The files "MCPM720..." are all the same 64K CP/M 2.2 disk image for the MFA computer but in different formats as detailed below. The disk image include utilities for transferring files back and forth between CP/M and a PC (PCGET and PCPUT), as well as the PC2FLOP and FLOP2PC utilities for transferring a complete disk image back and forth with a PC. "MCPM720 (for PC2FLOP).DD" Byte-for-byte copy of the disk content truncated at the end of actual data on the disk. USE THIS IMAGE WITH PC2FLOP TO CREATE A BOOTABLE FLOPPY DISK ON YOUR MFA COMPUTER. "MCPM720.DD" Byte-for-byte copy of the disk content (all 720K bytes) "MCPM720" Disk image in "ImageDisk" format "MCPM720.TD0" Disk image in "Teledisk" format