Announcement Letter Number 283-155 dated June 7, 1983 US - Last Revised on June 7, 1983 Brief Description of Announcement, Charges, and Availability Customer Letter Section IBM PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SYSTEM (PROFS) WILL BE AVAILABLE EARLY 5664-176 PROFS is a program product designed to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-use set of office system and principal support functions for non-DP and DP users. Operating as a VM/SP application program, PROFS offers a wide range of automated office functions for the executive, professional, and secretary. Electronic preparation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of office correspondence within a single system or across multiple VM/SP systems can contribute to increased productivity and improved communications. The PROFS program product will be available on June 24, 1983. IBM will withdraw from marketing the PROFS PRPQ (5799 BEX, #P09033) on June 24, 1983. The PROFS licensed program is based on and extends the functions of the previously available PROFS Programming RPQ (5799-BEX, PRPQ #P09033) PROFS operates under VM/SP Release 1.2 at service level 118 (PUT 8209/8210) and subsequent releases unless otherwise specified. PROFS, as delivered from PID, is compatible with VM/SP System IPO/E Release 2.1 and may be installed in System IPO/E and non-System IPO/E environments. Installing the licensed program is very similar to installing the PRPQ under VM/SP System IPO/E. The program directory delivered with the tape provides instructions on how to begin the installation under VM/SP System IPO/E. The memo to users on the tape provides detailed instructions to complete the installation. Highlights . Easy-to-use 3270 display interface (menus, screens, messages, and help text) . Support for line-mode devices . Message exchange among users . People and facilities scheduling . Facilities for informal notes or formal documents . Document preparation aids . Document formatting and printing . Online information filing, search, and retrieval . Electronic document distribution . Electronic routing slips . Online help information . A follow-up/action function . A reminder function . Proofreading services that include spelling, linguistic, and composition aids . Problem determination aids . Publications structured for non-DP users Description 3270 user interface: PROFS offers a broad range of office and personal services functions. Selection and invocation of these functions is simplified through a set of menu and information entry/display screens and the help facility. The screens are designed to guide the inexperienced user through PROFS while providing commands for fast access to many of the desired functions for the more advanced user. Menu screens are used to present a list of choices for user selection. For example, the first screen in PROFS shows a selection list of major functions. The user selects the program function (PF) key corresponding to the desired function. An alternate method of selection through commands can be used by more experienced users to go directly to a desired function without the aid of menu screens. Additional information about PROFS functions is available to the user through messages and the help facility. Messages are used to advise about the status of a requested function and to alert about entry errors. The user can also invoke the help facility to obtain "how to" information about PROFS functions. Line-mode device support: There are commands available to PROFS users with line-mode devices. These commands, a subset of the PROFS commands available to 3270 users, will help the user create, send, and process memos, notes, and messages as well as help the user maintain the incoming electronic mail, mail log, and note log. Document preparation: PROFS provides facilities to simplify the entry, change, and correction process for documents with simple format requirements. The PROFS document preparation facility uses IBM-supplied or customer-tailored formats to prompt the person creating a document for standard information such as addressee, subject, reference, copy list, etc. Author information such as name, title, and department can be automatically inserted via the PROFS author profile facility. Formatting controls may be entered by the user, although most format controls for memos and formal documents are provided automatically. On completion of the document, PROFS lets the user edit, print, mail, file, delete, set aside temporarily, distribute for review, or further update the document. Proofreading: PROFS provides a comprehensive set of proofreading services to help correct spelling errors and improve usage of words. The PROFS proofreading function can improve user documentation by use of the following: . Spelling verification and spelling aid . Synonym checking . Confusable word usage aid . Phrase checking . System and private dictionaries The spelling verification and spelling aid facilities can be invoked for any document. Once invoked, spelling verification will highlight any misspelled word. The user can correct the