * ORG 0 SCBLK:OPCODE RMB 1 Primary SYSCAL Function (Open, Read, Etc.) SCBLK:WLEN RMB 1 Wait Flag Bit (0=Wait) and SYSCALL Block Length (0..127) SCBLK:PARAMS RMB 2 Parameter Bytes to Opcode (Secondary Opcode, Channel #) SCBLK:WRBUF RMB 2 Pointer to Write Data Buffer SCBLK:WRLEN RMB 2 Number of Bytes in Write Data Buffer SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 Length of Reply (Result of SYSCALL) SCBLK:RDBUF RMB 2 Pointer to Read Data Buffer (Where Result Goes SCBLK:RDLEN RMB 2 Ceiling on Size of Reply (Read Data Buffer) SCBLK:DATA RMB 0 Other Parameters for SYSCALL; up to 127-14=113 Bytes SCBLK:END RMB 0 End of SYSCALL Block; Assert SCBLK:WLEN[1..7]= SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:OPCODE is the desired function, and occupies a single byte. Legal functions under SDOS 1.0 are shown in table 1. (Definitions of all values for SYSCALL opcodes and related information is given in the SDOSIOPKDEFS.ASM listing in the back of this manual). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 40 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION III: SYSCALLS SCBLK:WLEN is a single byte with two parts: a Wait flag (the most significant bit) and a LENgth (2 to 127, measured in bytes) (the SYSCALL block length). The wait flag is intended to allow overlapped READ and WRITE operations to files, but is not implemented in SDOS 1.0. When this bit = 0, it means "wait for operation complete before returning control to user program". "1" means "don't wait". To retain compatibility with future releases of SDOS, the user is advised to leave this bit reset (0). The LEN field specifies precisely how long the SYSCALL block is. Each opcode requires that this byte have some minimum value, or the SYSCALL will be aborted. The LEN field is used to determine how much data must be sent to another computer. The LEN field can specify more bytes than actually needed by the SYSCALL without ill effect, but processing the unused bytes may increase the execution time of the SYSCALL. All SYSCALLs have at least the SCBLK:OPCODE and SCBLK:WLEN bytes. SCBLK:PARAMS are 2 bytes used for sundry purposes as parameters to the opcode requested. Three cases are of particular note: first, one of the two parameter bytes is generally used to hold an I/O channel number on I/O-oriented SYSCALLS. Second, a parameter byte may contain an opcode extension byte, as with the STATUS and CONTROL SYSCALLs; the parameter byte selects which control function is to be performed or the particular piece of status information to read back. The third case is some 16 bit number, such as passing an error code to SDOS via the SETERROR SYSCALL. In no case may these two bytes contain a pointer or any other kind of reference to other data in the memory of the user's computer; only data values or relative references to data in the write buffer or the SYSCALL block itself are legal (because after the SYSCALL has been sent to another computer, how could we follow a pointer?) SCBLK:PARAMs need not be included in the LEN count for SYSCALLS such as SYSCALL:CLOSE, SYSCALL:EXIT, etc. SCBLK:WRBUF and SCBLK:WRLEN define the starting address of the write data buffer, and its length in bytes. SCBLK:WRBUF contains the address of the first byte of the buffer; SCBLK:WRLEN contains the number of bytes in the buffer (0 to 65535). Note that SCBLK:WRLEN is the actual number of bytes to be processed by the SYSCALL, not the allocated size of the buffer. These parameters are used in SYSCALLs involving filenames to specify the (device and) filename desired, or as data buffer definitions for SYSCALL:WRITEB (Write Binary), etc. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 41 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION III: SYSCALLS SCBLK:RDBUF and SCBLK:RDLEN select a buffer address and size in which a SYSCALL result/reply is returned. The SCBLK:RDLEN must contain the expected maximum size of the result (in bytes). SCBLK:RPLEN is set to the actual length of the reply given, that is, the actual number of reply bytes placed in the RDBUF. Many SYSCALLs do not return a result. If the SYSCALL block includes space for SCBLK:RPLEN, it will be zerod if no reply is given. If RDBUF overlaps any part of the SYSCALL block or the WRBUF, the SYSCALL operation is not well defined. When an error is returned by a syscall, RPLEN and RDBUF contents are undefined (unless explicitly specified by description of the particular syscall). In particular, there is no guarantee that the RDBUF contents are preserved (even in the presence of an error). Bytes in the SYSCALL block beyond SCBLK:RDLEN are interpreted in a manner specific to the particular SYSCALL opcode (like the SCBLK:PARAMs bytes). Most SYSCALLs do not need or use these bytes. An error occurring during execution of a SYSCALL is handled in the manner described under SDOS Error handling. The calling sequence for SYSCALLS is thus: . . . LDX #SYSCALLBLOCKADDRESS JSR SYSCALL$ (Equated TO $FB) BCS OOPS (Go Process Error Code In X) . . . COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 42 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING ERROR HANDLING Error handling is an important part of any programming system. It allows application programs to continue or effect recovery in spite of problems encountered. The error handling strategy outlined here is used throughout most SD software. Facilities to handle errors in a similar fashion are provided by the SD BASIC Compiler, so application programs can also support the same scheme. Errors detected by SDOS are passed back to the user program for inspection or handling. Each error which can occur is assigned a 16 bit error code (0 to 65535). Blocks of codes are assigned to each possible detector of an error (i.e., errors which SDOS detects have codes from 1000 to 1999, compiled BASIC programs detect errors 2 to 99, EDIT errors are 200 to 299, etc.). Each (assembly or SYSCALL) subroutine has two exits: a success exit (meaning no unexpected/unrecoverable errors occurred) and an error exit (meaning some error which the subroutine cannot handle occurred). If the success exit is taken, normal processing can continue. If the error exit is taken, an error code is passed back to the caller for his inspection. The caller has three options: 1) Process and recover from the error (example: for "No Such File" error on an OPEN, a standard default file name might be OPENed). 2) Give up; notify the operator of the error and exit. 3) Decide to pass the error back to his caller with an error indication. This option is particularly important when the caller can fail in many ways not understood by the caller (such as I/O faults). Processing the error requires explicit checking for each of the possible error codes of interest (due to the large number of unexpected errors, an "if it's not this, it must be that" scheme is not safe; one should ALWAYS check explicitly). Sometimes, data associated with the error is needed for the processing routine to continue; in these cases, the original detector of the error must have saved that data in a place agreed upon by the detector and the routine attempting recovery. An example is a "recovery" routine that prints out the Logical Sector Number of a disk sector on which a read error occurred -- the recovery routine must know that a GETLASTBADLSN STATUS syscall will retrieve the LSN desired. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 43 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING "Giving up" is aided by the SDOS SYSCALL:ERROREXIT. The error code is stored into the SYSCALL block, and the SYSCALL is executed. SDOS will print a text message corresponding to the error code, and pass control to the command interpreter (DEFAULTPROGRAM). The command interpreter can retrieve this error code, and a DO file can process it via IFERROR statements (see command interpreter description). Passing back the error code to the next level of subroutine is generally done only if the recovery routine does not find an error code it is willing to handle. This provides an opportunity for subroutines at successively higher levels to effect recovery. The subroutine calling convention that implements this error handling philosophy is as follows: * (S) = K HERE JSR Subroutine BCS ERROROCCURRED * SUCCESS EXIT (S) = K HERE . . . CLC FLAG "SUCCESS EXIT" RTS ERROROCCURRED EQU * (S) = K HERE CPX #ERR:-- BEQ HANDLE1STERROR CPX #ERR:-- BEQ -- . . . SEC (6809 "CMPX" DESTROYS CARRY BIT) RTS WITH CARRY SET, INDICATING ERROR HANDLE1STERROR EQU * TO RECOVER FROM 1ST ERROR . . . CLC (OKRTS IN DEFS) RTS COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 44 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING Carry reset on exit means the subroutine completed successfully. The carry set on exit from a subroutine means "error occurred" (only for those subroutines which adhere to this convention!); the X register contains a 16 bit error code. Note that the calling subroutine must provide a BCS after the JSR in order to detect an error. The ERROROCCURRED routine tests the X register for errors from which it can recover; if the wrong error happens, no test will match and another RTS (with carry set) will occur, providing the next higher level subroutine a chance at processing the error code. In either case, error or not, the contents of the stack above the return address is untouched. The stack register itself has the original value of the stack pointer at the time of the JSR, so that all higher level routines can be returned to exactly as normal. Last, notice that the HANDLEERROR and the success paths both exit by clearing the carry (indicating "success" exit). SYSCALLs are implemented as subroutine calls and follow the above convention with one variation. If an error occurs, SDOS unwinds the stack until a return address on top of the stack points to a BCC or BCS. This means that a SYSCALL must be followed by a BCC/BCS or SDOS will unwind the stack too far, with unpredictable results. The unwinding process consists of repeatedly popping two bytes, and assuming the top of the stack is a return address, (with obviously bad consequences if this is not true) until an appropriate return address is found (This scheme was chosen to minimize the amount of processing an SDOS routine had to do when it didn't care about errors, and has the side effect of speeding things up 5 to 10 percent). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 45 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALLS - Implementation This section details the SYSCALLs implemented in this version of SDOS. See SDOSUSERDEFS.ASM listing for opcode values. Errors listed are only common errors, i.e., ones for which application programs attempt recovery. Many other (even hardware specific errors) are possible, but due to the size and changing nature of the list, are not recorded here. Table 1 - Syscalls implemented in SDOS 1.1 * SYSCALL$ OPCODE DEFINITIONS * ORG 0 SYSCALL:OPEN RMB 1 Open File SYSCALL:CREATE RMB 1 Create a New File SYSCALL:CLOSE RMB 1 Close a File SYSCALL:RENAME RMB 1 Rename a File SYSCALL:DELETE RMB 1 Delete a File SYSCALL:LOAD RMB 1 Load an Overlay SYSCALL:CHAIN RMB 1 Chain to a File SYSCALL:CREATELOG RMB 1 Create the Log File SYSCALL:CLOSELOG RMB 1 Close the Log File SYSCALL:DISKDEFAULT RMB 1 Select Default Disk Device SYSCALL:READA RMB 1 Read ASCII Bytes From a File SYSCALL:READB RMB 1 Read Binary Bytes From a File SYSCALL:WRITEA RMB 1 Write ASCII Bytes To a File SYSCALL:WRITEB RMB 1 Write Binary Bytes To a File SYSCALL:CONTROL RMB 1 Perform a Control Operation On a File/Device SYSCALL:STATUS RMB 1 Read File/Device Status SYSCALL:WAITDONE RMB 1 Wait for I/O on Channel to Complete SYSCALL:EXIT RMB 1 Give Control Back to Operating System SYSCALL:ERROREXIT RMB 1 Exit to System With Error Code SYSCALL:SETERROR RMB 1 Report an Error To The System SYSCALL:GETERROR RMB 1 Read Back the Last Error Code SYSCALL:DISPERROR RMB 1 Display Error Message Corresponding To Last Error Code SYSCALL:KILLPROOF RMB 1 Prevent User Program Being Killed SYSCALL:KILLENABLE RMB 1 Allow User Program to be Killed SYSCALL:DEBUG RMB 1 Call System Debugger SYSCALL:ATTNCHECK RMB 1 Operator Attention Request Check SYSCALL:ISCONSOLE RMB 1 Check Channel 0 Input Device = Console: SYSCALL:INTERLOCK RMB 1 Perform Interlock functions on objects SYSCALL:DELAY RMB 1 Delay for n 1/60ths of a second SYSCALL:NOTUSED RMB 1 SYSCALL:GETSERIALNUMBER RMB 1 Get processor serial number COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 46 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:OPEN This SYSCALL is used to establish an association between an existing file (to be read and/or updated) and an I/O channel. OPEN SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:OPEN SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING POINTS TO FIRST BYTE SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH IN BYTES SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SCANNEDCOUNT # FILENAME CHARACTERS PROCESSED SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 SIZE OF RDBUF SCBLK:END EQU * The WAIT flag must be zero. The first parameter byte is the channel number desired. The second parameter byte is not used. The Write Buffer (WRBUF) contains the filename (including device name, etc.) desired, WRLEN contains the number of bytes in the filename. The OPEN SYSCALL checks the channel to ensure that it is not open already. If not open, the filename is scanned to determine the selected device (default to DISK: if no device) and a filename on that device. The number of bytes scanned is returned as a 2 byte value in the buffer selected by RDBUF; the rest of the bytes in WRBUF are ignored. Leading blanks on the filename are ignored, but are included in the scanned count. (Note: All SYSCALLs that deal with file or device names return the number of bytes of the filename scanned as the result. The entire filename is scanned even if an error occurs.) The device is searched for the file if it is a directoried device, and an error issued if not found. If the device is not a directoried device, the device is simply opened. The file is positioned so that a subsequent read will read the zeroth (first) byte of the file. (Some) possible errors are: Bad File Name No Such File Can't Open, Must Create No Such Device Channel Busy COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 47 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CREATE This SYSCALL is used to CREATE a new file and establish an association between an I/O channel number and the new file. It is also used when a program will do output only to a device (such as a line printer; the philosophy is that such output is a new file). CREATE SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CREATE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNO,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SCANNEDCOUNT SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 SIZE