misspelled word or invoke the spelling aid that shows the most probable correct spelling for the word. The correctly spelled word will replace the misspelled word when selected by the user. The synonym facility is based on the American Heritage Dictionaries published by Houghton Mifflin Company. It can be used for any word in a document and will display a list of synonyms, if available. Any of the synonyms can be selected to replace the word in the document. The confusable word usage aid is used to determine if homonyms - words that sound the same or similar but are spelled differently - have been used correctly by the author. Incorrect or questionable word usage is highlighted. The phrase checking facility highlights any phrases in the document which may be awkwardly worded. The dictionary facility contains medical, legal, American English, and United Kingdom English dictionaries. One or more personal user dictionaries can also be created and maintained through the facility. These personal dictionaries can contain as many words as the user wishes to have recognized by the spelling verification aid. Document storage, distribution, and receipt: PROFS library services provide a central storage point for documents. Library services allow documents of different types, access controls, and distribution controls to be placed in and retrieved from the PROFS library. Documents are kept in the library and need only be present temporarily on a user's personal storage for such things as viewing, printing, or updating. PROFS manages the task of document storage and flow control. PROFS distribution functions allow PROFS users to send documents to other PROFS users. System and RSCS printers can be used to print documents for delivery through normal mail services outside of PROFS. PROFS uses RSCS and the VM/SP services to distribute and receive information from other PROFS systems. Documents which require the attention of another person may be forwarded. An appropriate routing slip may be attached if the users are on the same system. Documents may also be restricted from further distribution. The document receipt function lets recipients view, print, file, or forward the document to another user as well as hold it for review at a later time. The acknowledgment of mail receipt is provided for mail that flows between PROFS users. File, search, and retrieval: Documents in the PROFS library are indexed so that they can be located using a variety of search terms. Information about the document, such as author, date, subject, and addressee, is extracted for indexing when a document is created. Other identifying information, such as searchable keywords, can be provided as needed by the document originators and recipients. Documents that meet the user-specified search criteria may be viewed at the terminal, printed, forwarded, or retrieved to the user's personal storage. Draft documents can be retrieved, changed, and refiled in the PROFS library. Index records can also be maintained for documents that are not created by PROFS. Formatting and printing: Actual document formatting is performed by Document Composition Facility (DCF). PROFS helps the user by using predefined formatting controls and printing options. Special formats will require end-user specification of DCF format controls and/or generalized mark-up language (GML) tags. Documents can be printed on VM/SP system and RSCS supported printers. An interface is provided for adapting output for final printing on IBM 6670 and 6640 devices. Printing specifications, such as number of copies and printer type, can either be selected from screen menu options or preset for each printer. People and facilities scheduling: PROFS users can establish a personal calendar for scheduling appointments and meetings, recording daily diary items, or setting up "to do's." Appointments may be added, changed, and deleted at any time. Meetings may be scheduled by one-minute increments and may be scheduled concurrently. Users, through the PROFS administrator, can specify who can view or update their individual calendars. Appointments can be made confidential or personal so they are not viewable by others. The display function provides the capability to view the calendar for a day or a month at a time, and to page forward or backward to a desired day or month. Daily or monthly schedules may be printed. The PROFS calendar also provides a powerful function which helps the user schedule meetings involving groups of PROFS users. Date range for the meeting as well as duration and meeting attendees may be specified. PROFS then searches for available time slots on all attendees' schedules. When the user selects from these possible times, a notice is sent to each attendee, showing time, purpose, and location of the meeting and who scheduled it. The user can also search for open times within a date range based on the amount of open time required. End-user services: PROFS has several "service" functions that help people do administrative tasks. One such function is the PROFS scheduling facility, described above. Other services include the