OF SCANNED COUNT SCBLK:END EQU * The WAIT flag must be zero. The first parameter byte is the desired channel number; the second parameter byte is ignored. WRBUF points to the filename (device name) of the new file. Like SYSCALL:OPEN, RDBUF points to a 2 byte area in which the number of bytes of the filename scanned by SDOS is placed on completion of the SYSCALL. If a disk file is specified and there is an old file, the old file must not write protected or an error will occur and the new file will not be created (nor will the channel be opened). Otherwise, the new file is created, and the channel is opened. If an old file does exist, an OPEN SYSCALL executed after the CREATE, looking for the same file, will find the old file. If the system crashes before the new file is closed, the old file will be unaffected in any way. Even after the new file is closed, channels still open to the old file will not notice any difference. When the last channel to the old file is closed, it is deleted and the space for the old file is returned to free disk space. Effectively, a CREATE includes an "implied" delete of the older version of the file. The file is positioned so that a write will write its first byte in byte #0 of the file. Possible errors are: File is Delete Protected File is Write Protected No Such Device Channel is Busy Bad Filename File is Being Created COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 48 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CLOSE The CLOSE SYSCALL is used to break the association between an I/O channel number and a file. CLOSE SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CLOSE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNO,IGNORED SCBLK:END EQU * This SYSCALL frees the I/O channel to be opened to another file, and causes the CLOSE entry point of a device driver to be called. Action of the driver is driver-dependent. If the channel was open to a disk file, then changes to the file size, protection, and other characteristics are updated on the disk (not before). If the disk file is newly created, and is not replacing another by the same name, closing will make its name appear in the directory. If the file is newly created, and it is a replacement for a file that already exists (i.e., one by the same name), then the new file will replace the old in the directory, and the disk space allocated to the old file will be returned to free space as soon as no other I/O channels remain open to the old version of the file. Possible errors are: Illegal Channel Number Channel is Already Closed COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 49 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:RENAME The RENAME Syscall is used to change the name of a file. The file must be open on some channel; it must not be a newly created file, and no file (new or old) having the new name must exist. RENAME SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:RENAME SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB NEWFILENAME SCBLK:WRLEN FDB NEWFILENAMELENGTH SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SCANNEDCOUNT SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 SCBLK:END EQU * The SYSCALL format is identical to that of an OPEN syscall; parameters and results are passed the same way. This SYSCALL affects nothing except the name of the file. RENAMEing a disk file to its own name is legal, and can speed up later OPENs of that file since a rename causes the file name to be re-hashed into the directory. Refer to hash-lookup description of files. Possible errors are: Channel Not Open Bad File Name File is Being Created Can't Rename to a Different Device File is Delete Protected File is Write Protected New File Already Exists COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 50 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:DELETE The DELETE SYSCALL is used to delete a file from a disk device. DELETE SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:DELETE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB IGNORED,IGNORED SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMEBUFFER SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESIZE SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB REPLYBUFFER SCBLK:RDLEN FDB REPLYBUFFERSIZE SCBLK:END EQU * The file specified on the specified device is deleted (this syscall is not legal for devices which do not have directories). No I/O channel is specified or needed. If the deletion is successful, the directory entry is removed so that the file can no longer be opened. If the file is open on some I/O channel when the delete SYSCALL is issued, then the SYSCALL will complete successfully, but the file will not actually be deleted until the last channel open to the file is closed (in fact, the file may actually be allocated more disk space via the other channel!). The reply buffer is loaded with the actual length of the filename (see SYSCALL:OPEN). Possible errors are: No Such File File is Delete Protected COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 51 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:LOAD The LOAD Syscall is used to load an overlay program segment into memory, without transferring control. LOAD SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:LOAD SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB IGNORED,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 4 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB COUNTANDSTART SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 4 MINIMUM REQUIRED SCBLK:END EQU * No channel number need be specified. The filename specified is opened on a special system channel, and checked to see if a load format file is given (first byte must be ASCII "S" or Hex :01). If so, the file contents are loaded into memory as specified by the load records (see LOADER FORMATs). Scatter loading (loading into non-contiguous parts of memory) is possible. Upon completion of the loading process, control is returned to the user, and the file is closed. The results returned in the reply buffer are 2 bytes of filename count (the first 2 bytes; see SYSCALL:OPEN) and 2 bytes of start address (the second 2) as specified by the load records. Load records which would load on top or above SDOS cause the load to be aborted. A load record whose address conflicts with that of the reply buffer may be damaged; conversely, the reply may be garbled. Loading into the area used by the stack may cause SDOS to crash. SDOS does not check for this. Errors while loading cause the error exit of the Syscall to be taken. In any case, on completion of the load, the file is closed. Attempting to LOAD a program with a different encryption key is illegal. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 52 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION Possible errors are: Not a Load File No Such File EOF Hit Checksum Error Load Record Format Error Bad Filename Bad Filename Size COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 53 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CHAIN The CHAIN Syscall is used to load and transfer control to an overlay or program segment. CHAIN SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CHAIN SCBLK:WLEN FCB SYSCALL:END-SYSCALL:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB IGNORED,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 4 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB COUNTANDSTART SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 4 MINIMUM REQUIRED SCBLK:END EQU * CHAIN first closes all I/O channels except channel 0. It then causes all modified disk sectors in the LRU queue to get written back to the disk to ensure validity of disk contents, and then performs exactly the same function as SYSCALL:LOAD. If an error occurs, control will return to the caller only if no data has been loaded into the user space. The most common causes of this are the following errors: Bad File Name Bad File Name Size File Not Found Not a Load File No Start Address All other errors will cause an implied SYSCALL:ERROREXIT to be executed (because of the possibility of the program issuing the CHAIN being overlayed). On successful completion of the load, control will be transferred to the start address of the file. The stack pointer is set to the contents of $FC,$FD, minus 1 (see SDOS Memory Map). Chaining to a program with a different encryption key will cause the user space to be zeroed before control is transferred. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 54 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CREATELOG There are occasions on which a record of a terminal session would be very convenient, such as when a purported bug arises, or when an example is required. This copy can be laboriously constructed by hand, or it can be made automatically via a CREATELOG syscall. CREATELOG SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CREATELOG SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNO,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SCANNEDCOUNT SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 SIZE OF SCANNED COUNT SCBLK:END EQU * CREATELOG creates a new file (just like the CREATE syscall), but no channel number is given (SDOS reserves a special, unnumbered, I/O channel specifically for this purpose). It returns file name size information in the same manner as OPEN. There is no way for a user program to explicitly read or write data to the log channel; all I/O through the log channel is done invisibly by SDOS. Essentially, any data written via a Write ASCII to channel 0 (the control channel) is also copied to the log file. Data read via a Read ASCII on channel 0 is also written to the log file. In this way, a complete copy of console sessions (carried on through the control channel) is recorded in the log file for later retrieval. The writes to the log file are done only when the log file is open (has been created). STATUS and CONTROL syscalls are re-directed from channel 0 to the log channel when it is open, so that status information read from channel 0 may not actually be that of channel 0. All other channel-oriented syscalls (in particular, Read Binary and Write Binary) are not affected by the log channel. If the log channel is not open, it has no effect whatsoever on channel 0 operations. The log file will not be found in the directory until it is closed (via CLOSELOG). Like any CREATEd disk file, PROGRAM KILL (^C^C) automatically closes the log file. This Syscall is used mainly by SDOSCOMMANDS to implement the LOG and DO commands. A program can set up a DO file by: 1) Verifying that the DO file exists by OPENing it on some channel. 2) CLOSEing channel 0 3) OPENing channel 0 to the DO file 4) CREATELOG on the "CONSOLE:" device COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 55 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION Further input will come from the DO file. If an error occurs during step 2 or 3, the program must reOPEN channel 0 to the CONSOLE: or no further console I/O can occur. Possible errors are: Channel Already Open Illegal File Name No Disk Space COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 56 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CLOSELOG This Syscall is used to close the special log I/O channel (see SYSCALL:CREATELOG). CLOSELOG SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CLOSELOG SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * This Syscall performs the same operation as a CLOSE Syscall on the Log channel. No channel number or other parameters are needed. Possible errors are: Channel Not Open COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 57 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:DISKDEFAULT This SYSCALL is used to select which disk is default-selected when a file name with no explicit disk device indentification is given. DISKDEFAULT SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:DISKDEFAULT SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB IGNORED,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB FILENAMESTRING POINTS TO FIRST BYTE SCBLK:WRLEN FDB FILENAMELENGTH IN BYTES SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE OF 2 SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SCANNEDCOUNT # FILENAME CHARS PROCESSED SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 SIZE OF RDBUF SCBLK:END EQU * DISKDEFAULT parses the device name, and ensures that the device name is a valid disk device name (filenames passed with the device name are not examined). The specified disk will then be used whenever a filename with no device specification is encountered by a filename SYSCALL. No channel number is needed. Data is returned in the same form as an OPEN syscall. After a successful return, the device name DISK: refers to the default disk. Possible errors are: Device is Not a Disk COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 58 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:READA This SYSCALL is used to read (ASCII) textual data from a file. The file must be open on some I/O channel. READA SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:READA SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,LMFLAG SCBLK:WRBUF RMB 2 SCBLK:WRLEN FDB 0 (MINIMIZES PROCESSING TIME) SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 ACTUAL NUMBER BYTES READ SCBLK:RDBUF FDB READBUFFER WHERE TO PUT DATA SCBLK:RDLEN FDB READBUFSIZE MAXIMUM NUMBER BYTES TO READ SCBLK:END EQU * READA will read the specified number of bytes into the read buffer from the file open on the specified channel, and advance the file position past the number of bytes examined, subject to the following conditions: the file has enough bytes, and no errors occur during the read. Nulls (:00), line feeds (:0A), and rubouts (:7F) are deleted from the stream of characters read from the file/device. Bit 7 of all characters read via SYSCALL:READA is zeroed. Other characters may be removed from the input stream by the particular device driver in use. The column count for this channel is updated for each byte placed in the read-back buffer, according to the following rule: a printing character (:20-:7E) causes the column count to be incremented. CR (:0D) causes the column count to be zeroed. All other codes leave the count alone. The column count can be read by a SYSCALL:STATUS call. If LMFLAG is non-zero, the read proceeds in single line mode. If a CR (:0D) character is encountered, it will be placed in the read buffer, and the read will be terminated. LMFLAG=0 prevents CRs from terminating the read, so the buffer will be filled. SCBLK:RPLEN is set to the actual number of bytes read, even if an error (such as End of File) occurs. The WRBUF is ignored if supplied. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 59 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION All data read from channel 0 via a READA is copied (via WRITEA) to the log file if the log channel has been opened. A READA with LMFLAG=1 directed at channel 0 will be completed from the CONSOLE: device if a complete line cannot be read because of an EOF error (this finishes a partial line from a DO file). The overhead for doing a single-byte SYSCALL:READA is fairly high; larger buffers will cause this overhead to be divided between all the bytes transferred. Large buffers can achieve a 40 to 1 speedup over single byte transfers. Such speed ups are also typical for SYSCALL:WRITEA, SYSCALL:WRITEB, and SYSCALL:READB. If the SYSCALL block length is 18 bytes or more, then the first four bytes of the extension hold a file position, and an implied positioning operation is performed BEFORE the actual read takes place. Compared to a CC:POSITION call followed by a SYSCALL:READA, a combined position/read operation is considerably more efficient in a network environment, so it is encouraged. Similar efficiencies accrue for combined position/write operations. An EOF hit error will occur: (1) if not in line mode and the buffer cannot be filled; (2) if in line mode and no CR character is encountered before EOF. An end-of-file condition (which can be sensed via a SYSCALL:STATUS) is set whenever a read of the last data byte of the file occurs. Possible errors are: Channel Not Open EOF Hit COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 60 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:READB This SYSCALL is used to read binary data from a file. The file must be open on some I/O channel. READB Syscall Block format SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:READB SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF RMB 2 SCBLK:WRLEN FDB 0 (MINIMIZES PROCESSING TIME) SCBLK:RPLEN RMB 2 ACTUAL NUMBER BYTES READ SCBLK:RDBUF FDB READBUFFER WHERE TO PUT DATA SCBLK:RDLEN FDB READBUFSIZE MAXIMUM NUMBER BYTES TO READ SCBLK:END EQU * READB will read the specified number of bytes into the read buffer from the file opened on the specified I/O channel, and advance the file position by the number of bytes actually read. In order for the specified buffer to be completely filled, the distance between the current file position and the end of the file must be greater or equal to the buffer size, and no errors may occur during the read. The data bytes read from the file are not changed in any way. SCBLK:RPLEN is set to the actual number of data bytes read (usually equal to the buffer size). Using a READB SYSCALL causes the column count for the specified channel to be zeroed. SCBLK:WRBUF is ignored if supplied; however, its length should be specified as zero to minimize SYSCALL processing time. An EOF error will occur if the read request is not completely satisfied (i.e., the buffer was not filled). The overhead for doing single-byte reads is high; long buffers will distribute this overhead so that the average time per byte is some 40 times faster than single byte reads. If the SYSCALL block length is 18 bytes or more, then the first four bytes of the extension hold a file position, and an implied positioning operation is performed BEFORE the actual read takes place. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 61 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION Possible errors are: Channel Not Open EOF Hit Disk Read Error Device Not Ready Device Timed Out COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 62 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:WRITEA WRITEA is used to Write ASCII data to a file. The primary difference between this and WRITEB is that the column count gets updated, and certain output editing is done. WRITEA SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:WRITEA SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB WRITEDATABUFFER SCBLK:WRLEN FDB NUMBEROFBYTESTOWRITE SCBLK:END EQU * The data bytes in the WRITEDATABUFFER are copied to the file open on the specified I/O channel. The file position is advanced by NUMBEROFBYTESTOWRITE. Disk files are extended automatically, if necessary, to make more room and the file size is changed. The column count for this I/O channel is changed according to the same rules as specified by SYSCALL:READA. The output stream may be modified by the device driver; a CRT driver will typically add LF (:0A) and nulls (idle characters) after a CR (:0D) character. SDOS conventions dictate that LF characters are superflous in the presence of CR characters. To write a line of text to a file (or device), terminating it with a CR is sufficient. An EOF condition will happen if the last data byte of the file is overwritten, and/or the file was extended in order to accomodate the write request. An EOF condition on a WRITE to a disk does not cause an error. Data written via WRITEAs to channel 0 is also sent (via WRITEAs) to the log channel if the log channel is open. Multi-byte writes are more efficient than single-byte writes. No read-back buffer is required. If the SYSCALL block length is 18 bytes or more, then the first four bytes of the extension hold a file position, and an implied positioning operation is performed BEFORE the actual read takes place. Possible errors are: Channel Not Open Disk Space Exhausted (for disk files) Disk Write Error Device Timed Out Device Not Ready COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 63 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:WRITEB The WRITEB SYSCALL is used to write binary data to a file. The stream of data bytes is copied directly to the file or device without any change to its content. WRITEB SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:WRITEB SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB WRITEDATABUFFER SCBLK:WRLEN FDB NUMBEROFBYTESTOWRITE SCBLK:END EQU * The data bytes in the specified buffer are copied without change to the file that is open on the specified I/O channel. The file position is advanced by NUMBEROFBYTESTOWRITE. If necessary, a disk file is extended automatically to make more room, and the file size is adjusted accordingly. The column count for this channel is zeroed. Multi-byte writes are more efficient than single-byte writes. An EOF condition will happen if the last data byte of the file is overwritten, and/or the file was extended in order to accomodate the write request. No read-back buffer is required. If the SYSCALL block length is 18 bytes or more, then the first four bytes of the extension hold a file position, and an implied positioning operation is performed BEFORE the actual read takes place. Possible errors are: Channel Not Open Disk Space Exhausted Illegal Device Operation (for line-printer-like devices) Disk Write Error Device Not Ready COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 64 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:CONTROL This SYSCALL is used to control or modify the operation of a device/file. The first parameter byte selects the I/O channel number; the second parameter byte determines the actual operation performed (rewind, eject, dismount, etc.) so this SYSCALL actually represents an entire class of operations. A control operation may be issued only to an I/O channel that is already OPEN. If logging is active, and a CONTROL operation is issued for channel 0, the control operation is actually applied to the log channel. CONTROL SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CONTROL SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER FCB CC:controlcode SCBLK:WRBUF FDB CONTROLPARAMETERS SCBLK:WRLEN FDB NUMBEROFCONTROLBYTES SCBLK:END EQU * SDOS divides device control operations into two classes: common, and device specific. Common control operations are those operations for which all devices generally have a capability. Currently only the following operations fit in the category of common: CC:POSITION and CC:DUMPBUFFERS All other control operations are device specific and are documented with the specific device driver. Typical device-specific operations include: select echo mode, set tabs, and dismount disk. The format of the CONTROL SYSCALLs varies because different device operations require different parameters. In particular, most CONTROL SYSCALLs do not require a write buffer. For specific formats, refer to the device driver descriptions. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 65 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION CC:POSITION CC:POSITION is used to select the next byte of a file to be read/written. A 4 byte, 2's complement integer is used to select the byte index into a (disk) file (it can also be used as a record number, a port number, a screen position, or whatever is appropriate for the device). The number must be positive (i.e., the sign bit must be zero) or an error will result. Following a CC:POSITION command, further read/writes start from the specified file position and advance sequentially. A "rewind" is obtained by specifying a zero for the value of the 4 byte integer. Setting a file position which is equal or greater than the size of the (disk) file will cause an EOF condition to occur and cause an error. No reply is given for this syscall. Alphanumeric CRTs are an interesting special case. It is standard for SDOS CRT drivers to interpret the positioning parameter as cursor positioning data. The parameter is interpreted as 2 bytes of zero, 1 byte to specify the screen row number (zero being the top screen row) and 1 byte of column number (zero being the leftmost column). Given R for row and C for column, the value of the positioning parameter is then Row*256+Column. In this way, cursor positioning on screens is generalized to work for a broad variety of CRT displays. CC:POSITION SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CONTROL SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:RPLEN-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,CC:POSITION SCBLK:WRBUF FDB POSITIONDATA SCBLK:WRLEN FDB 4 . . . POSITIONDATA RMB 4 NEED FILE POSITION For CRTs, POSITIONDATA has the following form: POSITIONDATA FCB 0,0 SCREENROW RMB 1 SCREENCOL RMB 1 . . . COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 66 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION CC:DUMPBUFFERS CC:DUMPBUFFERS is used to force an I/O device to dump any buffers it may still have filled. CC:DUMPBUFFERS is particularly useful in transaction oriented programs which need to force all disk file changes back to the disk. No parameters are required; operation is device specific. CC:DUMPBUFFERS Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:CONTROL SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:WRBUF-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER,CC:DUMPBUFFERS COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 67 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:STATUS The STATUS Syscall is used to read file or device-dependent descriptive data about that file or device (as opposed to reading data from the file or device itself). This syscall is really an entire group of operations; a parameter byte selects the device-specific data to read. A STATUS Syscall must reference an open I/O channel. Like READA and READB, the data is read back into the reply buffer. If a STATUS syscall is issued for channel 0, and logging is active, the status read back will be that of the log channel, not channel 0. STATUS SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:STATUS SCBLK:WLEN FCB SYSCALL:END-SYSCALL:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNO,SC:statuscode SCBLK:WRBUF FDB IGNORED SCBLK:WRLEN FDB IGNORED SCBLK:RPLEN FDB CHANGED SCBLK:RDBUF FDB STATUSBUFFER SCBLK:RDLEN FDB STATUSCODEDEPENDENTLENGTH There are two classes of STATUS requests: those standard across all devices, and those specific to the particular device type. The following status information is obtainable from most devices: SC:GETPOS SC:GETCOL SC:GETEOF SC:GETFILESIZE SC:GETTYP SC:GETPARAMS All other status-reading operations are device specific and are detailed under the specific device drivers. SC:GETPOS is used to read the current position in a file, i.e., if one executes a CC:POSITION command, an SC:GETPOS will read back the same value as the positioning value given for the CC:POSITION. SC:GETPOS always reads back four data bytes (the interpretation of these bytes is up to the device driver). SC:GETCOL reads back the print position of a simulated print head on a particular I/O channel (see READA, WRITEA syscalls). 0 means "no characters printed on this line." Only one data byte is returned. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 68 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SC:GETEOF returns a single-byte flag indicating whether the I/O channel has positioned, read or written past the last data byte in the file. A non-zero returned byte indicates past or at end of file; zero means more data can be read from the file before the end of file is encountered. SC:GETFILESIZE returns the size of the file (in bytes). The size is returned as a four byte integer, appropriate for use in a positioning command (this is convenient for appending data to the end of a file). This is normally only implemented on disk files. SC:GETTYP returns a single-byte device type code, which places a device into one of the following classes: FILE, DISK, TAPE, DIRECTORIED TAPE, CONSOLE, LINEPRINTER, SERIALOUT, SERIALIN, PARALELLOUT, PARALELLIN, DUMMY. Other device types may be added as needed. SC:GETPARAMS reads device class-specific parameters. To know what kind of data to expect for a reply, the program must first determine the device type (using SC:GETTYP). Currently defined device-specific parameters are: Disk FILE: DVDAT:NSPC Number of Sectors Per Cluster DVDAT:NBPS Sector Size in Bytes The maximum file size may be computed as: (NBPS*NSPC/2-1)*NBPS*NSPC DISK Device: DVDAT:NBPS Number of Bytes Per Sector DVDAT:NSPT Number of Sectors Per Track DVDAT:NTPC Number of Tracks Per Cylinder DVDAT:NCYL Number of Cylinders CONSOLE: DVDAT:WIDTH In Characters DVDAT:DEPTH Screen or Page Depth in Lines, or 0 If Continuous Form Paper PRINTER: DVDAT:WIDTH In Characters DVDAT:DEPTH Page Depth in Lines COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 69 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:WAITDONE This system call is used to wait for an operation initiated on an I/O channel to complete. This SYSCALL and the parallel initiation feature ARE NOT IMPLEMENTED IN FINAL FORM. It currently is a no-operation, and is provided to allow programs to be coded as though parallel SYSCALLS were implemented. WAITDONE SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:WAITDONE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB CHANNELNUMBER SCBLK:END EQU * If any parallel SYSCALL (a syscall with the WAIT flag = "don't wait") was issued on the specified I/O channel, WAITDONE delays the execution of the user program until that operation is complete. Error status returned is that of the parallel SYSCALL returned as though the parallel SYSCALL had the WAIT flag reset when executed. A second WAITDONE issued on an I/O channel, without any other intervening SYSCALLS, returns immediately with no error possible, so multiple WAITDONEs on a channel may be performed without conflicts arising. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 70 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:EXIT This syscall is used by a user program to pass control to the DEFAULTPROGRAM. It is an indication that the user program completed execution successfully. EXIT SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:EXIT SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * There are no parameters, and control does not return to the user program. All I/O channels except channel 0 are CLOSEd. SDOS does a quick checksum on itself after an EXIT is completed, and reports an error if it thinks memory is starting to fail; otherwise, no errors are possible. This syscall is functionally identical to SYSCALL:ERROREXIT with an error code of 0. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 71 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:ERROREXIT This syscall is used by a user program to cease execution abnormally, and notify the operator the reason for stopping. ERROREXIT SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:ERROREXIT SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FDB ERRORCODE SCBLK:END EQU * The error code is displayed on the console as either Error or depending on whether SDOS can successfully extract the corresponding text message from the ERRORMSGS.SYS file on drive 0 (see SYSCALL:DISPERROR). If the error code is 0, a message is not displayed. Control is then passed to the DEFAULTPROGRAM (usually the SDOS command interpreter, which can interrogate and conditionally branch on the error code if a DO file is being processed). No error is possible. This syscall is intended to be used as very simple error handling in user programs. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 72 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION Example: LDX #PARAMETERLISTADDRESS JSR SYSCALL$ BCS OOPS B/ ERROR . . . OOPS CPX #ERR:... BEQ ICANHANDLEIT1 CPX #ERR:... BEQ ICANHANDLEIT2 . . . IGIVEUP STX ERROREXIT+SCBLK:PARAMS LDX #ERROREXIT JSR SYSCALL$ BCS * CAN'T GET HERE! JMP * ERROREXIT FCB SYSCALL:ERROREXIT FCB 4 SCBLK:WLEN FDB 0 SCBLK:PARAMS COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 73 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:SETERROR This syscall, coupled with SYSCALL:DISPERROR, is used by a program to display the reason a SYSCALL failed. SETERROR SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:SETERROR SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FDB ERRORCODE SCBLK:END EQU * The user program first stores an error code into the syscall block, and then issues the syscall. The error code has now been stored in SDOS for use by the DISPERROR and GETERROR syscalls. Normally, a SETERROR is followed by a DISPERROR, so that a text display of the error cause occurs. Since control returns to the user program, this is an effective procedure for displaying the cause of an error without EXITing to the DEFAULTPROGRAM. A GETERROR syscall can be used to later retrieve the error code. A subsequent EXIT or ERROREXIT syscall will change the code set by SETERROR. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 74 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:GETERROR This syscall is used to retrieve an error code given to SDOS by EXIT, ERROREXIT, or SETERROR syscalls. GETERROR SYSCALL Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:GETERROR SCBLK:WLEN FCB SYSCALL:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FDB IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB IGNORED SCBLK:WRLEN FDB IGNORED SCBLK:RPLEN FDB 2 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE SCBLK:RDBUF FDB ERRORCODEBUF WHERE TO PUT ERROR CODE SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 2 LENGTH OF 16 BIT ERROR CODE SCBLK:END EQU * The 2 byte error code last given to SDOS is returned in the reply buffer. No parameters other than the reply buffer discriptor are necessary. Possible errors are: Syscall Length Too Short Read-Back Buffer Too Short COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 75 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:DISPERROR The DISPERROR is used to display a text message corresponding to the most recent error code given to SDOS by SYSCALL:EXIT, SYSCALL:ERROREXIT, or SYSCALL:SETERROR. DISPERROR SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:DISPERROR SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * No parameters are needed. Either ERROR nnnnn or is displayed on channel 0. If the error code is 0, and error message IS displayed (see SYSCALL:ERROREXIT for contrast). If channel 0 is not open, SDOS automatically opens it to the CONSOLE: device. SDOS gets the text message from the ERRORMSGS.SYS file based on the error code. If SDOS cannot retrieve the error message from the ERRORMSGS.SYS file, it displays the simpler form, with nnnnn being the decimal equivalent of the error code. No carriage return is output, so that the user program may precede or append text to the error message (such as ... AT LINE 100 for BASIC). If an error occurs during the process of displaying the message, SDOS will hang. The operator must re-boot. This can only occur if SDOS cannot output to the CONSOLE:. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 76 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:KILLPROOF This SYSCALL is used by an application which needs to perform a long computation or large amounts of I/O without being killed by the operator for correct operation. This situation occurs when several files need to be updated in order to maintain data base consistency. KILLPROOF SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:KILLPROOF SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * Normally, when the operator types ^C^C, SDOS kills the currently running program and causes a forced ERROREXIT. This in turn displays an appropriate message and causes the DEFAULTPROGRAM to be loaded. A double ^C is deferred if a SYSCALL:KILLPROOF has been executed more recently than a KILLENABLE. Operation of the program continues undisturbed until it executes SYSCALL:KILLENABLE, at which point the program is stopped. The user program can still sense operator attention requests via the ATTNCHECK syscall. On EXIT, SDOS switches user programs back to KILLENABLEd mode automatically, (actually, the DEFAULTPROGRAM is loaded as a KILLENABLEd user program) so a set of programs invoked by a DO file is killable. SYSCALL:CHAIN does not affect the KILLENABLE status of a program, so a large program consisting of several serially executed segments can operate entirely KILLPROOFed if needed. Possible errors are: Syscall Block Too Short COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 77 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:KILLENABLE This syscall allows a program to be killed by the operator. It is normally only used after a critical portion of a program, running KILLDISABLEd, is finished executing. KILLENABLE SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:KILLENABLE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * Executing this syscall will allow a program to be killed when the operator types ^C^C (when the I/O package calls SDOS:KILLPROGRAM). If a ^C^C (call to SDOS:KILLPROGRAM) has occurred while the user program was KILLPROOF, execution of the SYSCALL:KILLENABLE will cause the program to quit execution immediately (i.e., control does not return to the user program in this case). SDOSCOMMANDS (the command interpreter) runs KILLENABLEd and loads user programs initially KILLENABLEd. The user program must execute a SYSCALL:KILLDISABLE syscall before performing any critical operations (see SYSCALL:KILLDISABLE). CHAIN syscalls do not affect the KILLENABLE status of the user program. Possible errors are: Program Killed Syscall Block Too Short COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 78 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:DEBUG The DEBUG syscall is used to transfer control from a user program to the local system debugger. DEBUG SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:DEBUG SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * No parameters are needed. Control is passed to the system debugger's entry point. The actual method of passing control is I/O package dependent. If there is no debugger, an ERROREXIT is forced. For systems with IDB (an SD assembly language debugging tool), control is passed to the debugger in such a way that a non-maskable interrupt appears to have occurred. EXIT from IDB should be made via a "G" command. Using nnnnG to exit IDB and return to the user program will also work. If a "G" command is executed, control returns to the user program just beyond the call, as with any other SYSCALL. Possible errors are: Syscall Too Short No Debugger COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 79 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:ATTNCHECK This SYSCALL is used to determine if the operator would like to interact with the user program (the operator normally signals this by striking the ESCape key on his console; the actual mechanism is determined by the I/O package). ATTNCHECK SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:ATTNCHECK SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * The ATTNCHECK syscall will return normally if no attention has been requested since the last ATTNCHECK syscall. If the operator has requested attention at least once since the last ATTNCHECK SYSCALL was issued, then an error exit is taken with error code ERR:ATTENTION. There are no parameters and no returned results. Note that depressing ESCape terminates line input mode from the CONSOLE:; thus, with suitable program design, ESCape can be used to get a program out of one interaction mode and into another mode of interaction. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 80 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:ISCONSOLE This system call is used to determine if channel zero is open to the operator's console (this is needed because a STATUS syscall will read back the status of the log channel if logging is active). This SYSCALL is used primarily by the command interpreter (when an error is encountered) to determine whether or not a DO file should be aborted. ISCONSOLE SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:ISCONSOLE SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:END EQU * There are no parameters and no returned results. A normal exit indicates that channel zero truly is open to the console device; otherwise, an error exit occurs. The only possible errors are: Channel is Not Open at All Channel 0 is Open; But Not to the Console COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 81 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:INTERLOCK This SYSCALL enables multiple users to synchronize usage of one or more resources (under single-user SDOS, these calls are null operations). Each resource is represented by an INTERLOCK "object" (note: future SDOS's will provide for many other abstract object types), and the means of referencing that object is called a CAPABILITY. The functions which the INTERLOCK syscall will perform, include creating a capability to an interlock object; destroying an existing capability to an interlock object; reserving an object for exclusive use (also known as "locking" an object), and, if the object has been already locked, suspending execution of the caller until that object has been released; releasing the object, allowing the next suspended requestor to resume execution; conditionally locking an object, returning an error if that object is already locked; and releasing and removing all requests for an object. Note that objects and capabilities do not "belong" to users (e.g., user 1 may create an interlock capability to an object named "MYFILE", communicate that capability to user 2, and proceed to lock MYFILE twice, thereby blocking himself; user 2 subsequently releases MYFILE, which causes user 1 to be unblocked). The function codes are expressed as 16-bit values in the PARAMS field of the SYSCALL block; the specific functions and their requirements are: IC:CREATE Create a capability to an interlock object. ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned if the named object is invalid. WRBUF must contain an object name, and WRLEN must be 16. A 16-byte capability to the object will be returned in RDBUF. IC:DESTROY Destroy the usefulness of all capabilities to the named interlock object. Release the object if it has been locked; release all requests for the object; release all suspended requestors of the object, with ERR:OBJECTDESTROYED. If the capability is invalid, ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned. WRBUF must contain a valid capability to the object, and WRLEN must be 16. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 82 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION IC:LOCK Lock the named interlock object. If the object is already locked, the caller's execution is suspended until the object has been released. Under SDOS/MT 1.2, no more than 32 different objects may be locked at any one time (implementation restriction); attempted violation of the restriction will result in ERR:IMPLEMENTATIONLIMITREACHED. If the capability is invalid, ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned. WRBUF must contain a valid capability to the object, and WRLEN must be 16. IC:RELEASE Release the named interlock object. If the object has not been previously locked, ERR:NOTLOCKED is returned. If the capability is invalid, ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned. WRBUF must contain a valid capability to the object, and WRLEN must be 16. IC:TEST Lock the named interlock object. If the object is already locked, no further action is taken and ERR:ALREADYLOCKED is returned. If the capability is invalid, ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned. WRBUF must contain a valid capability to the object, and WRLEN must be 16. IC:RESET Unconditionally release the named interlock object, if locked; remove all requests for the object. Callers suspended, awaiting use of the object, will be returned to execution with ERR:LOCKRESET. If the capability is invalid, ERR:NOSUCHOBJECT will be returned. WRBUF must contain a valid capability to the object, and WRLEN must be 16. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 83 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:DELAY This system call is used by a program to wait for some fixed period of time before continuing execution. This is useful on multi-user systems when a periodic check is required, as no resources are used while a program is waiting for the delay to complete. DELAY SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:DELAY SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FCB DELAY ; in 1/60th second units SCBLK:END EQU * The delay is a 16 bit value given in 1/60th second units (i.e., 60 = 1 seconds, 3600 = 1 minute, etc.). The actual delay is at least that requested, and may be longer. Possible errors: Syscall Block is Too Short COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 84 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION SYSCALL:GETSERIALNUMBER This system call is used to read the 8 byte hardware serial number of the computer. GETSERIALNUMBER SYSCALL Block Format: SCBLK:OPCODE FCB SYSCALL:GETSERIALNUMBER SCBLK:WLEN FCB SCBLK:END-SCBLK:OPCODE SCBLK:PARAMS FDB IGNORED SCBLK:WRBUF FDB IGNORED SCBLK:WRLEN FDB IGNORED SCBLK:RPLEN FDB 8 EXPECTED RETURNED VALUE SCBLK:RDBUF FDB SERIALNUMBERBUFFER SCBLK:RDLEN FDB 8 Possible errors: Syscall Block is Too Short COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 85 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION ASM/6809 1.4A1: 0000 09/17/84 19:43:57; Page 1; Form 1 *** SDOS SYSCALL Example *** listfile.asm 5: * This is a sample assembly language program to list 6: * a file to the console: device (i.e., it does exactly 7: * the same thing as a list file command does), and 8: * illustrates use of syscalls and error recovery logic. 9: * 0200 10: org $200 nice place for program 11: * set up the equs we need 12: * 0000 13: channel0 equ 0 user terminal channel 0001 14: channel1 equ 1 channel for file i/o 0001 15: linemode equ 1 input in "line mode" 16: * 17: * Print a "hello" message on user channel 18: * 0200 8E024C 19: listfile ldx #himessage 0203 9DFB 20: jsr syscall$ 21: * If we get an error when printing the "hi" message 22: * (i.e., the carry is set), this BCS will take us 23: * to the error routine which will do an error exit 0205 2528 24: bcs error 25: * 26: * Now input the name of the file the user wishes 27: * to list to his/her terminal 28: * 0207 8E0277 29: ldx #inputfilename 020A 9DFB 30: jsr syscall$ 020C 2521 31: bcs error 32: * 33: * Next, open the do this we set the length 34: * of the file name in the OPEN syscall block equal 35: * the number of characters read in by the last syscall. 36: * We don't have to move the file name anywhere since 37: * we very cleverly made the place that SDOS will look 38: * at for the file name the same place where SDOS 39: * read in the string from the user 40: * (similar to INPUT a$\OPEN #1,a$ in BASIC) 41: * 42: * Get how many chars the user typed in 020E BE027F 43: ldx inputfilename+reada:actualcount 44: * Set the length of file name to number of chars read 0211 BF028D 45: stx openfile+open:length 0214 8E0287 46: ldx #openfile address of syscall block 0217 9DFB 47: jsr syscall$ make SDOS open the file 0219 2514 48: bcs error take branch if "no such 49: * file", "bad name", etc. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 86 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION ASM/6809 1.4A1: 0219 09/17/84 19:43:57; Page 2; Form 1 *** SDOS SYSCALL Example *** listfile.asm 51: * main program loop 52: * 021B 8E0291 53: readloop ldx #readaline read line from... 021E 9DFB 54: jsr syscall$ the input file 55: * 56: * Now check to see if the read got an error. 57: * If it did, see if the error was an end of file. 58: * 0220 2517 59: bcs checkforeof 60: * 61: * If we get to here, we know we didn't get an error. 62: * So set the length of the write buffer equal to the 63: * number of characters read in 64: * 0222 BE0299 65: ldx readaline+reada:actualcount 0225 BF02A7 66: stx writealine+writea:count 67: * 68: * and then send the line out to the user 69: * 0228 8E02A1 70: ldx #writealine 022B 9DFB 71: jsr syscall$ 72: * If no error on output, go read another line 022D 24EC 73: bcc readloop 74: * 75: * Error routine: copy error code in X to a syscall 76: * block which will have SDOS print out the 77: * corresponding error message and exit 78: * 022F BF02AB 79: error stx errorexit+errorexit:code 0232 8E02A9 80: ldx #errorexit 0235 9DFB 81: jsr syscall$ SDOS shouldn't return, 0237 25FE 82: bcs * should never get here 83: * 84: * Check for EndOfFile: if so, wrap things up and exit. 85: * Otherwise, do an error exit. 86: * 0239 8C03E9 87: checkforeof cpx #err:eofhit EndOfFile error? 023C 26F1 88: bne error if not, go complain 023E 8E02AD 89: ldx #byemessage print "I'm done" message 0241 9DFB 90: jsr syscall$ 0243 25EA 91: bcs error murphy's law strikes again! 0245 8E02BD 92: ldx #exit now exit 0248 9DFB 93: jsr syscall$ 024A 25E3 94: bcs error this can't happen 95: * 96: * end of code COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 87 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION ASM/6809 1.4A1: 024A 09/17/84 19:43:57; Page 3; Form 1 *** SDOS SYSCALL Example *** listfile.asm 98: * blocks for syscalls 99: * 024C 100: himessage ; syscall block to output "hello" message 024C 0C 101: fcb syscall:writea 024D 08 102: fcb writea:sclen 024E 00 103: fcb channel0 024F 00 104: fcb ignored filler 0250 0254 105: fdb hitext pointer to message 0252 0023 106: fdb hitextlen length of message 107: 0254 48692128 108: hitext fcc 'Hi! What file do you want to list? ' 0023 109: hitextlen equ *-hitext length of message 110: 0277 111: inputfilename ; syscall block to accept line from user 0277 0A 112: fcb syscall:reada 0278 0E 113: fcb reada:sclen 0279 00 114: fcb channel0 from the user 027A 01 115: fcb linemode input up to a 027B 0000 116: fdb ignored dummy write buffer stuff 027D 0000 117: fdb ignored 027F 0000 118: fdb ignored 0281 02BF 119: fdb filenamebuf read buffer 0283 0100 120: fdb filenamebufmax max amount to read 0285 0002 121: rmb 2 amount read (set by SDOS) 122: 0287 123: openfile ; syscall block to open a file 0287 00 124: fcb syscall:open 0288 0E 125: fcb open:sclen 0289 01 126: fcb channel1 028A 00 127: fcb ignored filler 028B 02BF 128: fdb filenamebuf where user's input is 028D 0004 129: rmb 4 buffer length (set by pgm) 130: 0291 131: readaline ; syscall block to read a line from a file 0291 0A 132: fcb syscall:reada 0292 0E 133: fcb reada:sclen 0293 01 134: fcb channel1 0294 01 135: fcb linemode 0295 0000 136: fdb ignored dummy write buffer stuff 0297 0000 137: fdb ignored 0299 0000 138: fdb ignored 029B 02BF 139: fdb readbuffer 029D 0100 140: fdb readbuffermax 029F 0002 141: rmb 2 how much data read COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 88 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION ASM/6809 1.4A1: 029F 09/17/84 19:43:57; Page 4; Form 1 *** SDOS SYSCALL Example *** listfile.asm 02A1 143: writealine ; syscall block to write a line on terminal 02A1 0C 144: fcb syscall:writea 02A2 08 145: fcb writea:sclen 02A3 00 146: fcb channel0 02A4 00 147: fcb ignored filler 02A5 02BF 148: fdb writebuffer 02A7 0002 149: rmb 2 length of line 150: 02A9 151: errorexit ; syscall block to effect error exit 02A9 12 152: fcb syscall:errorexit 02AA 04 153: fcb errorexit:sclen 02AB 0002 154: rmb 2 set to error code by pgm 155: 02AD 156: byemessage ; syscall block to print "done..." 02AD 0C 157: fcb syscall:writea 02AE 08 158: fcb writea:sclen 02AF 00 159: fcb channel0 02B0 00 160: fcb ignored 02B1 02B5 161: fdb byetext 02B3 0008 162: fdb byetextlen 163: 02B5 646F6E65 164: byetext fcc "done..." 02BC 0D 165: fcb $0d carriage return 0008 166: byetextlen equ *-byetext 167: 02BD 168: exit ; syscall block to effect normal exit 02BD 11 169: fcb syscall:exit 02BE 02 170: fcb exit:sclen 171: 172: * and here's the i/o buffer 02BF 173: filenamebuf equ * 02BF 174: readbuffer equ * 02BF 175: writebuffer equ * 0100 176: filenamebufmax equ $100 0100 177: readbuffermax equ $100 02BF 0100 178: rmb readbuffermax space for buffer 179: * 180: * that's all folks! 181: * 182: end listfile COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 89 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS WRITING and DEBUGGING User Assembly Programs Writing a User Assembly-Language program to run under SDOS requires the following steps: 1) Use EDIT (or some other means) to place the desired assembly source program on a disk. 2) Use ASM to produce a listing (optional) and a .BIN (Binary) version of the desired program. 3) a) Execute the program by typing its name or 3) b) Debug the program by typing .DEBUG name This will pass control to the local system debugger (usually IDB) and debugging may commence. Note: Breakpoints should not be placed on a BCC/BCS after a SYSCALL (SDOS will not see the BCx if an error occurs and a system failure will result). Further, breakpoints should all be removed before a SYSCALL:EXIT or SYSCALL:ERROREXIT is executed. Also, SDOS has no "warm start" entry point; if the program runs away, the operator's only safe choice is to re-boot. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 90 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS MEMORY MAP The memory of the 6800/6809 computer, when executing a user program under SDOS, has the following layout: LOCATIONS CONTENTS $0-$7 (6800 and 6809) $18-$1F (6801 and 6811) Scratch temporaries, usable by user program. Note: These temporaries are also used by SDOS; so any SYSCALL will destroy their contents. $20-$EF User program page zero. Not used by SDOS or the I/O package. $FO-$FA System dependent data used by system hardware (ROM), I/O package or interrupt routines for any purpose; see specific I/O packages. User programs must not disturb this data; references to this data will make the program hardware or configuration dependent. $FB,$FC,$FD SYSCALL entry point. These three bytes contain a JMP to the SYSCALL entry point in SDOS. All user programs should define SYSCALL$ as $FB; this will make them independent of the actual location of SDOS. These bytes are initialized by SDOS whenever a CHAIN or LOAD SYSCALL is executed. Bytes $FC,$FD form a 16 bit pointer to the first byte of SDOS (to the first byte above the memory space available to the user program). $FE,$FF Reserved for system dependent data (typically a pointer to last byte or page of RAM). User program must not disturb or use. $100-(SDOS-1) User program area. Used in any way desired by user programs. Last byte of this area has an address equal to contents of ($FC,$FD) minus 1. On entry (CHAIN) to a user program, the stack register is set to this value (SDOS-1). Generally, user programs have a start address of $100. SDOS -- Beginning of SDOS (and/or I/O package). User program may not overlay or store any byte on or above this boundary. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 91 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS Typical SDOS Address Space -------------------- LOW ! ! ! PAGE ZERO ! !__________________! $:0100 ! ! ! ! ! SD SOFTWARE or ! ! CUSTOMER SOFTWARE! ! ! !__________________! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! :7800 !__________________! TTY, ! !\ LINEPRINTER, ! MISCELLANEOUS ! \ DRIVERS, !__________________! \ (ETC.) ! DISK READ ! | ! DISK WRITE ! | ! DISK WAITDONE ! | I/O Package !__________________! | ! DISK ! | ! SECTOR ! | ! BUFFERS ! / ! ! / !------------------! ! VT DRIVER ! !__________________! ! SDOS ! 48K ! (DISK FILE ! ! MANAGEMENT) ! 63K DEPENDING ON !__________________! CONFIGURATION !//////////////////! !//////////////////! NON-EXISTENT MEMORY !//////////////////! !------------------! :F000 ! IDB ! !__________________! :FC00 ! SDOS BOOT ! !__________________! :FF00 ! ! ! I/O SPACE ! ROM VECTORS TO OTHER ROM HIGH !__________________! COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 92 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SDOS LOADER FORMATS SDOS will load files containing one of two types of records: 1) SDOS Load Records 2) Encrypted Load Records A file to be loaded must contain only SDOS load records, or encrypted load records. SDOS LOAD RECORD FORMATS SDOS Load Records are designed to let SDOS load large blocks of contiguous memory efficiently, and still retain scatter-load capability. A file containing SDOS Load Records appears as a stream of load records. Each load record has a type and a format. There are four SDOS load record types; all four contain binary information for ease of processing by the loader and to minimize file space occupied. Each load record type is identified by its first byte. One record immediately follows another. SDOS load record type 1 must be the first record (i.e., start on byte 0) of the file. It is followed by 2 bytes forming a 16 bit start address, MSB first. The next two bytes are the 16 bit one's complement of the start address, MSB first (this record format makes it extremely improbable that a non-load format file is actually loaded by accident). The first byte of a A Type 1 load record specifies the CPU type: $01 6800 $03 6801/6803 $02 6809 $07 6303 $11 6811 SDOS load record type 0 is a skip record. The two bytes following the record type byte form a 16 bit count (MSB first) of the number of bytes following the skip record to ignore. The loader processes this record by positioning the file to the file position after the skip record, plus count bytes. This record format is used to align following load records on power of two boundaries which can speed up loading of larger data records. SDOS load record types 2 and 3 are identical in format. Both record types are used to load blocks of data into the memory address specified by the two bytes following the record type byte (MSB first). The number of bytes to be loaded is given by the 16 bit count specified by the next two bytes (MSB first). The data bytes to be loaded immediately follow the count bytes. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 93 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS A type 2 record specifies that another load record follows (i.e., that EOF does not immediately follow the records) and that further load record processing is needed. A type 3 record indicates that the load process is complete once the data bytes in the type 3 record are loaded (i.e., there are no more load records in the file). After processing a type 3 record, a SYSCALL:CHAIN will transfer control to the start address specified by the type 1 record. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 94 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SDOS LOAD RECORD FORMATS Command _____________________________ ____________ ! 0 ! COUNT ! !.....! ! !_______!_____!_____!_______! !__________! 2 BYTES !________________! ! ! COUNT BYTES Meaning: Skip COUNT bytes to find next command. Used as a space filler to pad to the next physical sector boundary. _________________________________________ !CPU Type ! ADDRESS ! 16 BIT CHECKSUM ! Set start address. !_________!_____!_____!________!________! Must be first command 2 BYTES 2 BYTES in file. CHECKSUM is :FFFF - address. __________________________________________________ ! 2 ! ADDRESS ! COUNT ! DATA BYTES ! !_______!_____!_____!_____!_____!________________! 2 BYTES 2 BYTES !