following. Note and message facilities: Short, informal communications can be routed between users when there isn't a need for a memo or letter. Notes can be saved, responded to as they are read, or forwarded to others. Both messages and notes may be sent to a list of people. PROFS nicknames may be used in the addressing of this electronic correspondence. With the message facility, a user can have an interactive "conversation" with another active user. Online help facility: Many of the menus in the system have several levels of information to help the user understand what can and cannot be done. Follow-up action function: As part of the mail handling facility, PROFS lets users assign due dates to documents for follow-up. These dates can also be used as search arguments. Reminder function: A reminder function is available to display a message on the user's terminal at a preselected time. The message is accompanied by an audible tone, if available. The message may optionally be repeated at a specified interval up to nine times. Specified operating environment: Support will be provided for this licensed program when it is operated in the following specified operating environment. Hardware requirements: PROFS is designed to operate on any currently supported VM/SP IBM System/370, 4331, 4341, 303X, 308X (in System/370 mode only, 3084 in partitioned processing mode only), or 4321 Model J11 or larger processor with a minimum main storage size of one megabyte. A DASD device which is supported by VM/SP is also required. One nine-track tape drive is required to install PROFS. Device support under PROFS is provided through the VM/SP and RSCS Networking licensed programs. This support consists of the following: . 3270 Display Stations: PROFS supports IBM 3270-type devices having 24, 32, or 43 lines of 80 characters. An EBCDIC typewriter keyboard having at least 12 program function keys is required. EBCDIC typewriter/APL keyboards are supported when used with the APL switch off. EBCDIC typewriter/text keyboards are supported when used with the text switch off. IBM 3279 Models 2B and 3B are supported in four-color compatibility mode only. . The standard character set (94 graphics plus blank and null) is supported on 3276 and 3278 Display Stations. The following are supported, but not required: . Audible alarm (feature #1090) . 3277 dual-case character set (RPQ #8K0366) . 2741 Communication Terminal . 3101 Display Terminal (in character transmission mode) . 328X Printers through RSCS . 7436 Printer (supported as a 3287) . VM/SP System Printer (e.g., 1403, 3211, 3203, and 3800) . Communicating Mag Card Selectric Typewriter used as a 2741 . An interface for adapting printer output for final printing on the 6670 Information Distributor and the 6640 Document Printer, connected through RSCS Software requirements: PROFS is written in IBM/370 Assembler language, EXEC2, and XEDIT command languages. PROFS is designed to operate in a VM/CMS environment and is dependent on the following licensed programs, which are available separately: . VM/System Product (5664-167) Release 1.2 at service level 118 (PUT 8209/8210), or subsequent releases, unless otherwise specified. . VM/High Performance Option (5664-173) Release 2.5 or subsequent releases, unless otherwise specified, for hardware environments that require this extension to VM/SP. . Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem/Networking (5748-XP1) Release 2 or a subsequent release, unless otherwise specified, is required for any of the following: (1) exchange of notes, messages and documents between PROFS systems, (2) support for remotely attached output devices such as the 6670 Information Distributor, or (3) immediate notification to the recipient that the document is available. . Document Composition Facility (5748-XX9) Release 2 or subsequent releases, unless otherwise specified, with the CMS foreground environment feature. Planning information Customer responsibility: Installation of PROFS will require system programmer and system administrator resources. There should also be a knowledgeable individual available for user guidance in text creation and administration. In addition, appropriate competency groups (e.g., administration centers, word processing centers, help centers) should be established for specialization and user assistance. Installation: Installation of a licensed program is the customer's responsibility. PROFS is set of load modules, CMS EXECs, text decks, and supporting files. A VM/SP nucleus-only system generation is required for PROFS installation. Security/integrity: PROFS runs in its own virtual machines and owns the document library contents. Therefore, both PROFS and its libraries receive the normal protection of the virtual machine environment. Additional security measures exist within PROFS itself. General users requesting access to members of the libraries are checked for specific authorization. When a document is stored, the author can specify that it may be retrieved and viewed only by the author or the person(s) to whom it was sent. Calendars may be viewed and/or changed