__________! ! ! COUNT BYTES Causes data bytes to be loaded sequentially into memory starting with the specified address. _________________________________________________ ! 3 ! ADDRESS ! COUNT ! DATA BYTES ! !_______!_____!_____!_____!_____!_______________! 2 BYTES 2 BYTES Just like 2, but also causes JUMP to start address specified. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 95 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS The load records are used in the following way to optimize the disk reads (example): =================== Logical byte #'s ! Type 1 record ! Must be first in file ! !_________________! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Type 0 record ! Filler record ! ! ! ! !_________________! ! ! Type 2 record ! Indicates "Load next ! !=================! two sectors". NBPS ! 1ST Data Byte ! ! ! !=================! 2*NBPS ! ! ! ! !=================! 3*NBPS ! Type 3 record ! Indicates "Load next !_________________! two sectors" and ! ! transfer control to ! ! start address when ! ! done. !=================! 4*NBPS ! ! ! ! !=================! Encrypted Files ______________________________________________ | 05 |S# COUNT | 48 Random Bits | |______|_________|___________________________| | 1st Serial Number | |____________________________________________| | 2nd Serial Number | |____________________________________________| | S# Serial Number | |____________________________________________| COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 96 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS ENCRYPTED OBJECT FILES An encrypted file is one whose content is not in a directly usable form. Under SDOS, encrypted object files contain proprietary programs which are designed to run on only a limited number of CPUs. Some programs are proprietary to Software Dynamics; other programs are proprietary to other vendors. Software Dynamics provides a tool to allow vendors to encrypt their own object programs or suite of programs. An encrypted program is decrypted by SDOS while loading into memory by use of an Encryption Key. The Encryption Key is a function of the serial numbers of the CPUs on which the program is authorized run, and a 48 bit "application suite" number embedded in the object file. SDOS zeros the address space when loading an encrypted file whose Encryption Key is different than the Encryption Key of the last file loaded. This prevents "Trojan Horse" software from obtaining a snapshot of a previously-executed program. Only programs with the same encryption key may pass control (and non-zero data) to one another. This is a common requirement of an "application suite". Encrypted object files have an un-encrypted 1st object record, followed by the rest of the file in an encrypted format. The encrypted portion of the file, once un-encrypted, is in standard SDOS load record format, with the exception that no skip records are allowed (decrypting skip records is simply a waste of time). The first object record starts with a byte containing :05, signifying this file is an encrypted object file. The SerialNumberCount (S#) specifies how many serial numbers for which this object file was encrypted. Following the SerialNumberCount are 6 bytes of Application Suite number (typically a random number chosen at time of encryption). Last are a series of 8 byte Serial Numbers on which this object file is authorized to run. These serial numbers are in a clear text form so they can be easily inspected by a utility program. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 97 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SDOS DISK FILE STRUCTURE This section gives detailed information on the structure of the SDOS disk file system. Two concepts are critical to the understanding of the file system: Logical Sector Numbers and Logical Cluster Numbers. These concepts are detailed xbelow. Definitions: NBPS Number of bytes/sector (2^n,n=1..15). Must be power of 2!! NBPS is limited to 128*32=4096 by directory search routine. Minimum size is 128 bytes (see BOOT sector). NSPT Number of sectors/track NTPC Number of tracks/cylinder NCYL Number of cylinders/drive NLSN Number of (logical) sectors on a disk (= NSPT*NTPC*NCYL) Note: Number of bytes/cluster < 2^16 for 6800/6809 implementation. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 98 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS LOGICAL SECTOR NUMBERS (LSNs) LSN's are imaginary sequence numbering applied to physical disk sectors on a disk cartridge or floppy diskette. The reason for using them is that Logical Sector Numbers can be mapped onto any disk removing any structure that the disk drive might arbitrarily impose from the knowledge and concern of SDOS; i.e., the distinction between tracks, cylinders, and sectors ceases to be of concern to the SDOS file system. The only requirements placed by SDOS on LSN's is that they begin with 0 and increase sequentially; further, track 0, sector 0, cylinder 0 (usually) maps into LSN 0. This is because most hardware interfaces can read in this physical disk block as a means for booting the system, so SDOS reserves LSN 0 for this block. A useful method for choosing the LSN number for a disk block on physical cylinder C, track T, and sector S is: LSN(C,T,S)=S+NSPT*(T+NTPC*C) where NSPT and NTPC are the number of Sectors per Track and the number of Tracks per Cylinder, respectively; where 0<=S= INT(NLSN/NSPC) where NBPS is the number of bytes per sector. This constraint allows SDOS to use a single cluster to record all the clusters of a file. This constraint can be violated, but the result is that a single file might not be able to use the entire disk. SDOS will complain if the Header Cluster COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 100 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS of a file overflows when allocating space to a file. The third constraint is that 1<=NSPC<=255. This is purely an implementation restriction and must be followed. Assuming a file with 2^31=2.1x10^9 bytes, NBPS=512, NSPC=255, we have 2.1x10^9/512=4.2x10^6 sectors in file; 4.2x10^6/255=16449 clusters in file. The header cluster has room for 255*512/2=65280 clusters, which covers such a file easily. To minimize average wasted space in disk files, NSPC should be chosen to be as small as possible within the constraints specified. This may leave some disk sectors (with high LSNs) unused by SDOS if NLSN is not a multiple of NSPC, but the total wastage here is again only 1/2*NSPC sectors average, and if one has 100 files on a disk, this is insignificant in comparison with the total savings. A final note: if the number of sectors per cylinder is not a multiple of NSPC, some time inefficiency will occur when reading sequentially through a cluster because some clusters will cross track or cylinder boundaries. This inefficiency will be small if the average file size is much greater than NSPT*NSPC. If the average file size is smaller than NSPT*NTPC, some time savings can be gained by making NSPC a divisor of NTPC - this will generally prevent part of file (cluster) from overlapping cylinder boundaries, and will therefore save seek time. A sample calculation of NSPC: Assume we have 77 cylinders (NCYL=77), 1 track/cylinder (NTPC=1), 16 sectors/track (NSPT=16), 256 bytes/sector (NBPS=256) (so NLSN=NSPT*NTPC*NCYL=16*1*76=1232). Let LSN(C,T,S)=S+16*(T+1*C). Since we have only one track (track #0), the formula simplifies: LSN(C,S)=S+16C For any NSPC>=1 then NLSN/NSPC < 65536, satisfying constraint 1. Constraint 2 implies: NSPC*256/2>=INT(1232/NSPC) NSPC*128>=INT(1232/NSPC) which is true for any NSPC>=4 If we choose NSPC=4, constraint 3 is also satisfied. To minimize average wasted space, we choose NSPC=4. On a disk with 100 files, an average of 100*4/2=200 disk sectors are wasted. With NSPC=3, with 100 files wastes an average of 100*3/2=150 sectors, and prevents files from containing more than 1152 sectors (i.e., a particular file can only cover 93% of the disk). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 101 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS DISK FILE STRUCTURE A File under SDOS is a mechanism for storing logically related information. From the point of view of an application program, a disk file is a very large array of 8 bit bytes which can be read/written sequentially, can be positioned for later read/writes, and can be automatically extended (at the end) to add more information. These files can be up to 2^31 bytes (2.1 billion bytes) in size, physical disk size being the real limitation. This view of files is implemented by device drivers. The operations that a device driver considers legal and the actual operation performed are dependent on each device driver (see Device Drivers). There are two kinds of drivers: non-disk file and disk file. The disk file driver is a component of SDOS proper. It handles files by breaking them down into two layers: clusters and sectors. Sectors are the physical unit of transfer to/from the disk drive. Clusters are a logical grouping of sectors used to minimize the amount of information required to record where all the sectors of a file are located. Each file has a special cluster of sectors known as the Header Cluster. The Header Cluster contains the logical cluster numbers of all (data) clusters contained in the file. These numbers are placed in the Header Cluster in such a way as to indicate the relative (byte) position of the target cluster in the file. A special cluster number of hex :FFFF means "no data cluster allocated" to this place in the file. This allows sparse files to be built with very little wasted space. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 102 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS __________ ! ! First Cluster Pointer ! ! Points to Headercluster ! ! V ! Header - ______________ ! Cluster ! 2B ! ----------! ! 2B ! ------------------ ! 2B ! --------------- ! Remaining Cluster Pointers ! ! . ! ! ! Point to Data Clusters ! ! . ! ! ! ! !____________! ! ! ! ! ---------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Data Cluster #0 NSPC*NBPS ! ! ! ! ! ____________ ! !____________! ! ! !-->! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !__________! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - !____________! ! ! Data Cluster #1 ! ! ____________ ! !----->! 0 ! ! !__________! ! ! 1 ! ! !__________! ! ! . ! ! ! . ! ! ! . ! ! !__________! ! ! NSPC-1 ! ! !__________! ! ! ! Data Cluster #N ! ____________ !--------->! ! ! ! !__________! The first two bytes in the header cluster are reserved to contain the cluster number of the header cluster itself (this simplifies the space allocation routines). Succeeding pairs of bytes contain the logical cluster numbers of the 0th data clusters, 1st data cluster, etc. When a file is first allocated, all the pointers (except the first) in the first sector of the header cluster are initialized as :FFFF (no data cluster allocated). The other sectors in the header cluster are left as garbage. A special 1 byte counter (stored in the directory), DIR:HCSIC (header cluster initialized count) tells SDOS how many of the sectors in the header cluster are initialized. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 103 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS If a data byte is in logical byte number "LBN" in a file, then SDOS can access that byte (in at most two disk reads) by the following process (definition): First, compute: NBPC := NSPC*NBPS (COMPUTE # BYTES/CLUSTER) RDCN := INT(LBN/NBPC) (COMPUTE THE RELATIVE DATA CLUSTER NUMBER) HSLSN := INT[(RDCN+1)*2]/NBPS + HCLCN*NSPC where HSLSN = header sector logical sector number and HCLCN = header cluster logical cluster number. This computes the LSN of desired sector in the Header Cluster. The "+1" is because the first cluster pointer is the pointer to the header cluster. The "*2" is because each cluster number occupies two bytes. Note: HCSIC may indicate that this sector (HSLSN) has not been initialized!! Next: read HSLSN into memory in HBBUF (header buffer) DBLCN := @((((RDCN+1)*2)MOD NBPS)+.HBBUF) this computes the LCN of the data cluster containing the byte. "@" means use the value to the right as a memory address and fetch 16 bits. ".HBBUF" means the address of the header buffer. Note: DBLCN may be :FFFF (undefined)!! Finally: DBLSN := DBLCN*NSPC+INT((LBN MOD NSPC*NBPS)/NBPS) Read DBLSN into memory; desired byte is found at displacement RBN := LBN MOD NBPS COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 104 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SDOS FILE STRUCTURE ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! !______________! ! DIRECTORY ! ! ENTRY ! ! ! ! LCN ----------- !______________! ! ! . ! ! ! . ! ! ! . ! ! / / / / --------------/ ! ! ____ ! ! ! ! Header Cluster - First Cluster of File ! _V____V_ ________ ________ ________ !----- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )(Some) !______! ! ! ! ! ! ! )Sections !------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )Initialized ! !______! ! ! ! ! ! ! )To "No ! !----- ! ! ! ! !......! ! )Cluster ! ! !______! ! ! ! ! ! ! )Allocated" ! ! ! 3RD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )At File ! ! !______! ! ! ! ! ! ! )Creation ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )Time ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !______! !______! !______! !______! ! ! ! !-------> 2nd Data Cluster _______________________ ! ! A Cluster Number Of ! !---------> 1st Data Cluster ! :FFFF ! ! Means "No Cluster ! ! Allocated" ! !_____________________! COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 105 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS __________ ! ! ! V Header Cluster ! __________ !-------- ! --------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ------------> 2nd Data Cluster ! ! ------------> Etc. ! !________! ! ! ! 1st Data Cluster ! ! ------- ------- ------- ------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-----> ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !.....! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ------- ------- ------- ------- Logical sector number of 1st sector in cluster = cluster number * cluster size in sectors. Succeeding sector numbers are base sector number + index into cluster. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 106 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS DIRECTORY.SYS STRUCTURE The directory stores the name and location of the header cluster for all files on the disk (SDOS allows no magic disk files which are not in the directory; even system files are mentioned in the directory). Each Directory entry is 32 bytes and contains the following information: DIR:FILENAME The file name can be any left-justified sequence of letters (uppercase only), digits 0 through 9, $ or ".". It may not begin with a "." or a digit. The name is blank filled to 16 bytes. Two file names are considered equivalent if they match byte for byte. SDOS automatically folds lowercase characters in disk file names into uppercase. Bit 7 of all bytes must be zero. DIR:HLCN The Header Logical Cluster Number specifies the location of the Header Cluster for the file if DIR:HCSIC > 0. If DIR:HCSIC = 0, then DIR:HLCN is actually the cluster number of the 1st data cluster. DIR:HCSIC The Header Cluster Sector Initialized Count tells SDOS how many sectors of the header cluster have been initialized properly (see File Structure) and need not concern any but the systems programmer. DIR:HCSIC is updated whenever a new header cluster sector is initialized. If DIR:HCSIC is zero, and DIR:NCLUSTERS > 0, then the file is contiguously allocated on the disk, with the first data cluster being in DIR:HLCN, contiguous for DIR:NCLUSTERS. DIR:NCLUSTERS DIR:NCLUSTERS is the number of clusters allocated. This count is needed as a very sparse file may have an enormous logical file size, and yet have a very small actual disk allocation. SDOS updates DIR:NCLUSTERS only when a file is closed. If DIR:NCLUSTERS is zero, this directory entry is not valid and is available for use by a new file (name). DIR:FILESIZE DIR:FILESIZE is the apparent size of the file in bytes, and is equal to the position of the last data byte written in the file, +1. The filesize is completely independent of sector or cluster size. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 107 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS DIR:PROTECTION DIR:PROTECTION contains file protection bits. The protection bits prevent inadvertant or undesired references to file. The currently defined bits are: 7 6 PROTECT:WRITE 5 4 3 2 1 0 PROTECT:BACKUP PROTECT:WRITE The PROTECT:WRITE bit prevents DELETE, RENAME, and CREATE commands on a file with the corresponding name. This is used by SDOS to prevent accidental erasures of critical system files, and may be used by the user to protect his critical files. PROTECT:BACKUP This bit prevents SDOSDISKBACKUP from backing up a file if the CHANGED option is specified. It is reset whenever a file is first created, or when a file is modified in any way (SYSCALL:WRITEA, SYSCALL:WRITEB, CC:SETFILESIZE, etc.). It is set by SDOSDISKBACKUP whenever a file has been backed up using the CHANGED option. DIR:CREATIONDATE DIR:CREATIONDATE contains the creation date of the file in the form DDMMYY. DD is one byte containing the day number in BCD; MM is one byte of BCD month; and YY is the year number modulo 100 in one BCD byte. SDOSDISKINIT generally places the first data cluster of the directory at INT(NLCN/2) (the middle of the logical disk) in an attempt to decrease seek-to-directory time. This also causes SDOS to extend the directory in the middle of the disk if need be. Note: This LCN must be non-zero! (Otherwise, the directory and the boot cluster collide.) SDOS locates the directory initially by reading BOOT:DIRLSN from the BOOT.SYS file. BOOT:DIRLSN gives the LSN of the directory sector containing the DIRECTORY.SYS entry. The directory entry for DIRECTORY.SYS is located in the first 32 bytes of the sector. This requirement also forces the sector size to be at least 32 bytes (the first entry must be contained entirely in the first directory sector), and to be a multiple of 32! COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 108 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS All other filenames in the directory are added to it according to the following procedure: The directory is searched by initially hashing the desired name to choose a directory sector, and then searching circularly through the directory for the desired name. The hashing scheme tends to make lookups of existing names very quick, as long as the directory is 80% or less loaded. The circular search guarantees that even if the directory size changes, files will still be found. The directory is automatically expanded by SDOS if it is full and a new filename needs to be added. This automatic expansion invalidates all the previous hashes, but since new (or renamed) files will get hashed to the correct place, after the system has been used with the expanded directory awhile, lookups will speed up again. Renaming a file rehashes it, so renaming all files will rehash them all. The directory size is kept in the DIR:FILESIZE entry of the DIRECTORY.SYS entry, and is always a multiple of the cluster size (NBPC). As a convenience to the hashing algorithm, a limit of 65536 directory sectors is imposed on the DIRECTORY.SYS file. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 109 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS Directory Entry . . . ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! !================! ! ! 16 Bytes, ! DIR:NAME ! Legal Names Contain ! ! A-Z, 0-9, $, "." !----------------! ! DIR:HLCN ! 2B, Header Cluster Number ! ! ! ! !----------------! ! DIR:HCSIC ! 1B Header Cluster Sector ! ! Initialized Count !----------------! ! DIR:NCLUSTERS ! 2B Number of Data ! ! Clusters in File !----------------! ! DIR:FILESIZE ! 4B, Number of Bytes in ! ! The File !----------------! ! DIR:PROTECTION ! 1B, Protection Bits ! ! !----------------! !DIR:CREATIONDATE! 3B !----------------! ! UNUSED ! 1B !================! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 110 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS File System Sketch DIRECTORY.SYS file body _____________ ! !<-------| LCN 0, LSN 0 ! ... ! | DIRECTORY.SYS ____________ !___________! | Header Cluster ! BOOT: ! ! ! ___|___________________ ! DIRLSN *-------> ! DIRECTORY ! ! | ! ! ! ! !__________! ! .SYS #-------->! # ! ! ... ! ! ^ !___________! !_____!____!_____!____! | ! ! usually, LCN=@(Directory)-1 | BOOT.SYS ! ... ! | Header !___________! __|____________ ! ! ! # ! ... ! !<-----# BOOT ! !___!_____!___! ! .SYS ! !___________! DISKMAP.SYS file body ! ! "Busy Cluster Map" ! ... ! (1 cluster) SDOS.SYS !___________! _______________________ Header Cluster ! ! ! ! ! ! ! --------------- ! SDOS.SYS ! ! ! ! ... ! ! ! # ! ... ! !<--------# ! !_____!____!_____!____! !_|_!_____!___! !___________! ^ | ! ! | | SDOS.SYS ! ... ! | DISKMAP.SYS | file body !___________! | Header Cluster __V________ ! ! ___|___________________ ! LCN #1 ! ! DISKMAP ! ! | ! ! ! ! ! LCN #2 ! ! .SYS #--------->! # ! ! ... ! ! ! LCN #3 ! !___________! !_____!____!_____!____! ! ... ! ! ! ! LCN #n ! ! ... ! !_________! !___________! Notes: * represents pointer to (logical) sector # represents pointer to (logical) cluster SDOS hashes to 1st directory entry, and does linear circular search thereafter. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 111 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS Physical Placement of Files on Disk LCN ~~ NLCN/2 | Logical Sector 0 | | _______|____________V_________ / | ! BOOT.SYS /\ / | !___________/ \ / | \ S \ <--- Logical Cluster #1 / __V____________ \ D \ <--- LCN 2, 3, etc. / ! DISKMAP.SYS ! \ O \ / --------------- \ S \ ! ______ ! . ! ! / \ ! S ! ! ! ! _____ ! Y ! ! ! ! ! S ! ! S ! ! \______/ ! Y ! !___! ! ! S ! ! \ / . / <--------- LCN ~~ NLCN/2 \ _______________ / Y / / \ ! D I R E C T O R / / \ ------------------/ / \ / \_____________________________/ COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 112 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS THE BOOT.SYS FILE BOOT.SYS is a file which owns LSN 0 (the boot sector). The BOOT.SYS file contains three things: 1) a disk identification (32 bytes of text blank padded). 2) the appropriate DISKINFO (tuning parameters) for this disk 3) a "simple" program to read SDOS off the disk and into memory as a means of booting. Items 1 and 2 are stored in fixed places in LSN 0 and occupy the first 64 bytes. This sets a minimum sector size requirement of 64 + 1 --> 128 (sector sizes must be a power of two!). Other LSN's in the BOOT.SYS file are simply wasted or used to store an extended bootstrap program if needed. The form of the boot sector must be as follows: ________________ ! ! 16 BYTES ! JUMP ----------- These Bytes Are !______________! ! Used For Any ! ! ! Purpose By Boot 15 BYTES ! DISK ! ! or Boot ROM ! INFO ! ! Routine !______________! ! 1 BYTE !DISKINFOCKSUM ! <------ = :FF - Sum of !______________! ! Bytes in ! ! ! DISKINFO Part ! ! ! ! ! ! 32 BYTES ! DISK ! ! ! ID ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !______________! ! ! ! ! ! <--------- ! BOOT ! REST OF ! ROUTINE ! SECTOR ! ! ! ! !______________! This ensures that the disk identification string is easily locatable, and that it does not prevent the boot routine from executing. Normally, LSN 0 is read into memory at $100 by a ROM boot routine, and control is passed to location $100. The boot sector reads in the rest of BOOT.SYS if necessary. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 113 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS The boot routine then reads the contents of the SDOS file into memory at the appropriate place, and transfer control to the starting point. BOOT:FILESYSTEMVERSION is a single byte containing a file system version and revision number in the left and right nibbles, respectively. This document describes file system version 1.1 (note: SDOS revision numbers do not necessarily match file system revision numbers!). BOOT:NSPC is a single byte which specifies the cluster size of clusters on this disk (0= 1. BOOT:MAPALGORITHM is 16 bits which are used in a disk-sector driver dependent way to tune rotational and seek latency times to a minimum. Commonly, the upper 8 bits are used as "spiralling", or the number of sectors each cylinder should be offset from the next (cylinder) to tune seeks for sequential reads; the lower byte tunes the physical spacing between adjacent logical sector numbers (also measured in units of sector times). SDOS can usually only read every other sector, best case. When using the "common" mapalgorithm interpretation to map LSNs into physical CYLINDER, TRACK, and SECTOR (assuming CYLINDERs and TRACKs increase sequentially from 0, and physical sector 0 on all TRACKs are aligned) the following formulas apply: COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 114 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS REM PSUEDO-BASIC TO COMPUTE PHYSICAL CYLINDER, TRACK, SECTOR CYLINDER= INT(LSN/(NSPT*NTPC)) TRACK= INT((LSN-CYLINDER*NSPT*NTPC)/NSPT) SECTOR= ((CYLINDER*SPIRAL)+MAP[LSN MOD NSPT]) MOD NSPT where MAP[i]= (i*SPACING) MOD NSPT if SPACING is relatively prime to NSPT, and is generally computed as: MAP[0]:= 0 \ !RULE! K= SPACING FOR i= 1 TO NSPT-1 100 FOR J= 0 TO i-1 IF K= MAP[J] THEN K=(K+1) MOD NSPT\ GOTO 100 NEXT J MAP[i]= K K= (K+SPACING) MOD NSPT NEXT i On hardware systems where formatting a disk is used to effect this tuning, the Mapalgorithm is by convention always set to "1". BOOT:CREATIONDATE is the date that this disk was SDOSDISKINITed, and consists of 3 BCD bytes: day, month, and year MOD 100, respectively. BOOT:DIRLSN is the Logical Sector Number of the DIRECTORY.SYS sector that contains the DIRECTORY.SYS directory entry in the first 32 bytes. BOOT:CHECKSUM contains :FF-[sum of the 15 bytes between (and including) BOOT:FILESYSTEMVERSION] modulo 256, and is used to check the validity of the disk. BOOT:DISKID contains 32 ASCII characters blank filled, used solely as a disk identification. This ID is displayed by the FILES command. It can be used (read) by an application for the purpose of verifying the disk before the application uses it. The boot routine is used to read the contents of SDOS.SYS into memory. Ususally, the boot routine does not fit entirely into the remainder of the BOOT sector; the rest of the boot routine is stored in memory image format in the remaining sectors of LCN 0. Listings of sample boot routines can be obtained from the distributor of SDOS or from Software Dynamics. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 115 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SERIALNUMBER.SYS SERIALNUMBER.SYS is a file required to be on an SDOS boot disk in order that SDOS may successfully boot. The file is encrypted, and contains several things: A first-time-only conversation with the purchaser of SDOS; The serial number of the computer for which the particular version of SDOS was sold; and The name of the end-user, or organization. SDOS, after initializing operation of the system, goes and hunts for SERIALNUMBER.SYS. If this file does not exist, SDOS displays, and hangs up with a "No SERIALNUMBER.SYS file" error. If the file does exist, it is CHAINed to, causing implicit decryption. The SDOS decrypting loader will refuse to load SERIALNUMBER.SYS if the serial number encoded into it does not match that of the ROM included in the system hardware; this causes a "Wrong Serial Number" message to be printed, and operation of SDOS is aborted. If SERIALNUMBER.SYS is not encrypted, an error message will likewise be generated and SDOS will not run. Otherwise, the module is loaded and executed. If this is not the first time SERIALNUMBER.SYS has been loaded, then SERIALNUMBER.SYS first prints the ROM serial number, and the name of the end-user; further operation of SDOS is normal. The name of the end-user is supplied by the end-user when the copy is first run by him; i.e., if the end-user name is blank. SERIALNUMBER.SYS asks the name and then waits for the operator to enter a corresponding code number that he must obtain from Software Dynamics. This code number is generated by Software Dynamics from the serial number of the computer and the string entered by the user (this may be obtained from Software Dynamics well in advance of system installation, in order to minimize delays). An invalid response is so indicated, and the end-user name is NOT updated. A correct response causes SERIALNUMBER.SYS to change the end-user name to the supplied string. Once set, the SERIALNUMBER.SYS file can never be changed again. A response of is taken as a signal that the user does not wish to set the name yet (this may be a demo copy, or the user may not have yet obtained the corresponding code number from Software Dynamics); in this case, after a 30 minute delay, SDOS will operate normally. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 116 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS SDOS.SYS SDOS.SYS is an SDOS load record format file containing the memory resident part of the operating system. It is used by the boot procedure to load a copy of the system from the disk into memory. To simplify the boot process, certain restrictions are made on the file structure of SDOS.SYS. The data LCNs of SDOS must be numbered 1, 2, 3,... etc., i.e., a contiguously allocated file. This guarantees sequentially increasing LSNs which makes the boot routine's job (of computing LSNs) extremely simple. The header LCN of SDOS (if it has one) may be anywhere on the disk; the boot routine need not look at it (many boot routines never bother reading the SDOS header clusters). Normally, the SDOSDISKINIT program assigns a very high LCN to the header cluster of SDOS.SYS. The start address of SDOS.SYS is defined to be SYSCALL$ (:FB). When debugging a (newly SYSGENed) I/O package, a convenient trick is to modify (using BMP, the Binary Maintenance Program) the first load record (actually the start record) in the SDOS.SYS file so the SDOS start address is the entry point to the ROM debugger instead of :FB. With this change made, "booting" will cause SDOS to get loaded, and the debugger will then gain control. Patches may be made and breakpoints established, and then SDOS can be started by causing a jump to :FB. When debugging is completed, the first load record should be restored to its initial state. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 117 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS DISKMAP.SYS The DISKMAP.SYS file is used to keep track of clusters allocated to disk files for that disk. Each disk cartridge or floppy diskette has its own DISKMAP.SYS. The file has one bit per cluster on the disk on which the file resides. An "on" bit indicates the cluster is allocated (or contains a bad sector). An "off" bit indicates a free cluster, available for allocation to a file. SDOS assumes that the entire disk map can be contained in a single cluster, so if constraint 2 of LCNs is violated (see section on CLUSTERS), one needs to make sure that NBPS*8*NSPC>=INT(NLSN/NSPC) (otherwise the diskmap doesn't fit into a single cluster). If constraint 2 is satisfied, so is this condition (the 8 is the number of bits per byte). Each byte of DISKMAP.SYS represents 8 clusters, such that bit number n (starting with 0, counting from the right) represents an LCN such that (LCN mod 8) = n. Bytes at logically higher byte addresses within DISKMAP.SYS represent groups of LCNs with higher values, so that if LBN (logical byte number), BITN (bit number) represent a particular bit in the DISKMAP.SYS, then that bit corresponds to LCN=LBN*8+BITN (logical cluster number). Cluster space allocation is done by taking the previously allocated cluster number (to a file) as the starting point of a search for a free cluster. Searches toward logical cluster number 0 and NLCN-1 are both made in an attempt to minimize the distance between the cluster number (allocated to the preceding cluster in the file) and the new. Furthermore, an old cluster number of :FFFF causes allocation starting at a random place within the map. The allocator prefers a forward search, and will not bother with a backwards search if it can get a distance of 1 between the old cluster number and the new. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 118 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS DISK CLUSTER ALLOCATION MAP MSB represents Logical Cluster #7 | | LSB corresponds to Logical Cluster #0 | ! __V__________________V__ BYTE #0 ! !<--Logical Clusters #0-7 #1 ! !<--#8-15 #2 ! !<--#16-23 . ! !<--#24-31 . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ^ ! ! | ! ! | ! ! One Cluster ! /-------------- Bit # (NLCN-1) mod 8 | !___________V__ ! (max legal cluster number) | !/////////! ! ! v !/////////!___!________! !//////////////////////! !//////////////////////! !//////////////////////! NOTE: Sector !//////////////////////! Containing Bit !//////////////////////! For NLCN-1 is !///////ILLEGAL////////! Null Filled With !///////CLUSTER////////! 1's to Make it !///////NUMBERS////////! Appear that the !//////////////////////! Illegal LCNs !//////////////////////! are allocated. !//////////////////////! !//////////////////////! !----------------------! A "1" bit --> cluster is busy A "0" bit --> cluster is free (available). COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 119 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS ERRORMSGS.SYS (ERROR MESSAGE FILE) FORMAT: The ERRORMSGS.SYS file is used by SDOS to convert 16 bit error codes into English text messages for the operator. The file must exist on the default disk, and the default disk must be mounted, in order for SDOS to use the file (otherwise SDOS merely prints "Error nnnnn"). The file is organized into two parts, and is sparse. The first part of the file converts 16 bit error codes into string pointers into the file. The second part of the file contains the raw error message text. The 16 bit error code is multiplied by 3, and used as a byte index on the file to fetch a 3 byte relative index into the file. The 3 byte index points to an ASCII error message string, ending with a CR (:0D) character. The SDOS error routines do not print the CR explicitly but use it only to decide where the end of the error message is (see SYSCALL:DISPERROR). A 3 byte index value of zero means "no message defined". The first 65536*3=196608 bytes of the file are reserved for this lookup; since the number of error messages actually defined out of the 65536 possible is very small, this region of the file is sparsely allocated. The first text message starts in byte number 65536*3 of the file. This section of the file is dense. New messages are added to the file by merely appending them to the end, and adjusting the 3 byte pointer corresponding to the error code to point to the old end of file. The program SDOSERRORMAINT is used to maintain the contents of this file. The file ERRORMSGBUILD.DO is a DO file used to initially construct this file. ERROR MESSAGE NUMBER ASSIGNMENTS: 0 No Error 1 Operator Requested Attention 2-99 BASIC Compiler Runtime Errors 100-199 Errors Related to System Processors, Etc. 200-299 EDITor Errors 300-999 Application System Dependent Errors 1000-1999 SDOS / I/O Errors 2000-65535 Reserved COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 120 Software Dynamics SDOS APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS' GUIDE SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS BUILDING A TURN-KEY APPLICATION SYSTEM In many circumstances, the full generality of an SDOS development system is not needed; a simple menu-driven application program selector plus the applications is sufficient. This is useful in an office environment because it reduces the training required of the office personnel. Only two things need be done to build a turn-key application system: 1) The boot process needs to be made automatic. This procedure is hardware dependent and is not described further here. 2) The DEFAULTPROGRAM on an otherwise bootable SDOS disk needs to be replaced by the menu-display program. This program may contain the entire application, or it may CHAIN to other segments at the appropriate time. The other segments, on completion, will EXIT, which causes DEFAULTPROGRAM (the menu-display program) to be reloaded, and the cycle repeats. Note that the application program must set the time and date itself by doing a WRITEB to the CLOCK$ device. System development can still continue on a turn-key system if the menu program has a way of chaining to SDOSCOMMANDS, or if a regular development disk is inserted (just the boot part is automatic). If DEFAULTPROGRAM is replaced by a compiled BASIC 1.4 program, the 1.4 program must be combined with a runtime package. COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 121 Software Dynamics TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 SECTION I: DEVICE-DEPENDENT I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DEVICE-INDEPENDENT I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SECTION II: DEVICE DRIVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 DEVICE DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . 5 DISK FILE DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 DISK DEVICE DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VIRTUAL TERMINAL DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 OPEN & CREATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 RENAME & DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 READA & WRITEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 READB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 VTCONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CC:POSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:DUMPBUFFERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:ECHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:NOECHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:WRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:NOWRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:IDLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CC:TABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CC:SETACTBLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CC:CLRINPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CC:CLROUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CC:SETREADTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CC:SETPROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CC:ALTERPROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 CC:WRITEEDITLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 CC:SETFIELDSIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CC:SETPARAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CC:ACTIVATIONCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CC:SETBAUDRATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CC:COLORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CC:BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CC:KILLPROOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CC:KILLENABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CC:SETEXCEPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CC:SETOUTPUTTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 VTSTATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETPOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETEOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETPARAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETPROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETPROFILENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SC:GETPROFILEALTERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 Software Dynamics SC:GETFREECOUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETDATACOUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETOUTPUTTIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETBAUDRATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETTABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETIDLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETWRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETCOLORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETBACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SC:GETACTCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 SC:ATTENTIONCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 SC:STATUSCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 CONTROL CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 SWITCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 SDOS/MT SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 MULTI-USER CONTROL FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . 36 MULTI-USER STATUS FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 37 THE CLOCK: DEVICE DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SECTION III: SYSCALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 CONCEPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SYSCALL FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SECTION IV: ERROR HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 SECTION V: SYSCALLS - IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . 46 IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 SYSCALL:OPEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SYSCALL:CREATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 SYSCALL:CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 SYSCALL:RENAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 SYSCALL:DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 SYSCALL:LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 SYSCALL:CHAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 SYSCALL:CREATELOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 SYSCALL:CLOSELOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 SYSCALL:DISKDEFAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 SYSCALL:READA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 SYSCALL:READB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 SYSCALL:WRITEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 SYSCALL:WRITEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 SYSCALL:CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 CC:POSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 CC:DUMPBUFFERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 SYSCALL:STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 SYSCALL:WAITDONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 SYSCALL:EXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 SYSCALL:ERROREXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 SYSCALL:SETERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 SYSCALL:GETERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 SYSCALL:DISPERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 SYSCALL:KILLPROOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 SYSCALL:KILLENABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 SYSCALL:DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 Software Dynamics SYSCALL:ATTNCHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 SYSCALL:ISCONSOLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 SYSCALL:INTERLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 SYSCALL:DELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 SYSCALL:GETSERIALNUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . 85 SECTION VI: SDOS CONSTRUCTION/FUNCTIONS . . . . . . 90 WRITING AND DEBUGGING USER ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS . . 90 MEMORY MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 SDOS LOADER FORMATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 SDOS LOAD RECORD FORMATS . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ENCRYPTED OBJECT FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 SDOS DISK FILE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 LOGICAL SECTOR NUMBERS (LSN) . . . . . . . . . . 99 CLUSTERS (LCN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 DISK FILE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 SDOS FILE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 DIRECTORY.SYS STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 THE BOOT.SYS FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SERIALNUMBER.SYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SDOS.SYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 DISKMAP.SYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 ERRORMSGS.SYS FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 BUILDING A TURN-KEY APPLICATION SYSTEM . . . . . 121 COPYRIGHT (C) 1978 Software Dynamics