only by those individuals specifically authorized. User management is responsible for the selection, application, adequacy, and implementation of all security features and for appropriate application and administrative controls. Where natural-language text and/or data is to be transmitted via public communications facilities, management may wish to consider the use of encryption. Auditability and control: All requests for document retrieval and storage are recorded in a file and logged on the library services console. User enrollment and validity checking help prevent unauthorized use of PROFS services. Rejected requests are logged for possible later review. VM/SP file access control services are also used to help control the access to PROFS-based information and functions. User management is responsible for the selection, adequacy, and implementation of these features and the appropriate application and for administrative controls. Charges, terms, and conditions Charges: Initial Monthly Basic license $4,000 $600 DSLO 3,000 450 Warranted: Basic license - Yes DSLO - Not applicable Licensed program materials availability: Restricted material-Yes. This licensed program is available with the source level licensed program material for some modules designated as "Restricted Materials of IBM." To obtain this licensed program, prior to September 1, 1983, a customer must acknowledge an understanding of the terms and conditions applicable to "Restricted Materials of IBM" by signing the Supplement to the Agreement for IBM Licensed Programs (Z125-3359) or the Agreement for IBM Licensed Programs (Z125-3358). In addition, some modules will be available without source level licensed program materials. These modules will be available in object code only. Source level licensed material available for PROFS includes routines which may be used to customize the following functions: . Adding encryption (OFSCIPIF) . Adding additional mail types (OFSRDR) . Changing communication delay time (OFSDBMCM, OFSNUCNM) . Supplying additional information to remotely attached printers and systems (OFSIR004, OFSNMVS, ZIPIR001) . Supporting additional printer functions (OFSPRINT, OFSP1403, OFSP6640, OFSP6670, OFSP667T) Testing period: Basic license - Two months DSLO - None Program services: Central service for the Basic license will be available until discontinued by IBM upon six months' written notice. For DSLO licenses, central service will be provided only through the customer location designated for the Basic license. Central service will be provided through IBM Information Systems Group's Program Service Line (PSL). It will be provided directly to customers via the PSL line by PROFS Office Systems Development in Irving, Texas. Local assistance is not specified for PROFS. On-site programming assistance is available only under the Standard Agreement for Systems Engineering Services. Installation license or location license applies: No. A separate license is required for each designated machine on which the licensed program materials will be used. Ordering information Type: 5664. Model: 176. Scheduling: Normal. Basic license: To register as a basic licensed PROFS user, select the feature number for the proper distribution medium: Feature Distribution Number Medium 9002 Basic registration 9/1600 M Tape 9003 Basic registration 9/6250 M Tape Licensed basic machine-readable material: PROFS object modules, macros, and EXECs, and source level licensed program materials as specified under "licensed program materials availability." PROFS messages are supplied in machine-readable form; instructions for printing them are contained in the program directory. To order the basic material, specify the feature number corresponding to the desired distribution medium: Feature Distribution Number Medium 5073 9/1600 M Tape 5074 9/6250 M Tape Also specify the following feature numbers: 2103 - Initial license charge 4504 - Monthly license charge DSLO license: To order a DSLO license, specify the following feature numbers: 2303 - DSLO initial charge 9504 - DSLO monthly license charge* * Ordering this feature will result in PID maintaining a record of this customer location as a DSLO user only. All material for a DLSO user must be ordered by the basic licensee. For DSLO licensees, no other feature codes are valid. Documentation: A memo, program directory, one copy of the Licensed Program Specifications (GH20-5359), and one copy of Planning For and Installing the Professional Office System (SH20-5603) are shipped with the basic material. Publications (available via SLSS from Mechanicsburg): SH20-5603 Planning For and Installing the Professional Office System GH20-5601 Introducing the Professional Office System SH20-5602 Getting Started with the Professional Office System SH20-5604 Using the Professional Office System SH20-5607 Using Line-Mode Support with the Professional Office System SH20-5605 Managing the Professional Office System GX20-2408 Quick Reference to PROFS SH20-5606 Programmer's Guide to the Professional Office System SBOF-1216 Set of all publications mentioned above, including binders